Isaiah 41:8-16
Israel <03478> [thou.]
offspring <02233> [the seed.]
friend <0157> [my friend.]
bringing back <02388> [whom.]
summoned <07121> [called.]
chosen <0977> [I have chosen.]
afraid <03372> [Fear.]
God <0430> [for I am thy God.]
strengthen <0553> [I will strengthen.]
uphold <08551> [I will uphold.]
right hand <03225> [the right.]
angry <02734> [all they.]
<0582> [as nothing.]
adversaries <07379 0582> [they that strive with thee. Heb. the men of thy strife.]
look for <01245> [shalt seek.]
opponents <04695 0582> [them that contended with thee. Heb. the men of thy contention. they that war against thee. Heb. the men of thy war.]
hold <02388> [will hold.]
afraid <03372> [Fear.]
despised insignificant <08438> [thou worm.]
men <04962> [men. or, few men.]
says <05002> [saith.]
making ..................... make <07760> [I will make.]
double-edged <06374> [teeth. Heb. mouths. thou shalt.]
winnow <02219> [shalt fan.]
rejoice <01523> [thou shalt rejoice.]