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Isaiah 13:1-14

The burden
of Babylon
which Isaiah
the son
of Amoz
did see
<02372> (8804)_.
Lift ye up
<05375> (8798)
a banner
upon the high
<08192> (8737)
<07311> (8685)
the voice
unto them, shake
<05130> (8685)
the hand
that they may go
<0935> (8799)
into the gates
of the nobles
I have commanded
<06680> (8765)
my sanctified ones
<06942> (8794)_,
I have also called
<07121> (8804)
my mighty ones
for mine anger
[even] them that rejoice
in my highness
The noise
of a multitude
in the mountains
like as
of a great
a tumultuous
of the kingdoms
of nations
gathered together
<0622> (8737)_:
the LORD
of hosts
<06485> (8764)
the host
of the battle
{like...: Heb. the likeness of}
They come
<0935> (8802)
from a far
from the end
of heaven
[even] the LORD
and the weapons
of his indignation
to destroy
<02254> (8763)
the whole land
<03213> (8685)
ye; for the day
of the LORD
[is] at hand
it shall come
<0935> (8799)
as a destruction
from the Almighty
Therefore shall all hands
be faint
<07503> (8799)_,
and every man's
shall melt
<04549> (8735)_:
{be faint: or, fall down}
And they shall be afraid
<0926> (8738)_:
and sorrows
shall take hold
<0270> (8799)
of them; they shall be in pain
<02342> (8799)
as a woman that travaileth
<03205> (8802)_:
they shall be amazed
<08539> (8799)
at another
their faces
[shall be as] flames
{be amazed: Heb. wonder} {one...: Heb. every man at his neighbour} {flames: Heb. faces of the flames}
Behold, the day
of the LORD
<0935> (8804)_,
both with wrath
and fierce
to lay
<07760> (8800)
the land
and he shall destroy
<08045> (8686)
the sinners
thereof out of it.
For the stars
of heaven
and the constellations
thereof shall not give
<01984> (8686)
their light
the sun
shall be darkened
<02821> (8804)
in his going forth
<03318> (8800)_,
and the moon
shall not cause her light
to shine
<05050> (8686)_.
And I will punish
<06485> (8804)
the world
for [their] evil
and the wicked
for their iniquity
and I will cause the arrogancy
of the proud
to cease
<07673> (8689)_,
and will lay low
<08213> (8686)
the haughtiness
of the terrible
I will make a man
more precious
<03365> (8686)
than fine gold
even a man
than the golden wedge
of Ophir
Therefore I will shake
<07264> (8686)
the heavens
and the earth
shall remove
<07493> (8799)
out of her place
in the wrath
of the LORD
of hosts
and in the day
of his fierce
And it shall be as the chased
<05080> (8716)
and as a sheep
that no man taketh up
<06908> (8764)_:
they shall every man
<06437> (8799)
to his own people
and flee
<05127> (8799)
every one
into his own land

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