NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 42:21


said <0559> [they said.]

saw <07200> [we saw.]

distressed .................... distress <06869> [this distress.]

Exodus 10:16


summoned Moses <07121 04872> [called for. Heb. hastened to call. I have.]

Numbers 22:34


sinned <02398> [I Have sinned.]

<07489> [if it displease thee. Heb. be evil in thine eyes.]

back <07725> [I will get.]

Numbers 22:1


Israelites <01121> [the children.]

side <05676> [on this side.]

Numbers 15:24


done ............. prepare <06213> [if ought.]

knowledge <05869> [without. Heb. from the eyes. one young bullock.]

grain offering <04503> [with his.]

customary <04941> [manner. or, ordinance. one kid.]

Numbers 15:30


acts <06213 07311> [doeth ought.]

<07311> [presumptuously. Heb. with an high hand.]

That is, bold, daring, deliberate acts of transgression against the fullest evidence, and in despite of the Divine authority. Such conduct "reproacheth the Lord," as if his commands were needless, unreasonable, and inimical to the happiness of man; his favour were not desirable, or his wrath not to be feared: in short, as if it were more advantageous to rebel against him than to serve him. Such acts admitted of no atonement: the person was condemned to bear his own iniquity, and to be cut off.

insults <01442> [reproacheth.]

Job 7:20


sinned <02398> [I have sinned.]

watcher <05341> [O thou preserver.]

set <07760> [why hast.]

burden <04853> [I am.]

Job 33:27


sings <07789> [looketh, etc. or, shall look upon men, and say, I have sinned, etc.]

sinned <02398> [I.]

falsified <05753> [perverted.]

<03477> [right.]

deserved <07737> [it profited.]

Psalms 38:18


confess .......... sins <05046 02403> [For.]

concerned <01672> [sorry.]

Matthew 27:4


I have sinned <264> [I have sinned.]

<121> [the innocent.]

What <5101> [What.]

<3700> [see.]

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