Matthew 8:1-7
came down <2597> [come.]
large <4183> [great.]
<2400> [behold.]
a leper <3015> [a leper.]
10:8 26:6 Le 13:44-46 Nu 5:2,3 12:10 De 24:8,9 2Sa 3:39
2Ki 5:1,27 7:3,4 15:5 2Ch 26:19-21 Lu 4:27 17:12-19 [All]
bowed low <4352> [worshipped.]
if <1437> [if.]
stretched out <1614> [put.]
I am willing <2309> [I will.]
Immediately <2112> [immediately.]
See <3708> [See.]
show <1166> [shew.]
as <1519> [for.]
When ... entered <1525> [entered.]
a centurion <1543> [a centurion.]
This was a Roman military title; and therefore this officer may be concluded to have been a Gentile. (See fuller particulars under Mark 15:39.)
my <3450> [my.]
paralyzed <3885> [palsy.]
I will come <1473 2064> [I will.]