Matthew 3:1-6
those <1565> [those.]
John <2491> [John.]
11:11 14:2-14 16:14 17:12,13 21:25-27,32 Mr 1:4,15 6:16-29
Lu 1:13-17,76 3:2-20 Joh 1:6-8,15-36 3:27-36 Ac 1:22 13:24,25
Ac 19:3,4 [All]
proclaiming <2784> [preaching.]
wilderness <2048> [the wilderness.]
Repent <3340> [Repent.]
4:17 11:20 12:41 21:29-32 1Ki 8:47 Job 42:6 Eze 18:30-32
Eze 33:11 Mr 1:4,15 6:12 Lu 13:3,5 15:7,10 16:30 24:47
Ac 2:38 3:19 11:18 17:30 20:21 26:20 2Co 7:10 2Ti 2:25
Heb 6:1 2Pe 3:9 Re 2:5,21 [All]
for <1063> [for.]
5:3,10,19,20 6:10,33 10:7 11:11,12 13:11,24,31,33,44,45,47
13:52 18:1-4,23 20:1 22:2 23:13 25:1,14 Da 2:44 Lu 6:20 9:2
Lu 10:9-11 Joh 3:3-5 Col 1:13 [All]
<5259> [by.]
Prepare <2090> [Prepare.]
clothing ........... his .... his <846 1742> [his raiment.]
Now .............. his ... and his ...... and <1161 846 2532> [and his.]
wild <66> [wild.]
he was baptizing <907> [were.]
11,13-16 Eze 36:25 Mr 1:8,9 Lu 3:16 Joh 1:25-28,31-33 3:23-25
Ac 1:5 2:38-41 10:36-38 11:16 19:4,5,18 1Co 10:2
Col 2:12 Tit 3:5,6 Heb 6:2 9:10 *Gr:
1Pe 3:21 [All]
confessed <1843> [confessing.]
Le 16:21 26:40 Nu 5:7 Jos 7:19 Job 33:27,28 Ps 32:5 Pr 28:13
Da 9:4 Mr 1:5 Lu 15:18-21 Ac 2:38 19:18 22:16 Jas 5:16
1Jo 1:9 [All]