Psalms 106:43-45
Many <07227> [Many.]
attitude <06098> [with their.]
degraded <04355> [brought low. or, impoverished, or weakened.]
remembered <02142> [And he.]
relented <05162> [repented.]
great <07230> [to the.]
Exodus 34:6-9
passed <05674> [passed.]
proclaimed <07121> [proclaimed.]
Lord ......... Lord ... Lord <03068> [The Lord.]
compassionate <07349> [merciful.]
abounding <07227> [abundant.]
faithfulness <0571> [truth.]
keeping <05341> [Keeping.]
forgiving <05375> [forgiving.]
means ..... unpunished <05352> [that will by no means clear the guilty.]
The Hebrew {nakkeh lo yenakkeh,} has been rendered "Acquitting him who is not innocent." Nothing can more strongly express the goodness of God to frail mortals than this declaration, "which has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by all our translators."
responding <06485> [visiting.]
found <04672> [If now.]
Lord .... Lord <0136> [let my Lord.]
stiff-necked <07186> [stiff-necked.]
pardon <05545> [pardon.]
inheritance <05157> [take us.]
Numbers 14:18-20
slow <0750> [long-suffering.]
visiting <06485> [visiting.]
forgive <05545> [Pardon.]
great <01433> [according.]
forgiven <05375> [and as thou.]
now <02008> [until now. or, hitherto.]
Numbers 16:44-48
away <07426> [Get you up.]
threw ... down <05307> [And they.]
<06440> [from off.]
put ......... place <05414 07760> [and put.]
atonement <03722> [an atonement.]
wrath <07110> [there is wrath.]
plague ... begun <05063 02490> [the plague is begun.]
God now punished them by a secret blast, so as to put the matter beyond dispute; His hand, and His alone, was seen, not only in the plague, but in the manner in which the mortality was arrested. It was necessary that it should be done in this way, that the whole congregation might see that these men who had perished were not "the people of the Lord," and that God, not Moses and Aaron, had destroyed them.
ran <07323> [and ran.]
plague <05063> [and behold.]
placed <05414> [and he put.]
What the plague was we know not; but it seems from this to have begun at one part of the camp, and to have proceeded regularly onward.
Isaiah 44:21-22
Remember <02142> [Remember.]
servant ........ servant <05650> [thou art.]
forget <05382> [thou shalt.]
remove <04229> [blotted.]
guilt <05645> [as a thick.]
back <07725> [return.]