Matthew 12:14-19
went out <1831> [went.]
plotted <4824 2983> [held a council. or, took counsel.]
he went away <402> [he withdrew.]
Great crowds <4183> [great.]
This fulfilled <4137> [it.]
<3004> [saying.]
Here <2400> [Behold.]
This prophecy is expressly referred to the Messiah by the Targumist, who renders, "Behold my servant the Messiah," etc., {ha avdi mesheecha;} and it was amply fulfilled in the gentle, lowly, condescending and beneficent nature of Christ's miracles and personal ministry, his perseverance in the midst of opposition, without engaging in contentious disputation, and his kind and tender dealing with weak and tempted believers.
my servant ........ I ..... I ........ my <3450 3816> [my servant.]
whom I have chosen ...... in whom <3739 140> [whom I.]
my ......... I love .... I ........ my <3450 27> [my beloved.]
I will put <5087> [I will.]
and he will proclaim <2532 518> [and he.]