Kidung Jemaat
Matthew 26:1--27:66
Di Malam Yang Gelap [KJ.195] ( Low in the Grave He Lay )
R:Mrk 16:1-8; 1 Kor 15:26; 2 Tim 1:10; Ibr 2:14-15; Why 1:18; Kol 2:15
1. Di makam yang gelap Yesus terbaring menanti merekah fajar terang.
Bangkitlah Dia megah kuasa Iblis patah menyerah. Alam maut sudah dikalahkanNya.
Ia hidup dan berkuasa s'lamanya! T'lah menang, t'lah menang!
Kristus bangkit dan menang!
Mrk 15:46
2. Dan sia-sialah kubur dijaga, pun tiada gunanya batu besar.
Bangkitlah Dia megah kuasa Iblis patah menyerah. Alam maut sudah dikalahkanNya.
Ia hidup dan berkuasa s'lamanya! T'lah menang, t'lah menang!
Kristus bangkit dan menang!
Mat 27:62-66
3. Maut dan Iblis pun tidak berdaya menahan Tuhanku, Sang Penebus.
Bangkitlah Dia megah kuasa Iblis patah menyerah. Alam maut sudah dikalahkanNya.
Ia hidup dan berkuasa s'lamanya! T'lah menang, t'lah menang!
Kristus bangkit dan menang!Luk 10:18
1 Yoh 3:8
Play Jurus'lamat Dunia [KJ.165]
1. Jurus'lamat dunia, walau tak bersalah,
bagai maling disergap pada waktu malam
dan dihina, dicela didepan mahkamah,
diludahi, dicerca oleh kaum ulama.
Luk 22:47-53
Luk 22:63-71
2. Waktu fajar merekah,Yesus pun dibawa
ke Pilatus, dan seg'ra tak terbukti salah.
Ke Herodes yang kejam Yesus pun diseret;
Raja dan pengawalnya tak segan mengejek.
Luk 23:1-7
Luk 23:8-12
3. Jam sembilan paginya, balik ke Pilatus,
Tuhan kita disesah oleh kaum serdadu;
Jubah ungu diberi dan mahkota duri;
Olokannya: "Hai tabik, Raja kaum Yahudi!"
Luk 23:13-16
Yoh 19:1-3
4. Palang dihelakanNya pada tengah hari
dan di bukit Golgota Ia pun disalib,
menderita tiga jam; ada yang menghujat.
Matahari pun kelam dan menutup muka.
Yoh 19:17-19
Mat 27:45
5. Pukul tiga yang sepi, Yesus, hampir mati,
berseru: "Eli, Eli, lamma sabakhtani?"
Lalu putus nyawaNya dan di Bait Suci
Tabir koyak terbelah; ada gempa bumi.
Mat 27:46
Mzm 22:2
Mat 27:50-51
6. Waktu menjelang senja, yang kena hukuman
dipatahkan tulangnya agar diturunkan.
Yesus tak demikian, kar'na sudah mati:
Nampak dari lukaNya darah campur air.
Yoh 19:31-37
7. Surya hampir terbenam waktu datang Yusuf
yang termasuk muridNya, minta mayat Yesus;
tubuh diturunkannya, dikapankan lenan
dan di kubur miliknya Yesus dibaringkan.
Yoh 19:38-42
8. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah kami mendalami
aniaya dan cela yang Engkau alami,
agar kami olehMu meninggalkan dosa
kepadaMu bersyukur, jiwa pun sentosa.Play Masyhurkan RajaMu [KJ.224] ( Rejoice, the Lord Is King )
1. Masyhurkan Rajamu, Allah Maha besar;
ucapkan syukurmu, bernyanyi bergemar!
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mzm 47
2. Tuhanmu Penebus, yang melepaskan kau,
memb'rikan darahNya pembasuh dosamu.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 26:28
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Buana, langit pun di bawah kuasaNya.
Kunci neraka, maut, dib'rikan padaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Kol 1:16
Why 1:18
4. Di muka takhtaNya semua bertelut;
musuhNya menyembah tersungkur bersujud.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Rm 14:11
Flp 2:9-11
5. Nantikan bersyukur Sang Hakim semesta,
yang datang menjemput semua hambaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!Mat 25:31-33
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Meski Dijaga KuburNya [KJ.192]
1. Meski dijaga kuburNya, tak usah kau sendu:
di Hari Minggu yang cerah t'lah bangkit Tuhanmu!
Mat 27:62-66
Mat 28:1-10
2. Bernyanyi, bergembiralah, bersyukur tak jemu!
Tiap Hari Minggu ingatlah: t'lah bangkit Tuhanmu!
3. Sedih dan suram rasanya di pagi yang gelap;
mulia Hari BangkitNya kuasa maut lenyap.
2 Tim 1:10
4. Bernyanyi, bergembiralah, bersyukur tak jemu!
Tiap Hari Minggu ingatlah: t'lah bangkit Tuhanmu!Play Yesus, Tuhanku, Apakah Dosaku [KJ.167]
1. Yesus, Tuhanku, apakah dosaMu, hingga hukuman bagiMu berlaku?
Durhaka apa sudah dituduhkan padaMu Tuhan?
Mi 6:3
Mat 27:4
Luk 23:22, 47
2 Kor 5:21
2. Kau didera, dihina kaum prajurit, Kau dicerca, dib'ri mahkota duri
dan minumMu pada kayu salib anggur yang pahit.
Mat 27:26-31
Mat 27:34
3. Apa sebabnya Kauterima siksa? Tak lain kar'na dosa manusia:
aku sendiri dan kesalahanku jadi bebanMu!
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
4. Siapa menduga jalan hukum ini: bahwa Gembala mengurbankan diri,
jadi tebusan domba yang bersalah terhadap Allah.
Yoh 10:11-18
Yoh 15:13
1 Yoh 3:16
5. Kau harus mati walau tak berdosa, orang bersalah hidup dan sentosa.
Bebaskanlah kami yang t'lah mengaminkan Kau disalibkan.
Rm 5:6-10
6. Kasih sempurna, rahmat tak terhingga, Kau menjalani siksa maut hina.
Aku terbawa dunia sukacita, kau menderita!
7. Raja abadi, apa kulakukan, agar kasihMu dapat kumasyhurkan?
Apa yang layak aku persembahkan jadi imbalan?
8. Tiada yang sanggup untuk mengimbangi rahmat kasihMu suci dan ilahi.
Baik berusaha maupun beribadah, takkan setara!
9. Namun yang tinggal berkenan padaMu hanyalah bila kusalibkan nafsu;
hati yang hancur yang hendak bertobat tidak Kautolak.
Mzm 51:19
10. Kar'na 'ku tahu aku tak berkuasa dan agar jangan aku putus asa,
b'ri Roh KudusMu memerintah aku ikut jejakMu!
1 Ptr 2:21
11. Jadikan daku taat dan setia demi namaMu yang mahamulia,
agar kupikul salibMu ke muka tanpa berduka.
Mrk 8:34
12. Walau karyaku tak bersifat jasa, namun, ya Tuhan, Kau senantiasa
mau menerima persembahan hati dan Kauberkati.
13. Ya Tuhan Yesus yang di takhta Allah, Kau yang terpuji untuk selamanya;
aku pun ikut memberi selalu syukur padaMu!Why 5:12-13
Matthew 26:1--27:66
[Mat 26:26] Death Of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, The
The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord,
We celebrate with one accord;
It is our comfort in distress,
Our heart’s sweet joy and happiness.He blotted out with His own blood
The judgment that against us stood;
He full atonement for us made,
And all our debt He fully paid.That this is now and ever true
He gives an earnest ever new:
In this His holy supper here
We taste His love so sweet, so near.His Word proclaims, and we believe,
That in the supper we receive
His very body, as He said,
His very blood for sinners shed.A precious food is this indeed—
It never fails us in our need—
A heavenly manna for our soul.
Until we safely reach our goal.Oh, blest is each believing guest
Who in this promise finds his rest;
For Jesus will in love abide
With those who do in Him confide.The guest that comes with true intent
To turn to God and to repent,
To live for Christ, to die to sin,
Will thus a holy life begin.They who His Word do not believe
This food unworthily receive,
Salvation here will never find—
May we this warning keep in mind!Help us sincerely to believe
That we may worthily receive
Thy supper and in Thee find rest.
Amen, he who believes is blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:26] Thou Whom My Soul Admires Above
Thou Whom my soul admires above
All earthly joy and earthly love,
Tell me, dear Shepherd, let me know,
Where do Thy sweetest pastures grow?Where is the shadow of that rock
That from the sun defends Thy flock?
Fain would I feed among Thy sheep
Among them rest, among them sleep.Why should Thy bride appear like one
That turns aside to paths unknown?
My constant feet would never rove,
Would never seek another love.The footsteps of Thy flock I see;
Thy sweetest pastures here they be;
A wondrous feast thy love prepares,
Bought with Thy wounds, and groans, and tears.His dearest flesh He makes my food,
And bids me drink His richest blood:
Here to these hills my soul will come,
Till my Belovèd lead me home.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:40] One Blessèd Hour With Jesus
One blessèd hour with Jesus our Lord,
One blessèd hour to feast on His Word;
One blessèd hour with Jesus apart,
One blessèd hour to calm the troubled heart.Refrain
One sweet hour of holy, calm delight,
One sweet hour of tender, melting love;
One sweet hour, O precious Savior,
One sweet hour with Thee.One blessèd hour with Jesus to plead,
One blessèd hour to tell Him our need;
One blessèd hour refreshing and sweet,
One blessèd hour to sit at Jesus’ feet.Refrain
One blessèd hour from labor to rest,
One blessèd hour to lean on His breast;
Loving and loved, His favor to share,
One blessèd hour of soul reviving prayer.Refrain
One blessèd hour with Jesus our King,
One blessèd hour to speak and to sing;
One blessèd hour with Jesus, how dear!
Surely ’tis Heav’n, and Heav’n itself is here.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:41] Christian! Seek Not Yet Repose
Christian! seek not yet repose,
Hear thy guardian angel say;
Thou art in the midst of foes;
“Watch and pray.”Principalities and powers,
Mustering their unseen array,
Wait for thy unguarded hours;
“Watch and pray.”Gird thy heavenly armor on,
Wear it ever night and day;
Ambushed lies the evil one;
“Watch and pray.”Hear the victors who o’ercame;
Still they mark each warrior’s way;
All with one clear voice exclaim,
“Watch and pray.”Hear, above all, hear thy Lord,
Him thou lovest to obey;
Hide within thy heart His Word,
“Watch and pray.”Watch, as if on that alone
Hung the issue of the day;
Pray that help may be sent down;
“Watch and pray.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:41] Rise, My Soul, To Watch And Pray
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray, from thy sleep awaken;
Be not by the evil day unawares be taken.
For the foe, well we know, oft his harvest reapeth,
While the Christian sleepeth.Watch against the devil’s snares lest asleep he find thee;
For indeed no pains he spares to deceive and blind thee.
Satan’s prey oft are they who secure are sleeping
And no watch are keeping.Watch! Let not the wicked world with its power defeat thee.
Watch lest with her pomp unfurled she betray and cheat thee.
Watch and see lest there be faithless friends to charm thee,
Who but seek to harm thee.Watch against thyself, my soul, lest with grace thou trifle;
Let not self thy thoughts control nor God’s mercy stifle.
Pride and sin lurk within all thy hopes to scatter;
Heed not when they flatter.But while watching, also pray to the Lord unceasing,
He will free thee, be thy Stay, strength and faith increasing.
O Lord, bless in distress and let nothing swerve me
From the will to serve Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:41] Yield Not To Temptation
Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin;
Each victory will help you some other to win;
Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue,
Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.Refrain
Ask the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen and keep you;
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.Shun evil companions, bad language disdain,
God’s Name hold in reverence, nor take it in vain;
Be thoughtful and earnest, kindhearted and true,
Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.Refrain
To him that o’ercometh, God giveth a crown;
Through faith we shall conquer, though often cast down;
He Who is our Savior our strength will renew;
Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:42] Jesus, While Our Hearts Are Bleeding
Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding
O’er the spoils that death has won,
We would at this solemn meeting
Calmly say, “Thy will be done.”Though cast down, we’re not forsaken,
Though afflicted, not alone;
Thou didst give, and Thou hast taken;
Blessèd Lord, “Thy will be done.”Though today we’re filled with mourning,
Mercy still is on the throne;
With Thy smiles and love returning,
We can sing, “Thy will be done.”By Thy hands the boon was given;
Thou hast taken but Thine own;
Lord of earth, and God of Heaven,
Evermore, “Thy will be done.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 26:74] When Peter Boasted, Soon He Fell
When Peter boasted, soon he fell,
Yet was by grace restored;
His case should be regarded well
By all who fear the Lord.A voice it has, and helping hand,
Backsliders to recall;
And cautions those who think they stand,
Lest suddenly they fall.He said, “Whatever others do,
With Jesus I’ll abide;”
Yet soon amidst a murd’rous crew
His suff’ring Lord denied.He who had been so bold before,
Now trembled like a leaf;
Not only lied, but cursed and swore,
To gain the more belief.While he blasphemed he heard the cock,
And Jesus looked in love;
At once, as if by lightning struck,
His tongue forbore to move.Delivered thus from Satan’s snare
He starts, as from a sleep;
His Savior’s look he could not bear,
But hasted forth to weep.But sure the faithful cock had crowed
A hundred times in vain;
Had not the Lord that look bestowed,
The meaning to explain.As I, like Peter, vows have made,
Yet acted Peter’s part;
So conscience, like the cock, upbraids
My base, ungrateful heart.Lord Jesus, hear a sinner’s cry,
My broken peace renew;
And grant one pitying look, that I
May weep with Peter too.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:22] What Will You Do With Jesus? (1)
Jesus is standing in Pilate’s hall,
Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all;
Hearken! what meaneth the sudden call?
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Some day your heart will be asking,
“What will He do with me?”Jesus is standing on trial still,
You can be false to Him if you will,
You can be faithful through good or ill:
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
Will you evade him as Pilate tried?
Or will you choose Him, whate’er betide?
Vainly you struggle from Him to hide:
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
Will you, like Peter, your Lord deny?
Or will you scorn from His foes to fly,
Daring for Jesus to live or die?
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
“Jesus, I give Thee my heart today!
Jesus, I’ll follow Thee all the way,
Gladly obeying Thee!” will you say:
“This I will do with Jesus!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:22] What Will You Do With Jesus? (2)
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:29] O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
O sacred Head, now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, Thine only crown;
O sacred Head, what glory, what bliss till now was Thine!
Yet, though despised and gory, I joy to call Thee mine.What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered, was all for sinners’ gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression, but Thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here I fall, my Savior! ’Tis I deserve Thy place;
Look on me with Thy favor, vouchsafe to me Thy grace.Men mock and taunt and jeer Thee, Thou noble countenance,
Though mighty worlds shall fear Thee and flee before Thy glance.
How art thou pale with anguish, with sore abuse and scorn!
How doth Thy visage languish that once was bright as morn!Now from Thy cheeks has vanished their color once so fair;
From Thy red lips is banished the splendor that was there.
Grim death, with cruel rigor, hath robbed Thee of Thy life;
Thus Thou hast lost Thy vigor, Thy strength in this sad strife.My burden in Thy Passion, Lord, Thou hast borne for me,
For it was my transgression which brought this woe on Thee.
I cast me down before Thee, wrath were my rightful lot;
Have mercy, I implore Thee; Redeemer, spurn me not!What language shall I borrow to thank Thee, dearest friend,
For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end?
O make me Thine forever, and should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never outlive my love to Thee.My Shepherd, now receive me; my Guardian, own me Thine.
Great blessings Thou didst give me, O source of gifts divine.
Thy lips have often fed me with words of truth and love;
Thy Spirit oft hath led me to heavenly joys above.Here I will stand beside Thee, from Thee I will not part;
O Savior, do not chide me! When breaks Thy loving heart,
When soul and body languish in death’s cold, cruel grasp,
Then, in Thy deepest anguish, Thee in mine arms I’ll clasp.The joy can never be spoken, above all joys beside,
When in Thy body broken I thus with safety hide.
O Lord of Life, desiring Thy glory now to see,
Beside Thy cross expiring, I’d breathe my soul to Thee.My Savior, be Thou near me when death is at my door;
Then let Thy presence cheer me, forsake me nevermore!
When soul and body languish, oh, leave me not alone,
But take away mine anguish by virtue of Thine own!Be Thou my consolation, my shield when I must die;
Remind me of Thy passion when my last hour draws nigh.
Mine eyes shall then behold Thee, upon Thy cross shall dwell,
My heart by faith enfolds Thee. Who dieth thus dies well.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:39] O Come And Mourn With Me
O come and mourn with me awhile;
And tarry here the cross beside;
O come, together let us mourn;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While soldiers scoff and foes deride?
Ah! look how patiently He hangs;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.How fast His hands and feet are nailed;
His blessed tongue with thirst is tied,
His failing eyes are blind with blood:
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.His mother cannot reach His face;
She stands in helplessness beside;
Her heart is martyred with her Son’s:
Jesus, our Lord, is Crucified.Seven times He spoke, seven words of love;
And all three hours His silence cried
For mercy on the souls of men;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.Come, let us stand beneath the cross;
So may the blood from out His side
Fall gently on us drop by drop;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.O break, O break, hard heart of mine!
Thy weak self-love and guilty pride
His Pilate and His Judas were:
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.A broken heart, a fount of tears,
Ask, and they will not be denied;
A broken heart love’s cradle is:
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.O love of God! O sin of man!
In this dread act Your strength is tried;
And victory remains with love;
For Thou our Lord, art crucified!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:45] O Darkest Woe
O darkest woe! Ye tears, forth flow!
Has earth so sad a wonder?
God the Father’s only Son
Now lies buried yonder.O sorrow dread!
God’s Son is dead!
But by His expiation
Of our guilt upon the cross
Gained for us salvation.O sinful man, it was the ban
Of death on thee that brought Him
Down to suffer for thy sins,
And such woe hath wrought Him.Behold thy Lord, the Lamb of God
Blood sprinkled lies before thee,
Pouring out His life that He
May to life restore thee.O Ground of faith,
Laid low in death,
Sweet lips, now silent sleeping!
Surely all that live must mourn
Here with bitter weeping.O blest shall be
Who oft in faith will ponder
Why the glorious Prince of Life
Should be buried yonder.O Jesus blest, my Help and Rest!
With tears I pray, Lord hear me,
Make me love Thee to the last,
And in death be near me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:45] Throned Upon The Awful Tree
Throned upon the awful tree,
Lamb of God, Your grief I see.
Darkness veils Your anguished face;
None its lines of woe can trace.
None can tell what pangs unknown
Hold You silent and alone.Silent through those three dread hours,
Wrestling with the evil powers,
Left alone with human sin,
Gloom around You and within,
Till the appointed time is nigh,
Til the Lamb of God may die.Hark, that cry that peals aloud
Upward through the whelming cloud!
You, the Father’s only Son,
You, His own anointed One,
You are asking “can it be”
“Why have You forsaken Me?”Lord, should fear and anguish roll,
Darkly o’er my sinful soul,
You, who once were thus bereft
That Your own might ne’er be left,
Teach me by that bitter cry
In the gloom to know You nigh.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:51] Hark! The Voice Of Love And Mercy
Hark! the voice of love and mercy
Sounds aloud from Calvary;
See, it rends the rocks asunder,
Shakes the earth, and veils the sky:
“It is finished!” “It is finished!”
“It is finished!” Hear the dying Savior cry;
Hear the dying Savior cry.“It is finished!” O what pleasure
Do these precious words afford;
Heav’nly blessings, without measure,
Flow to us from Christ the Lord:
“It is finished!” “It is finished!”
“It is finished!” Saints the dying words record;
Saints the dying words record.Finished all the types and shadows
Of the ceremonial law;
Finished all that God had promised;
Death and hell no more shall awe:
“It is finished!” “It is finished!”
“It is finished!” Saints, from hence your comfort draw;
Saints, from hence your comfort draw.Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs,
Join to sing the glorious theme;
All in earth, and all in heaven,
Join to praise Emmanuel’s Name;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Glory to the bleeding Lamb!
Glory to the bleeding Lamb!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:51] Unveiled Christ, The
Once our blessèd Christ of beauty
Was veiled off from human view;
But through suffering, death and sorrow
He has rent the veil in two.Refrain
O behold the Man of Sorrows,
O behold Him in plain view;
Lo! He is the mighty Conqueror,
Since He rent the veil in two.
Lo! He is the mighty Conqueror,
Since He rent the veil in two.Now He is with God the Father,
Interceding there for you;
For He is the mighty conqueror,
Since He rent the veil in two.Refrain
Holy angels bow before Him,
Men of earth give praises due;
For He is the well belovèd
Since He rent the veil in two.Refrain
Throughout time and endless ages,
Heights and depths of love so true;
He alone can be the Giver
Since He rent the veil in two.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:63] Now The Green Blade Rises
Now the green blade rises from the buried grain,
Wheat that in the dark earth many years has lain;
Love lives again, that with the dead has been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
Thinking that He’d never wake to life again,
Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
He that for three days in the grave had lain;
Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
By Your touch You call us back to life again;
Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:64] Sealed Was The Tomb
Sealed was the tomb, guarded by soldiers,
Brightly the moonlight shone around;
Roadway and hill gleamed in the brightness,
Flooded with light the garden’s bound.
Brighter the light seen ’neath the olives;
Forms bright as sunlight, ’mid the trees,
Soldiers were there, clad as for warfare;
Lo! they are gone, and who are these?
See yonder, hast’ning to the city,
The trembling soldiers in terror go!
Earthquake astounding, strange light surrounding,
Drive them away these things to show.Refrain
O wonderful light in the garden,
That fadeth not away!
The King Who was laid in the shadow
With vict’ry is crowned this glorious day.Darkly they plan; falsely as darkly,
Stories that He was borne away—
Borne by His friends, poor weak disciples,
Stol’n when the moon was bright as day!
Soldiers of Rome ne’er slept on duty,
False was the tale for silver told;
Death could not hold that mighty Victor!
Lift up your heads, ye gates of gold!
The morn of glory hath awakened,
And death no longer holds boundless pow’r;
Empty the prison, Jesus has risen;
Time hath no richer, grander hour.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:66] Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voices Now
Lift up, lift up your voices now!
The whole wide world rejoices now;
The Lord has triumphed gloriously,
The Lord shall reign victoriously.In vain with stone the cave they barred;
In vain the watch kept ward and guard;
Majestic from the spoilèd tomb,
In pomp of triumph Christ is come.And all He did, and all He bare,
He gives us as our own to share;
And hope, and joy and peace begin,
For Christ has won, and man shall win.O Victor, aid us in the fight,
And lead through death to realms of light;
We safely pass where Thou hast trod;
In Thee we die to rise to God.Thy flock, from sin and death set free,
Glad alleluias raise to Thee;
And ever with the heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 27:66] Wake, Sweetest Strain
Low in the grave they had buried Christ the Savior;
Dark was the night round the silent guarded tomb,
But with the dawn came a glow of heav’nly splendor
Glory filled the earth dispelling gloom.Refrain
Wake, sweetest strains of music!
Telling out the story
How from death the Savior rose
To live forevermore.
Wake, sweetest strains of music!
Drive away all sadness
Let your anthems ring from shore to shore.Close to the tomb were the soldiers vigil keeping,
When from above came a form of dazzling light,
Then He arose from the grave a mighty Victor
Angels welcomed Him in robes of white.Refrain
Joy to the world, let this day be filled with gladness—
Wake sweetest strains join this happy Easter song,
Peace shall abide for the grave has lost its terror
Christ is risen—let His praise prolong.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal