Kidung Jemaat
Matthew 7:7-8
Mintalah [KJ.455]
Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
1. Naikkan doa tak enggan; Yesus pasti berkenan.
Doa itu p'rintahNya: Ia tak menolaknya.Mat 7:7-11
Mrk 11:24
Ef 6:18
Flp 4:6
Kol 4:2-3
1 Tim 2:1-3
Ibr 4:16
2. Maharaja Dialah, tak terbatas kuasaNya:
minta saja apapun; pasti sanggup Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Why 19:16
Yoh 14:13-14
Yoh 16:23-24
3. Dosa sarat menekan; Tuhan, angkatlah beban
dan sucikan diriku oleh curah darahMu!
1 Yoh 1:7
4. B'rikanlah sentosaMu dan kuasai diriku.
Penebusku, Kau berhak jadi Rajaku tetap.
5. Biar oleh kasihMu bersemangat langkahku:
Kau Pembimbing dan Teman hingga akhir yang terang.
Ibr 12:1-3
6. JalanMu tunjukkanlah, jiwaku kuatkanlah,
hingga hidup matiku memenuhi maksudMu.Play T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Mzm 45; Kdg. Agung
1. T'rang Bintang Fajar berseri, cerminan sorga memberi karunia, kebenaran.
Ya Anak Daud, Rajaku, Engkau Pengantin umatMu; hatiku Kau besarkan!
Mahamurah dan mulia, Kau sedia melimpahkan sukacita pengharapan.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16-17
Ef 5:25-27
2. Engkaulah mutiaraku, Putra mahkota BapaMu, Pangeran Mahamulia!
Kau bunga bakung hatiku; betapa harum InjilMu, lipuran yang sempurna!
Hosiana! Kau dandanan dan santapan yang sorgawi: Kau sertaku tiap hari!
Mat 13:44-46
Kid 2:1
Yoh 6:32-58
3. Pancarkanlah di batinku cahaya sinar kasihMu, Permata yang abadi!
Ya Pokok-anggur yang benar, buatlah rantingMu segar berbuah yang sejati!
Kaulah Nyala pengasihan, kebajikan dalam hati: rindu lama Kauobati!
Yoh 15:1-8
4. WajahMu mencerminkan t'rus pribadi Allah yang kudus penuh kemurahanNya.
Ya Yesus, b'rilah sabdaMu dan Roh KudusMu yang teguh sertaku selamanya!
Lihat, ingat akan daku dan Kauhapus air mataku: t'rima aku di mejaMu!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
5. Ya Bapa mahamulia, sebelum ada dunia telah Kaupilih aku.
Di dalam Putra TunggalMu Kau menerima diriku: padaNya 'ku terpadu.
Haleluya! Hidup sorga yang sempurna diberiNya: sukacita tak terhingga!
Ef 1:4
Gal 4:4-6
6. Pujianmu, hai dunia, dengan musik iringilah demi PerjamuanNya!
Muliakanlah Sang Mempelai di singgasana yang permai; bersuka, hai umatNya!
Nyanyi, tari bergiliran, bergembira puji Tuhan, Maharaja Keagungan!
Why 19:6-9
7. Alangkah riang hatiku, sebab 'ku jadi milikMu, ya Alfa dan Omega!
Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Kau dan Pohon Hidup di firdaus, Engkau harapan g'reja!
Amin, amin, Kurindukan Dikau, Tuhan; 'ku berkata: oleh Rohmu:"Maranata!"Why 1:8, 17
Why 22:13
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
1 Kor 16:22
Why 22:20
Play Tuhan dalam Sorga [KJ.449]
1. Tuhan dalam sorga, Khalik dunia,
mengenal semua anak-anakNya.
2. Ia mendengarkan doa dan keluh;
Tuhan siang-malam Bapa bagimu!
Mzm 145:18
Mat 7:7-11
3. Hidup dan makanan diberikanNya,
Yang membuka tangan untuk yang lemah.
Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
Mat 6:25-34
4. Mari kita cari kerajaanNya
tiap-tiap hari bagi dunia!Mat 6:33
John 4:10
Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
1. Yang Mahakasih ya itu Allah; Allah Pengasih pun bagiku.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:8, 16
2. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
3. Walau dirantai oleh dosaku, walau dirantai tak terlepas,
Rm 6:15-23
4. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
5. Walaupun maut upah dosaku, walaupun maut mengancamku,
Rm 6:23
6. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
7. Allah mengutus Yesus, Tuhanku; Allah mengutus Sang Penebus.
Kis 3:26
1 Yoh 4:9
8. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
9. Yesuslah Kurban Tebusan dosa; Yesuslah Kurban pun bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
10. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
11. Sabda dan RohNya penuh anug'rah; Sabda dan RohNya mengundangku.
12. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
13. Sabda kasihNya penawar haus; Sabda KasihNya air hidupku.
Yoh 4:10-14
Yoh 7:37-38
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:17
14. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
15. Kasih sorgawi sumber selamat; Kasih sorgawi penghiburku.
16. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
17. O Kasih Allah, pelipur lara; o Kasih Allah, bahagiaku!
18. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
19. Hati dan jiwa bersukacita; hati dan jiwa sejahtera.
Flp 4:4, 7
20. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
21. Akulah waris suka sorgawi; akulah waris tempat kekal.
Rm 8:17
Yak 2:5
22. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
23. Engkau kupuji kasih abadi; Engkau kupuji selamanya.
24. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku. Play
John 16:24
BagiMu Tuhan, Nyanyianku [KJ.8]
1. BagiMu, Tuhan, nyanyianku, kar'na setaraMu siapakah ?
Hendak kupuji Kau selalu; padaku Roh Kudus berikanlah,
Supaya dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
kidungku berkenan kepadaMu.
Mzm 89:7
Yes 40:25
Ef 5:18-20
2. O tuntun aku ke PutraMu,
agar padaMu 'ku dituntunNya:
dan RohMu diam dalam rohku,
membuat mata hatiku cerah,
sehingga kurasakan damaiMu
dan kuungkapkan dalam kidungku.
Ef 1:17-18
3. Beri berkatMu, Maha Tuhan,
gar benar kudus puianku,
dan doa juga kulagukan
di dalam Roh dan kebenaranMu,
jiwaku pun padaMu bersyukur,
bersama bala sorga bermazmur.
Yoh 4:23
Mzm 103:20-22
4. Doaku yang tak terucapkan,
Roh kudusMu yang mengungkapkannya
Dan bahwa aku anak Allah,
Roh kudus juga mengatakannya,
sehingga dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
'ku berseru, "Ya Abba, Bapaku!"
Rm 8:26
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
5. Padaku RohMu mengajarkan
berdoa yang sesuai maksudMu;
ya Bapa, pasti Kaudengarkan
doaku dalam nama PutraMu:
di dalam Dia kuterimalah
karunia demi karunia.
Rm 8:26-27
Yoh 16:23-27
Yoh 1:16
6. Betapa aku bahagia
dan sukacita hatiku penuh:
'ku yakin, Kau memperhatikan
semua yang kumohon padaMu.
Berkelimpahan pemberianMu,
Jauh melebihi perkiraanku.
Ef 3:20
7. Di dalam Kristus 'ku terjamin:
Ia sendiri Perantaraku;
di dalam Dia "ya" dan "amin"
yang dalam Roh kuminta padaMu.
Kupuji Dikau kini dan kekal
kar'na bahagia itu kukenal.1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 1:20
Play Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
1. Naikkan doa tak enggan; Yesus pasti berkenan.
Doa itu p'rintahNya: Ia tak menolaknya.Mat 7:7-11
Mrk 11:24
Ef 6:18
Flp 4:6
Kol 4:2-3
1 Tim 2:1-3
Ibr 4:16
2. Maharaja Dialah, tak terbatas kuasaNya:
minta saja apapun; pasti sanggup Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Why 19:16
Yoh 14:13-14
Yoh 16:23-24
3. Dosa sarat menekan; Tuhan, angkatlah beban
dan sucikan diriku oleh curah darahMu!
1 Yoh 1:7
4. B'rikanlah sentosaMu dan kuasai diriku.
Penebusku, Kau berhak jadi Rajaku tetap.
5. Biar oleh kasihMu bersemangat langkahku:
Kau Pembimbing dan Teman hingga akhir yang terang.
Ibr 12:1-3
6. JalanMu tunjukkanlah, jiwaku kuatkanlah,
hingga hidup matiku memenuhi maksudMu.Play
James 1:5
[Jam 1:5] What Would Jesus Do?
There’s a voice that whispers
To the willing heart,
And its words so tender
Joy and peace impart;
When in doubt or trouble,
To your heart be true,
Hear the Spirit saying:
What would Jesus do?Refrain
What would Jesus do?
What would Jesus do?
Hear the Spirit saying:
What would Jesus do?When some strong temptation
Holds you in its pow’r,
When a fear of failure
Haunts each waking hour,
You can end the conflict
And your fears subdue,
If you heed the message,
What would Jesus do?Refrain
Then no longer falter,
Then no longer fear,
Ev’ry path of duty
Will be bright and clear;
If you pray for wisdom,
It will come to you,
While the Spirit whispers,
What would Jesus do?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 7:7-8
[Mat 7:7] Bless This Hour Of Prayer
Come in our midst, O gracious Lord,
Unveil Thy smiling face,
Distil in every waiting heart,
The dew of heavenly grace;
From earthly scenes we turn aside,
On Thee we cast our care;
We worship in Thy holy Name;
O! bless this hour of prayer.Come in our midst, O gracious Lord,
Thy promise we believe,
That bids us seek and we shall find,
Ask and we shall receive;
We gather at Thy mercy seat,
Our only hope is there,
We plead the merits of Thy blood;
O! bless this hour of prayer.Come in our midst, O gracious Lord,
Eternal King of kings,
And fold the children of the law
Beneath Thy mighty wings;
Support the weak, the mourner cheer,
Help all their cross to bear;
Thou Spring of joy, Thou Source of life,
O! bless this hour of prayer.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:7] Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare:
Jesus loves to answer prayer;
He Himself has bid thee pray,
Therefore will not say thee nay;
Therefore will not say thee nay.Thou art coming to a King,
Large petitions with thee bring;
For His grace and power are such,
None can ever ask too much;
None can ever ask too much.With my burden I begin:
Lord, remove this load of sin;
Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt,
Set my conscience free from guilt;
Set my conscience free from guilt.Lord, I come to Thee for rest,
Take possession of my breast;
There Thy blood bought right maintain,
And without a rival reign;
And without a rival reign.As the image in the glass
Answers the beholder’s face;
Thus unto my heart appear,
Print Thine own resemblance there,
Print Thine own resemblance there.While I am a pilgrim here,
Let Thy love my spirit cheer;
As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend,
Lead me to my journey’s end;
Lead me to my journey’s end.Show me what I have to do,
Every hour my strength renew:
Let me live a life of faith,
Let me die Thy people’s death;
Let me die Thy people’s death.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:7] Have You Prayed It Through?
Have you prayed all night, till the break of day,
And the morning light drove the dark away?
Did you linger there, till the morning dew,
In prevailing prayer, did you pray it through?Refrain
Did you pray till the answer came,
Did you plead in the Savior’s Name?
Have you prayed all night till the morning light,
Did you pray till the answer came?Did you pray it through, till the answer came?
There’s a promise true for your faith to claim,
At the place of prayer, Jesus waits for you,
Did you meet Him there, did you pray it through?Refrain
As the Master prayed in the garden lone,
Let your prayer be made to the Father’s throne,
If you seek His will, He will answer you,
Are you trusting still, have you prayed it through?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 11:9-13
[Luk 11:9] O Father, Thou Who Hast Created All
O Father, Thou Who hast created all
In wisest love, we pray,
Look on this babe, who at Thy gracious call
Is entering on life’s way;
Bend o’er him in Thy tenderness,
Thine image on his soul impress;
O Father, hear!O Son of God, who diedst for us, behold,
We bring our child to Thee;
Thou tender Shepherd, take him to Thy fold,
Thine own for aye to be;
Defend him through this earthly strife,
And lead him on the path of life,
O Son of God!O Holy Ghost, who broodest o’er the wave,
Descend upon this child;
Give him undying life, his spirit lave
With waters undefiled;
Grant him, while yet a babe, to be
A child of God, a home for Thee,
O Holy Ghost!O Triune God, what Thou command’st is done;
We speak, but Thine the might;
This child hath scarce yet seen our earthly sun,
Yet pour on him Thy light,
In faith and hope, in joy and love,
Thou Sun of all below, above,
O Triune God!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 11:9] Tell It To Jesus
Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
Are you grieving over joys departed?
Tell it to Jesus alone.Refrain
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus,
He is a Friend that’s well known.
You’ve no other such a friend or brother,
Tell it to Jesus alone.Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
Have you sins that to men’s eyes are hidden?
Tell it to Jesus alone.Refrain
Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow?
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow?
Tell it to Jesus alone.Refrain
Are you troubled at the thought of dying?
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
For Christ’s coming kingdom are you sighing?
Tell it to Jesus alone.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 11:13] Come, Thou Holy Paraclete
Come, Thou holy Paraclete,
And from Thy celestial seat
Send Thy light and brilliancy:
Father of the poor, draw near;
Giver of all gifts, be here;
Come, the soul’s true radiancy.Come, of comforters the best,
Of the soul the sweetest guest,
Come in toil refreshingly:
Thou in labor rest most sweet,
Thou art shadow from the heat,
Comfort in adversity.O Thou Light, most pure and blest,
Shine within the inmost breast
Of Thy faithful company.
Where Thou art not, man hath naught;
Every holy deed and thought
Comes from Thy divinity.What is soilèd, make Thou pure;
What is wounded, work its cure;
What is parchèd, fructify;
What is rigid, gently bend;
What is frozen, warmly tend;
Strengthen what goes erringly.Fill Thy faithful, who confide
In Thy power to guard and guide,
With Thy sevenfold mystery.
Here Thy grace and virtue send:
Grant salvation to the end,
And in Heav’n felicity.Play source: Cyberhymnal