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Lamentations 2:1-10

How hath the Lord
<05743> (0)
the daughter
of Zion
with a cloud
<05743> (8686)
in his anger
[and] cast down
<07993> (8689)
from heaven
unto the earth
the beauty
of Israel
and remembered
<02142> (8804)
not his footstool
<01916> <07272>
in the day
of his anger
The Lord
hath swallowed up
<01104> (8765)
all the habitations
of Jacob
and hath not pitied
<02550> (8804)_:
he hath thrown down
<02040> (8804)
in his wrath
the strong holds
of the daughter
of Judah
he hath brought [them] down
<05060> (8689)
to the ground
he hath polluted
<02490> (8765)
the kingdom
and the princes
thereof. {brought...: Heb. made to touch}
He hath cut off
<01438> (8804)
in [his] fierce
all the horn
of Israel
he hath drawn
<07725> (8689)
his right hand
from before
the enemy
<0341> (8802)_,
and he burned
<01197> (8799)
against Jacob
like a flaming
[which] devoureth
<0398> (8804)
round about
He hath bent
<01869> (8804)
his bow
like an enemy
<0341> (8802)_:
he stood
<05324> (8737)
with his right hand
as an adversary
and slew
<02026> (8799)
all [that were] pleasant
to the eye
in the tabernacle
of the daughter
of Zion
he poured out
<08210> (8804)
his fury
like fire
{all...: Heb. all the desirable of the eye}
The Lord
was as an enemy
<0341> (8802)_:
he hath swallowed up
<01104> (8765)
he hath swallowed up
<01104> (8765)
all her palaces
he hath destroyed
<07843> (8765)
his strong holds
and hath increased
<07235> (8686)
in the daughter
of Judah
and lamentation
And he hath violently taken away
<02554> (8799)
his tabernacle
as [if it were of] a garden
he hath destroyed
<07843> (8765)
his places of the assembly
the LORD
hath caused the solemn feasts
and sabbaths
to be forgotten
<07911> (8765)
in Zion
and hath despised
<05006> (8799)
in the indignation
of his anger
the king
and the priest
{tabernacle: or, hedge}
The Lord
hath cast off
<02186> (8804)
his altar
he hath abhorred
<05010> (8765)
his sanctuary
he hath given up
<05462> (8689)
into the hand
of the enemy
<0341> (8802)
the walls
of her palaces
they have made
<05414> (8804)
a noise
in the house
of the LORD
as in the day
of a solemn feast
{given up: Heb. shut up}
hath purposed
<02803> (8804)
to destroy
<07843> (8687)
the wall
of the daughter
of Zion
he hath stretched out
<05186> (8804)
a line
he hath not withdrawn
<07725> (8689)
his hand
from destroying
<01104> (8763)_:
therefore he made the rampart
and the wall
to lament
<056> (8686)_;
they languished
<0535> (8797)
{destroying: Heb. swallowing up}
Her gates
are sunk
<02883> (8804)
into the ground
he hath destroyed
<06> (8765)
and broken
<07665> (8765)
her bars
her king
and her princes
[are] among the Gentiles
the law
[is] no [more]; her prophets
also find
<04672> (8804)
no vision
from the LORD
The elders
of the daughter
of Zion
<03427> (8799)
upon the ground
[and] keep silence
<01826> (8799)_:
they have cast up
<05927> (8689)
upon their heads
they have girded
<02296> (8804)
themselves with sackcloth
the virgins
of Jerusalem
hang down
<03381> (8689)
their heads
to the ground

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