NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Proverbs 14:34


Righteousness <06666> [Righteousness.]

sin <02403> [but.]

people <03816> [any people. Heb. nations.]

Proverbs 29:8


Scornful <03944> [Scornful.]

inflame ... city <06315 07151> [bring a city into a snare. or, set a city on fire.]

wise <02450> [wise.]

Genesis 41:38-42


whom <0834> [in whom.]



will <01961> [Thou shalt.]

oversee <05401> [be ruled. Heb. be armed, or kiss.]



signet ring <02885> [his ring.]

fine linen <08336> [fine linen. or, silk.]

gold chain <02091 07242> [a gold chain.]

Genesis 45:8


sent <07971> [it was not.]

adviser <01> [father.]

Genesis 45:2


wept loudly <05414 06963> [wept aloud. Heb. gave forth his voice in weeping.]

"This," says Sir J. Chardin, "is exactly the genius of the people of Asia; their sentiments of joy or grief are properly transports, and their transports are ungoverned, excessive, and truly outrageous. When anyone returns from a long journey or dies, his family burst into cries that may be heard twenty doors off; and this is renewed at different times, and continues many days, according to the vigour of the passion. Sometimes they cease all at once, and then begin as suddenly, with a greater shrillness and loudness than one could easily imagine."

Genesis 32:20-22


appease ... by <03722> [I will appease.]

accept <05375> [peradventure.]

ahead <06440> [of me. Heb. my face.]


two wives ... two <08147 0802> [his two wives.]

ford .... Jabbok <04569 02999> [the ford Jabbok.]

Or, "the ford of Jabbok," a stream which takes its rise in the mountains of Gilead, and falls into the Jordan to the south of the lake of Gennesareth. It is now called the Zerka.

Job 22:30


deliver ... someone ..... innocent .... escape <04422 0336 05355> [He shall deliver the island of the innocent. or, The innocent shall deliver the island.]

cleanness <01252> [pureness.]

Ecclesiastes 9:15


one <0120> [yet.]

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