James 5:3-5
have rusted <2728> [cankered.]
a witness <3142> [a witness.]
and ..... and .......... It will consume <2532 5315> [and shall.]
you have hoarded treasure <2343> [Ye have.]
last <2078> [the last.]
pay <3408> [the hire.]
cries <995> [the cries.]
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
You have lived indulgently <5171> [have lived.]
1Sa 25:6,36 Job 21:11-15 Ps 17:14 73:7 Ec 11:9 Isa 5:11,12
Isa 47:8 56:12 Am 6:1,4-6 Lu 16:19,25 1Ti 5:6 2Ti 3:4 Jude 1:12
Re 18:7 [All]
luxuriously <4684> [been.]