Leviticus 14:8
wash ... clothes <03526 0899> [wash his.]
bathe ... water <07364 04325> [wash himself.]
live <03427> [and shall.]
seven days <07651 03117> [seven days.]
Exodus 29:30
sons <01121> [that son. Heb. he of his sons.]
seven days <03117 07651> [seven days.]
Exodus 29:35
do <06213> [thus shalt thou do.]
commanded <06680> [according.]
seven days <03117 07651> [seven days.]
Numbers 19:12
purify ........................ purify <02398> [He shall purify.]
"Yithchatta," literally, "he shall sin himself," i.e., not add sin, but take it away, purify. So we say to fleece, and to skin, which do not signify to add a fleece, or a skin, but to take one away.
on ... third day ... on .... day .............. on ... third day ..... day <03117 07992> [third day.]
Ezekiel 43:25-27
consecrate <04390> [they shall.]
consecrate <04390> [consecrate themselves. Heb. fill their hands.]
eighth <08066> [that upon.]
offer up <06213> [make.]
peace offerings <08002> [peace offerings. or, thank offerings. I will accept.]