Judges 3:15-22
cried out ...... Lord he <02199 03068> [A.M. 2679. B.C. 1325. An. Ex. Is. 166. cried unto.]
Benjaminite <01145> [a Benjamite. or, the son of Jemini. left-handed. Heb. shut of his right hand.]
This Hebrew phrase intimates that, either through disease or disuse, he made little or no use of the right hand, but of his left only, and so was the less fit for war, because he would most likely wield a dagger awkwardly: yet God chose this left-handed man to be the minister of his retributive justice. It was God's right hand that gained Israel the victory, Ps 44:3; not the right hand of the instruments he employed.
sent .......... tribute payment <07971 04503> [sent a present.]
two edges <06366 08147> [two edges.]
right <03225> [upon.]
very fat <01277 03966> [a very fat.]
carved images <06456> [quarries. or graven images.]
secret <05643> [a secret.]
attendants <05975> [And all that.]
well-ventilated upper room <05944 04747> [a summer parlour. Heb. a parlour of cooling.]
The {ƒleeyah,} or upper chamber, seems to have been of the same description as the {ol‰ah} of the Arabs, but properly ventilated, described by Dr. Shaw, who says, that to most of their houses there is a smaller one annexed, which sometimes rises one story higher than the house; at other times, it consists of one or two rooms only, and a terrace; while others that are built, as they frequently are, over the porch or gateway, have, if we except the ground floor, which they want, all the conveniences that belong to the house itself. There is a door of communication from them into the gallery of the house; besides another, which opens immediately from a private staircase, down into the porch or street, without giving the least disturbance to the house. In these back houses strangers are usually lodged and entertained; and to them likewise the men are wont to retire from the noise and hurry of their families, to be more at leisure for mediation or diversions.
message <01697> [I have.]
rose up <06965> [he arose.]
drove ..... belly <08628 0990> [thrust it.]
<03318 06574> [the dirt came out. or, it came out at the fundament.]