Matthew 8:1
came down <2597> [come.]
large <4183> [great.]
Matthew 8:5-13
When ... entered <1525> [entered.]
a centurion <1543> [a centurion.]
This was a Roman military title; and therefore this officer may be concluded to have been a Gentile. (See fuller particulars under Mark 15:39.)
my <3450> [my.]
paralyzed <3885> [palsy.]
I will come <1473 2064> [I will.]
I am <1510> [I am.]
Instead <235> [but.]
Go ... he goes <4198> [Go.]
Do .... he does <4160> [Do.]
he was amazed <2296> [he marvelled.]
I have ... found <2147> [I have.]
<3754> [That.]
to share the banquet <347> [shall sit.]
[Anaklino <\\See definition 347\\> klino <\\See definition 2827\\>,] shall recline, i.e., at table; referring to the recumbent posture used by the easterners at their meals.
in <1722> [in.]
sons <5207> [the children.]
will be thrown out <1544> [be cast.]
Go <5217> [Go.]
Then ........ just as .......... And <2532 5613> [and as.]
Then .................. And <2532 846> [And his.]