Hebrews 13:7-15
leaders <2233> [which.]
leaders <2233> [have the rule. or, are the guides. word.]
<3739> [whose.]
reflect <333> [considering.]
outcome <1545> [the end.]
1Co 10:13 *Gr:
<4064> [carried.]
Mt 24:4,24 Ac 20:30 Ro 16:17,18 2Co 11:11-15 Ga 1:6-9 Eph 4:14
Eph 5:6 Col 2:4,8 2Th 2:2 1Ti 4:1-3 6:3-5,20 1Jo 4:1 Jude 1:3 [All]
good <2570> [it is.]
not ....................... not ritual meals .... never <3361 3756 1033> [not with.]
9:9,10 Le 11:1-47 De 14:3-21 Ac 10:14-16 Ro 14:2,6,17 1Co 6:13
1Co 8:8 Col 2:16-20 1Ti 4:3-5 Tit 1:14,15 [All]
an altar <2379> [an altar.]
serve <3000> [serve.]
<4983> [the bodies.]
sanctify <37> [sanctify.]
suffered <3958> [suffered.]
11:26 12:3 Mt 5:11 10:24,25 16:24 27:32,39-44 Lu 6:22 Ac 5:41
1Co 4:10-13 2Co 12:10 1Pe 4:4,14-16 [All]
4:9 11:9,10,12-16 12:22 Mic 2:10 1Co 7:29 2Co 4:17,18 5:1-8
Php 3:20 *Gr:
Col 3:1-3 1Pe 4:7 2Pe 3:13,14 [All]
him ...................... his <846> [him.]
a sacrifice <2378> [the sacrifice.]
Le 7:12 2Ch 7:6 29:31 33:16 Ezr 3:11 Ne 12:40,43 Ps 50:14,23
Ps 69:30,31 107:21,22 116:17-19 118:19 136:1-26 145:1-21
Isa 12:1,2 Eph 5:19,20 Col 1:12 3:16 1Pe 4:11 Re 4:8-11 5:9-14
Re 7:9-12 19:1-6 [All]
fruit <2590> [the fruit.]
him ..................... acknowledging his <3670 846> [giving thanks to. Gr. confessing to.]