Leviticus 13:45
clothes <0899> [his clothes.]
head <07218> [and his head.]
cover <05844> [put.]
Unclean Unclean <02931> [Unclean.]
Leviticus 21:1-15
said .... Say ......... say <0559> [Speak.]
defile <02930> [There.]
[or, the verse may be read, being an husband among his people, he shall not defile himself for his wife, etc.]
bald spot shaved <07144 07139> [not make baldness.]
This custom is also called rounding the corners of the head, (ch. 19:27,) and seems to have been performed in honour of some idol.
corner <06285> [the corner.]
The Hebrew {peath zakon}, may denote the whiskers; as the Syriac {phatho} signifies. These are by the Arabs, according to Niebuhr, still cut entirely off, or worn quite short; and hence they are called by Jeremiah, [qtswtsy p'h,] those with cropped whiskers. Perhaps some superstition, of which we are ignorant, was connected with this; but whether or not, it was the object of Moses to keep the Israelites distinct from other nations.
holy .................................. holy <06944 06918> [holy.]
profane <02490> [profane.]
food <03899> [bread.]
holy <06918> [therefore.]
prostitution <02181> [that is a whore.]
divorced <01644> [put away.]
sanctify ...................... sanctifies <06942> [sanctify.]
Lord <03068> [for I.]
daughter <01323> [the daughter.]
burned <08313> [she shall be burnt.]
head ....................... head <07218> [upon.]
ordained <04390> [consecrated.]
dishevel <06544> [uncover.]
[not rend.]
All human corpses were considered as unclean. Whoever touched one was unclean for seven days, and was obliged on the third and seventh day to purify himself according to the Mosaic instructions. In the case of the priest it went still farther; insomuch, that even mourning for the dead by any external sign, such as tearing their clothes, defiled them. Hence such mournings were absolutely forbidden to be used in any case, and by the other priests also, except in the case of their very nearest relations, for whom they were allowed to mourn. This statue is founded on the importance of sustaining the decency and purity of Divine worship. The servants of the Deity were to keep themselves at a distance from every thing that in the least degree savoured of uncleanness.
father <01> [his father.]
go out <03318> [go out.]
dedication <05145> [for the crown.]
profane <02490> [profane.]
<03068> [for I the.]
Exodus 33:5
stiff-necked <07186> [Ye are.]
moment <07281 0259> [in a moment.]
off <03381> [put off.]
know <03045> [I may.]
Numbers 5:18
priest ................................ priest <03548> [the priest.]
uncover <06544> [uncover.]
put <05414> [and put.]
bitter water <04751 04325> [the bitter water.]
So called from the bitter effects which it had upon the guilty.
Numbers 6:6-7
contact <0935> [he shall come.]
defile <02930> [unclean.]
separation <05145> [consecration. Heb. separation.]
This expression, "the consecration, or separation, of God is on his head," denotes his hair, which was the proof and emblem of his separation, and of his subjection to God through all the peculiarities of his Nazarate. St. Paul probably alludes to this circumstance in 1 Co 11:10 by considering a married woman as a Nazarite for life, i.e., separated from all others, and united to her husband, to whom she is subject.
Numbers 14:6
Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]
tore ... garments <07167 0899> [rent their clothes.]
Deuteronomy 33:9
said <0559> [Who said.]
seen <07200> [I have not.]
kept <08104> [for they.]
Jeremiah 7:29
Cut off <01494> [Cut.]
Sing <05375> [and take.]
Lord <03068> [for.]
generation <01755> [generation.]
Ezekiel 24:16-17
delight <04261> [the desire.]
jolt <04046> [with a.]
mourn <05594> [yet.]
tears <01832> [thy tears.]
shed <0935> [run. Heb. go.]
Groan ... silence <01826 0602> [Forbear to cry. Heb. Be silent.]
perform <06213> [make.]
rites <02280> [bind.]
put <07760> [put.]
cover <05844> [cover.]
lip <08222> [lips. Heb. upper lip, and so ver.]
eat <0398> [eat.]
food <0582 03899> [the bread of men.]
{Lechem anoshim,} not "the bread of mourners," as some render, but "the bread of other men," i.e., such as was commonly sent to mourners on such occasions by their friends.
Micah 1:16
heads bald <07139> [bald.]
love <08588> [thy delicate.]
love ............. taken .... into exile <08588 01540> [for.]