NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Isaiah 22:16


chisel out ........ chisels <02672> [What hast.]

chisel out ........ chisels <02672> [hewed.]

There are some monuments still remaining in Persia, of great antiquity, says Bp. Lowth, called Naksi Rustam, which give a clear idea of Shebna's pompous design for his sepulchre. They consist of several sepulchres, each of them hewn in a high rock near the top. The front of the rock to the valley below is adorned with carved work in relief, being the outside of the sepulchre. Some of these sepulchres are about thirty feet in the perpendicular from the valley, which is itself raised perhaps about half as much by the accumulation of the earth since they were made.

chisel out ........ chisels <02672> [as he. or, O he.]

Isaiah 22:2


<04392> [that art.]

slain .... cut down <02491> [thy slain.]

Isaiah 24:16


ends <03671> [uttermost part. Heb. wing.]

majestic <06643> [glory.]

say <0559> [But.]

wasting away ... wasting away <07334> [My leanness. Heb. Leanness to me. or, My secret to me. the treacherous.]

Isaiah 24:1


earth <0776> [A.M. 3292. B.C.712. maketh the.]

mar ... surface <06440 05753> [turneth it upside down. Heb. perverteth the face thereof.]

scatter <06327> [scattereth.]

Ecclesiastes 6:3


man <0376> [a man.]

time <03117> [so.]

live forever <06900> [and also.]

stillborn child <05309> [that an.]

Ezekiel 32:18-32


wail <05091> [wail.]

down ...................... descend <03381> [cast.]

That is, predict that they shall be cast down.

daughters <01323> [the daughters.]

The cities and colonies of the celebrated nations afterwards enumerated.

lower parts <08482> [unto the.]


surpass <05276> [dost.]

down <03381> [go.]

uncircumcised <06189> [with.]


fall <05307> [fall.]

by ... sword ... sword <05414 02719> [she is delivered to the sword. or, the sword is laid. draw.]


bravest <0410> [strong.]

Pharaoh is here represented as descending into the regions of the dead, whither many mighty warriors and potentates had gone before him, who welcome him to their dreary mansion.

down <03381> [gone.]




graves <06913> [graves.]

The niches in the sides of the subterranean burying places.

spread <05414> [which.]

terror <02851> [terror. or, dismaying. the land.]


Elam <05867> [Elam.]

down ............................. descend <03381> [which are.]

spread <05414> [which caused.]

bear <05375> [borne.]


made ... bed .............................................. placed <05414 04904> [set her.]

bed <04904> [a bed.]

A cell, or bier, in the sepulchral vault, in which the corpse was deposited.

uncircumcised <06189> [all of them.]

terror <02851> [though.]


Meshech-Tubal <04902> [Meshech.]

Supposed to be the Moschi, a people between Iberia and Armenia, from whom, probably the Muscovites are descended.

Meshech-Tubal <08422> [Tubal.]

Probably the Tibarenians, a people of Pontus, west of the Moschians.

uncircumcised <06189> [all of.]

spread <05414> [caused.]


lie <07901> [shall not.]

Sheol <07585> [to hell.]

That is, to the grave; and are buried in their armour, with their weapons lying by their sides, as was a very ancient practice in various nations.

weapons ... war <04421 03627> [their weapons of war. Heb. weapons of their war.]

shields <05771> [but.]



Edom <0123> [Edom.]

Despite <05414> [laid. Heb. given, or put.]


leaders <05257> [the princes.]

The kings of Media, Armenia, and other nations north of Chaldea, or of the Syrians and others north of Judah, with "all the Zidonians," kings of Zidon, Tyre, and other cities of Phoenicia.

bear <05375> [and bear.]


Pharaoh ... see ................ Pharaoh <06547 07200> [Pharaoh shall.]

Pharaoh, who said he was a god, shall be found among the dead.

consoled <05162> [shall be.]

Shall console himself, when he sees all these mighty nations and proud conquerors in the same condition as himself.


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