Job 12:1
Job 3:1-26
Let that day
be darkness
let not God
it from above
neither let the light
upon it.<05105>
Let darkness
and the shadow of death
it; let a cloud
upon it; let the blackness
of the day
it. {stain: or, challenge} {let the...: or, let them terrify it, as those who have a bitter day}<03117>
As [for] that night
let darkness
unto the days
of the year
into the number
of the months
{let it not be...: or, let it not rejoice among the days}<03391>_.
Let the stars
of the twilight
for light
the dawning
of the day
{the dawning...: Heb. the eyelids of the morning}<07837>_:
The small
and great
are there; and the servant
[is] free
from his master
Wherefore is light
to him that is in misery
and life
unto the bitter
[in] soul
For my sighing
I eat
and my roarings
like the waters
{I eat: Heb. my meat}<04325>_.
For the thing which I greatly
unto me. {the thing...: Heb. I feared a fear, and it came upon me}<06343>