NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 29:13


news <08088> [tidings. Heb. hearing. he ran.]

kissed <05401> [kissed.]

<01697> [all these.]

Genesis 31:28


kiss <05401> [kiss.]

foolishly <05528> [foolishly.]

Genesis 33:4


embraced <02263> [embraced.]

hugged ... neck <05307 06677> [fell on.]

Genesis 45:15


kissed <05401> [Moreover.]

talked <01696> [talked.]

Psalms 2:12


homage <05401> [Kiss.]

<01248> [Son.]


die <06> [and, etc.]

Or, "and ye lose the way," or, "and ye perish in the way." The LXX., and Vulgate have, "and ye perish from the righteous way:" and the Syriac, "and ye perish from his way."

die <06> [ye perish.]

anger <0639> [when.]

blessed <0835> [Blessed.]

Luke 7:45


You gave <1325> [gavest.]

<3778> [this.]

Many have supposed that this person was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the sister of Lazarus. But there is no indication in the gospel history, that Mary Magdalene was the sister of Lazarus; but on the contrary, it would appear that they were perfectly distinct persons, the sister of Lazarus residing at Bethany, while Mary Magdalene appears to have resided at Magdala, east of Jordan, a distance of nearly ninety miles. Add to this, that our Saviour seems to have been now in or near Nain, not at Bethany; and the woman appears from the recital to have been previously unknown to him.

Acts 20:37


weep <2805> [wept.]

hugged <1968> [fell.]

kissed <2705> [kissed.]

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