Proverbs 14:17-24
quick <07116> [that.]
person <0376> [a man.]
inherit <05157> [inherit.]
shrewd <06175> [the prudent.]
Ge 42:6 43:28 Ex 8:8 9:27,28 11:8 2Ki 3:12 Es 7:7,8 Ps 49:14
Isa 60:14 Mic 7:9,10,16,17 Mal 4:3 Ac 16:39 Re 3:9 [All]
poor <07326> [poor.]
rich <06223> [but.]
love ... rich ... many <07227 0157 06223> [the rich hath many friends. Heb. many are the lovers of the rich.]
despises <0936> [that despiseth.]
kind <02603> [he that hath.]
31 11:24,25 19:17 28:27 Ps 41:1,2 112:5,9 Ec 11:1,2
Isa 58:7-12 Da 4:27 Mt 25:34-46 Lu 6:30-36 Ac 20:35 Heb 6:12
1Jo 3:17-22 [All]
devise <08582> [err.]
faithful <02617> [but.]
plan <02790> [devise.]
hard work <06089> [all.]
talking <01697> [but.]
crown <05850> [crown.]
folly ..... folly <0200> [foolishness.]