Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 48:4-7
Kota Sion, Kota Allah [KJ.262] ( Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken )
1. Kota Sion, kota Allah, puri agung dan tenar,
kau dipilih tempat tinggal oleh Yang Maha Besar.
Kau berdiri atas Cadas yang abadi dan teguh,
Tiada tertembus musuhmu tembok kes'lamatanmu.
Mzm 48
Mzm 78:13
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Mzm 132:13
Yes 25:6-8
Yes 33:20-21
Yes 60:14
Yl 3:17
Why 3:12
Yes 28:16
Mat 16:18
2. Putera serta putrimu cukup akan air sejuk.
Yang bersumber pada kasih, pantang takut dan keluh.
Siapa akan haus lagi, bila ada air sedap?
Rahmat, seperti Sumbernya tak henti, akan tetap.
Yeh 47:1-12
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:1-2
Why 22:17
3. Tiap rumah terselubung oleh awan yang pekat.
Ada api menerangi Allah pun tetap dekat.
B'ri naungan pada siang, b'ri terang dalam gelap;
Manna pun dib'ri makanan atas doa yang tetap.
Bil 14:14
Kel 13:21-22
Kel 16:15
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 2:17
4. Yesus, bila k'lak pun aku jadi warga kotaMu,
walau dunia menekanku, 'ku kupuji namaMu.
Kebesaran anak dunia akan hilang dan lenyap.
Hanya harta warga Sion dan sukanya yang tetap.Mzm 87:6
Flp 3:20
Ibr 12:23
1 Yoh 2:16-17
Play Yerusalem, Mulia dan Kudus [KJ.261]
1. Yerusalem, mulia dan kudus, rinduan hatiku!
'Ku tergerak hendak terbang terus ke puncak bukitmu,
diatas hutan rimba dan gunung dan lembah,
supaya aku tiba di negeri baka.
Mzm 48
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Ibr 11:10
Why 3:12
Why 21:2, 9-11
2. Bila kelak bersinar cahyamu, o hari cemerlang,
waktunyalah kus'rahkan nyawaku gembira dan senang
ke dalam tangan Bapa yang t'lah memilihnya dan
kuperoleh s'lamat di Sion s'lamanya.
Mzm 31:6
3. Kota emas, gerbangmu bukalah, terima salamku!
Di dunia alangkah lamanya 'ku rindu padamu,
Tatkala aku susah di alam yang fana dan
kudambakan sorga pusaka yang baka.
Mat 5:3, 10
4. O lihatlah kumpulan yang kudus, berlaksa banyaknya!
Jumlah besar yang sudah ditebus, pilihan mulia,
Telah diutus Tuhan menyambut diriku
Di saat 'ku berjuang di kancah kemelut.
Why 5:11
Why 7:9
1 Tes 3:13
5. Nabi besar, leluhur mulia, jemaat beriman, yang t'lah
pernah memikul salibnya, disiksa, ditekan, sekarang
aku lihat berwajah yang cerah di cahya yang gemilang
yang tiada habisnya.
Why 18:20
1 Ptr 2:21
Ibr 11:35-40
Why 7:9-12
6. Wahai Firdaus, nyanyianmu merdu dan warnamu segar,
udaramu dan tamanmu penuh bahagia benar.
Kemuliaan sorga t'lah masuk hatiku dan 'ku menyanyi
Juga menurut lagumu.
Why 21:1-2
7. Madah besar gempita cemerlang di sana menggegap;
gambus, gendang, kecapi dan serdam membuatnya lengkap:
berlaksa-laksa lidah bersuara bergema di dalam gita indah
di sorga s'lamanya.Why 4:8-11
Why 5:9-14
Why 7:9-12
Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 19:1-8
Numbers 14:9
[Num 14:9] We Are Well Able
’Twas the Lord of hosts that led us out of Egypt’s sand;
And He led us through the Red Sea by His mighty hand,
Never halting in the wilderness, but His command
Gave assurance we were able to possess the land.Refrain
We are able to go up and take the country,
And possess the land from Jordan to the sea;
And, though giants tall be there our way to hinder,
God will surely give the victory.When the spies brought back the message, this is what they said:
“Against giants and walled cities, we cannot be led”;
But a Caleb and a Joshua said, “They’ll be as bread”;
We are able to go up, possess the land ahead.Refrain
When we crossed the river Jordan, in the land we found:
Wine and oil and milk and honey, richest fruits abound;
Sparkling fountains, and the showers come upon the ground;
We are able, Hallelujah! Let God’s praise resound.Refrain
There’s no thirsting for old Egypt, since we’re in this way,
And we care not what the critics or the ten spies say;
For the land abounds in plenty, and we’re here to stay,
Won’t you come and join us, brother, enter in today?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 127:1
[Psa 127:1] Father Of Men, In Whom Are One
Father of men, in Whom are one
All humankind beneath Thy sun,
Stablish our work in Thee begun.
Except the house be built of Thee,
In vain the builder’s toil must be:
O strengthen our infirmity.Man lives not for himself alone,
In others’ good he finds his own;
Life’s worth in fellowship is known.
We, friends and comrades on life’s way,
Gather within these walls to pray:
Bless Thou our fellowship today.O Christ, our Elder Brother, who
By serving man God’s will didst do,
Help us to serve our brethren, too.
Guide us to seek the things above,
The base to shun, the pure approve,
To live by Thy free law of love.In all our work, in all our play,
Be with us, Lord, our Friend, our Stay;
Lead onward to the perfect day:
Then may we know, earth’s lesson o’er,
With comrades missed or gone before,
Heav’n’s fellowship for evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 127:1] O Father, All Creating
O Father, all creating,
Whose wisdom, love, and power
First bound two lives together
In Eden’s primal hour,
Today to these Thy children
Thine earliest gifts renew,
A home by Thee made happy,
A love by Thee kept true.O Savior, Guest most bounteous
Of old in Galilee,
Vouchsafe today Thy presence
With these who call on Thee;
Their store of earthly gladness
Transform to heavenly wine,
And teach them, in the tasting,
To know the gift is Thine.O Spirit of the Father,
Breathe on them from above,
So mighty in Thy pureness,
So tender in Thy love;
That, guarded by Thy presence,
From sin and strife kept free,
Their lives may own Thy guidance,
Their hearts be ruled by Thee.Except Thou build it, Father,
The house is built in vain;
Except Thou, Savior, bless it,
The joy will turn to pain;
But naught can break the union
Of hearts in Thee made one;
And love Thy Spirit hallows
Is endless love begun.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 127:1] Unless The Lord The House Shall Build
Unless the Lord the house shall build,
The weary builders toil in vain;
Unless the Lord the city shield,
The guards a useless watch maintain.In vain you rise ere morning break,
And late your nightly vigils keep,
And of the bread of toil partake;
God gives to His belovèd sleep.Lo, children are a great reward,
A gift from God in very truth;
With arrows is his quiver stored
Who joys in children of his youth.And blest the man whose age is cheered
By stalwart sons and daughters fair;
No enemies by him are feared,
No lack of love, no want of care.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 127:1] We Cannot Build Alone
We cannot build alone; to rear, great God, to Thee,
A house which Thou wilt own, Thou must the builder be.
Not by our might, but Thy power,
Must dome and tower take upward flight,
Must dome and tower take upward flight.Were all the stones that lie unquarried ’neath the sod
Piled up against the sky, it were not worthy God.
To make this dear, Lord, condescend
Thy head to bend and enter here,
Thy head to bend and enter here.Let faith here rear to God! Here love erect her thrones!
A house for Thine abode be built of lively stones!
We do not err, O Holy Ghost!
Pure hearts Thou dost to fanes prefer,
Pure hearts Thou dost to fanes prefer.The heavenly only stands: Earth briefly typifies
The House not made with hands, eternal in the skies—
We see its towers: how sweet to know,
When hence we go, that House is ours!
When hence we go, that House is ours!Play source: Cyberhymnal