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Leviticus 3:3-5


fat ......... fat <02459> [the fat. or, suet.]


kidneys .......... protruding lobe .... liver .......... kidneys <03629 03516 03508> [caul above the liver, with the kidneys. or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys.]


Aaron <0175> [Aaron's.]

burnt offering <05930> [upon the burnt.]

Leviticus 3:9-11


fatty ........... fat ........ fat <02459> [the fat.]

must ..... fatty tail <0451 08549> [the whole rump.]

To what has already been said on the tails of eastern sheep, we may add the testimony of Ludolf, who states that they are so very large, some of them weighing from twelve to fourteen pounds, "that the owners are obliged to tie a little cart behind them, whereupon they put the tail of the sheep, as well for the convenience of carriage, and to ease the poor creatures, as to preserve the wool from dirt, and the tail from being torn among the bushes and stones." The same is testified by Dr. Russell, who says, "In some other places where they feed in the fields, the shepherds are obliged to fix a piece of thin board to the under part of the tail, to prevent its being torn by bushes, thistles, etc., as it is not covered underneath with thick wool, like the upper part; and some have small wheels to facilitate the dragging of the board after them."


protruding lobe <03508> [the caul.]



smoke <06999> [burn.]

food <03899> [the food.]

Leviticus 4:8-12




[without the camp. Heb. to without the camp.]

This was intended, figuratively, to express the enormity of this sin, and the availableness of the atonement. The sacrifice, as having the sin of the priest transferred from himself to it, by his confession and imposition of hands, was become unclean and abominable, and was carried, as it were, out of God's sight; and thus its own offensiveness was removed, with the sin of the person in whose behalf it was offered.

fatty ash .................. fatty ash <01880> [the ashes.]

burn ..... wood ...... burned <08313 06086> [burn him.]

to ...... to ... fatty ash pile ................. fatty ash pile <01880 08211 0413> [where the ashes are poured out. Heb. at the pouring out of the ashes.]

Leviticus 4:34-35


horns .... altar ..................... altar <04196 07161> [the horns of the altar.]


remove ............. removed <05493> [And he.]

gifts <0801> [according.]

priest ...................... priest .... atonement <03548 03722> [and the priest shall make.]

Leviticus 8:16-17



Psalms 51:17


sacrifices <02077> [sacrifices.]

humble spirit ..... humble <07307 07665> [a broken spirit.]

reject <0959> [thou.]

Proverbs 23:26


son <01121> [My son.]

Give <05414> [give.]

eyes <05869> [let.]

Isaiah 53:10


desired <02654> [pleased.]

ill <02470> [he hath.]

restitution ... made <07760 05315> [when thou shalt make his soul. or, when his soul shall make.]

see <07200> [he shall see.]

long <0748> [he shall prolong.]

purpose <02656> [the pleasure.]

Isaiah 57:15


high ................... exalted <07311 04791> [the high.]

rules ........ dwell <07931> [that inhabiteth.]

name <08034> [whose.]

rules ........ dwell <07931> [I dwell.]

discouraged <01793> [with.]

humiliated ..... cheer up ... humiliated .... encourage <07307 02421> [to revive the spirit.]

Isaiah 66:2


hand <03027> [For all those.]

show special favor <05027> [to this.]

respect <02730> [trembleth.]

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