NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Jeremiah 2:20

2:20 <02181> hnz <06808> heu <0859> ta <07488> Nner <06086> Ue <03605> lk <08478> txtw <01364> hhbg <01389> hebg <03605> lk <05921> le <03588> yk <05647> *rwbea {dbea} <03808> al <0559> yrmatw <04147> Kytrowm <05423> ytqtn <05923> Kle <07665> ytrbs <05769> Mlwem <03588> yk(2:20)

2:20 oti <3754> ap <575> aiwnov <165> sunetriqav <4937> ton <3588> zugon <2218> sou <4771> diespasav <1288> touv <3588> desmouv sou <4771> kai <2532> eipav ou <3364> douleusw <1398> alla <235> poreusomai <4198> epi <1909> pan <3956> bounon <1015> uqhlon <5308> kai <2532> upokatw <5270> pantov <3956> xulou <3586> kataskiou ekei <1563> diacuyhsomai en <1722> th <3588> porneia <4202> mou <1473>

Jeremiah 26:8-9

26:8 <04191> twmt <04191> twm <0559> rmal <05971> Meh <03605> lkw <05030> Myabnhw <03548> Mynhkh <0853> wta <08610> wvptyw <05971> Meh <03605> lk <0413> la <01696> rbdl <03068> hwhy <06680> hwu <0834> rsa <03605> lk <0853> ta <01696> rbdl <03414> whymry <03615> twlkk <01961> yhyw(26:8)

26:8 (33:8) kai <2532> egeneto <1096> ieremiou <2408> pausamenou <3973> lalountov <2980> panta <3956> a <3739> sunetaxen <4929> autw <846> kuriov <2962> lalhsai <2980> panti <3956> tw <3588> law <2992> kai <2532> sunelabosan <4815> auton <846> oi <3588> iereiv <2409> kai <2532> oi <3588> qeudoprofhtai <5578> kai <2532> pav <3956> o <3588> laov <2992> legwn <3004> yanatw <2288> apoyanh <599>

26:9 <03068> hwhy <01004> tybb <03414> whymry <0413> la <05971> Meh <03605> lk <06950> lhqyw <03427> bswy <0369> Nyam <02717> brxt <02063> tazh <05892> ryehw <02088> hzh <01004> tybh <01961> hyhy <07887> wlsk <0559> rmal <03068> hwhy <08034> Msb <05012> tybn <04069> ewdm(26:9)

26:9 (33:9) oti <3754> eprofhteusav <4395> tw <3588> onomati <3686> kuriou <2962> legwn <3004> wsper <3746> shlwm estai <1510> o <3588> oikov <3624> outov <3778> kai <2532> h <3588> poliv <4172> auth <3778> erhmwyhsetai <2049> apo <575> katoikountwn kai <2532> exekklhsiasyh pav <3956> o <3588> laov <2992> epi <1909> ieremian <2408> en <1722> oikw <3624> kuriou <2962>

Matthew 23:31

23:31 wstemartureite otiuioi estefoneusantwn profhtav

Matthew 23:33-37

23:33 ofeivgennhmata ecidnwnpwv fughtethv krisewvthv geennhv

23:34 diatouto idouapostellw umavprofhtav kaisofouv kaigrammateiv exautwn apokteneitestaurwsete exautwn mastigwsetetaiv sunagwgaivumwn kaidiwxete polewveiv polin

23:35 opwvelyh umavpan aimadikaion ekcunnomenonthv ghvapo touaimatov abeltou dikaiouewv touaimatov zacariouuiou baraciouon efoneusatetou naoukai touyusiasthriou

23:36 amhnlegw hxeipanta epithn geneantauthn

23:37 ierousalhmierousalhm hapokteinousa profhtavkai liyobolousaapestalmenouv authnposakiv hyelhsatekna souon troponorniv episunageinossia [authv] upotav pterugavkai oukhyelhsate <2309> (5656)

Luke 11:47-51

11:47 ouaiumin otioikodomeite mnhmeiatwn profhtwnoi depaterev umwnapekteinan

11:48 aramarturev estesuneudokeite ergoivtwn paterwnumwn otiautoi menapekteinan umeivde oikodomeite <3618> (5719)

11:49 diatouto kaih sofiatou yeoueipen autouvprofhtav kaiapostolouv kaiex autwnapoktenousin diwxousin <1377> (5692)

11:50 inaekzhthyh aimapantwn twnprofhtwn toekkecumenon katabolhvkosmou apothv geneavtauthv

11:51 apoaimatov abelewv aimatovzacariou touapolomenou touyusiasthriou kaitou oikounai legwekzhthyhsetai thvgeneav tauthv

Acts 7:52

7:52 tinatwn profhtwnouk ediwxanpaterev umwnkai apekteinanprokataggeilantav thveleusewv toudikaiou ounun umeivprodotai kaifoneiv egenesye <1096> (5633)

Acts 7:1

7:1 eipeno arciereuvei tautaoutwv ecei <2192> (5719)

Acts 2:15-16

2:15 ougar wvumeiv upolambanetemeyuousin wratrith thvhmerav

2:16 allatouto estineirhmenon touprofhtou iwhl

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