Hebrews 7:20-24
a sworn affirmation <3728> [an oath. or, swearing of an oath.]
Lord <2962> [The Lord.]
has sworn <3660> [sware.]
guarantee <1450> [a surety.]
of a better <2909> [of a.]
covenant <1242> [testament.]
Rather covenant, [diatheke <\\See definition 1242\\>.]
but <1161> [But.]
[Ho de <\\See definition 1161\\>,] But he, that is, Christ, because "he continueth ever," hath [aparabatos <\\See definition 531\\> hierosune <\\See definition 2420\\>,] "a priesthood that passeth not away from him."
he lives <846 3306> [he continueth.]
he holds <2192> [hath.]
priesthood permanently <531 2420> [an unchangeable priesthood. or, a priesthood which passeth not from one to another.]