Numbers 6:2-27
man <0376> [When.]
special .... take ........ separate <06381 05087 05144 03068> [separate themselves.]
The word {yaphli,} rendered "shall separate themselves," signifies, "the doing of something extraordinary," and is the same word as is used concerning the making a singular vow. (Le 27:2); it seems to convey the idea of a person's acting from extraordinary zeal for God and religion.
take <05087> [to vow.]
separate <05144 03068> [to separate themselves. or, to make themselves Nazarites.]
{Lahazzir,} from {nazar,} to be separate; hence {nazir,} a Nazarite, i.e., a person separated; one peculiarly devoted to the service of God by being separated from all servile employments. The Nazarites were of two kinds: such as were devoted to God by their parents in their infancy, or even sometimes before they were born; and such as devoted themselves. The former were Nazarites for life; and the latter commonly bound themselves to observe the laws of the Nazarites for a limited time. The Nazarites for life were not bound to the same strictness as the others, concerning whom the laws relate.
Besides the religious nature of this institution, it seems to have been partly of a civil and prudential use. The sobriety and temperance which the Nazarites were obliged to observe were very conducive to health. Accordingly, they were celebrated for their fair and ruddy complexion; being said to be both whiter than milk and more ruddy than rubies (La 4:7); the sure signs of a sound and healthy constitution. It may here be observed, that when God intended to raise up Samson, by his strength of body, to scourge the enemies of Israel, he ordered, that from his infancy he should drink no wine, but live by the rule of the Nazarites, because that would greatly contribute to make him strong and healthy; intending, after nature had done her utmost to form this extraordinary instrument of his providence, to supply her defect by his own supernatural power. See Jenning's Jewish Antiquities, B. I. c. 8.
separation <05145> [separation. or, Nazariteship.]
grapevine <01612 03196> [vine tree. Heb. vine of the wine.]
razor <08593> [razor.]
contact <0935> [he shall come.]
defile <02930> [unclean.]
separation <05145> [consecration. Heb. separation.]
This expression, "the consecration, or separation, of God is on his head," denotes his hair, which was the proof and emblem of his separation, and of his subjection to God through all the peculiarities of his Nazarate. St. Paul probably alludes to this circumstance in 1 Co 11:10 by considering a married woman as a Nazarite for life, i.e., separated from all others, and united to her husband, to whom she is subject.
defiles <02930> [and he.]
shave ................ shave <01548> [shave.]
Then ..... offer <06213> [offer.]
reconsecrate <06942> [and shall.]
reparation <0817> [a trespass.]
days ..................... days <03117> [but the.]
will .... counted <05307> [lost. Heb. fall.]
fulfilled <04390> [are fulfilled.]
lamb ............ one ...... first ......... one <0259 03532> [one he.]
one ewe lamb .... first ......... one <0259 03535> [one ewe.]
one ...... first ......... one ram <0259 0352> [one ram.]
basket <05536> [a basket.]
smeared <04886> [anointed.]
drink offerings <05262> [drink.]
shave .... head .................. head <07218 01548> [shave the head.]
The hair, which was permitted to grow for this purpose, was shaven off, as a token that the vow was accomplished.
put ..... fire <05414 0784> [and put it.]
boiled <01311> [the sodden.]
put ..... hands <05414 03709> [put them.]
then ... priest ... wave ................. priest <03548 05130> [the priest shall.]
wave offering ................... wave offering <08573> [with the wave.]
After <0310> [and after.]
law .................................... law <08451> [the law.]
else <03027> [beside that.]
Lord <03068> [The Lord.]
protect <08104> [keep thee.]
Lord <03068> [The Lord.]
gracious <02603> [gracious.]
lift up <05375> [lift up.]
give ... peace <07760 07965> [give thee.]
put ... name <07760 08034> [put my.]
bless <01288> [and I will.]