Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 53:6
Datanglah ya Sumber Rahmat [KJ.240a] ( Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing )
1. Datanglah, ya sumber rahmat, selaraskan hatiku menyanyikan
kasih s'lamat yang tak kunjung berhenti. Ajar aku madah indah,
gita balai sorgaMu. Aku puji gunung kokoh, gunung pengasihanMu.
Yeh 47:1-12
2. Hingga kini 'ku selamat dengan kuat yang Kaub'ri.
Kuharapkan akan dapat sampai di neg'ri seri.
Yesus cari akan daku, domba binal yang sesat;
Untuk membela diriku dipikulNya salib b'rat.
1 Sam 7:12
Mzm 119:176
Mat 10:12-14
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-25
3. Tiap hari 'ku berhutang pada kasih abadi.
Rantailah hatiku curang dengan rahmat tak henti.
'Ku dipikat pencobaan meninggalkan kasihMu;
inilah hatiku, Tuhan, meteraikan bagiMu!Hos 11:4
2 Kor 1:21-22
Ef 1:13-14
Ef 4:30
Datanglah ya Sumber Rahmat [KJ.240b] ( Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing )
1. Datanglah, ya sumber rahmat, selaraskan hatiku menyanyikan
kasih s'lamat yang tak kunjung berhenti. Ajar aku madah indah,
gita balai sorgaMu. Aku puji gunung kokoh, gunung pengasihanMu.Kepada yang Berdarah [KJ.170]
1. Kepala yang berdarah, tertunduk dan sedih,
penuh dengan sengsara dan luka yang pedih,
meski mahkota duri menghina harkatMu,
Kau patut kukagumi: terima hormatku.
Mrk 15:16-19
2. O wajah yang mulia, yang patut di sembah
dan layak menerima pujian dunia, sekarang diludahi,
dihina, dicerca, disiksa, dilukai yang salah siapakah?
Mrk 14:65
Mrk 15:19
3. Ya Tuhan, yang Kautanggung yaitu salahku;
dosaku t'lah Kaugantung dikayu salibMu.
O, kasihani daku yang harus dicela;
Ampunilah hambaMu, beri anugerah!
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
4. Gembala yang setia terima dombaMu!
Kau Sumber bahagia Penuntun hidupku.
SabdaMu t'lah membuka karunia tak terp'ri
Dan nikmat dari sorga padaku Kauberi.
Yoh 10:11
1 Ptr 2:25
5. Syukur sebulat hati kub'rikan padaMu,
ya Yesus yang t'lah mati demi selamatku.
Hendaklah 'ku terhibur dengan tuntunanMu:
PadaMu 'kuberlindung di akhir hayatku.
Mzm 23:4
6. Di saat aku mati, Kau tinggalah serta;
di pintu maut nanti, ya Tuhan, datanglah!
Di kala kecemasan menghimpit hatiku,
Berilah kekuatan berkat sengsaraMu.
7. Engkaulah perlindungan di saat ajalku;
salibMulah, ya Tuhan, penghibur anakMu
dan wajahMu kupandang!Why 14:13
Play Penebusku Disalib [KJ.175]
1. Penebusku disalib dalam nista dan sengsara.
Putra Allah, hilangkah kuasaMu dan kemuliaanMu?
Yes 53:3-7
Mrk 15:22-26
2. Penebusku disalib menghapuskan hukumanku,
agar aku diberi anugerah, hidup oleh matiNya.
Rm 5:6-10
2 Tim 1:10
1 Ptr 2:22-24
3. Penebusku disalib. Biar aku pun setia bagi Dia!
Oleh kematianNya aku dibangkitkanNya.
Ef 2:1-10
4. Penebusku disalib. Apa pantas 'ku mengaduh
disusahku? Dibandingkan salibNya, pikulanku ringanlah.
5. Penebusku disalib. Hidup-matiku, ya Tuhan,
kuserahkan: dalam suka-dukaku 'ku tetap bersamaMu!Rm 14:8
Play Siapa Tergantung di Salib di Sana [KJ.173]
1. Siapa tergantung di salib di sana, tertimpa siksaan dan bencana,
penuh dengan luka, dirundung hukuman? Apakah yang sudah
Mrk 15:22-26
2. Di salib di sana, menanggung sengsara, tergantunglah Anakdomba Allah.
Tiada salahNya selain mengasihi, dan itu di tolak dunia ini.Yoh 1:29
3. Jikalau kasihNya sempurna sejati, mengapakah Ia harus mati?
Mengapakah Ia menyangkal diriNya sehingga dipandang hina dina?
4. UpahNya yaitu pahala sentosa yang datang dengan tebusan dosa.
Curahan darahNya menutup semua; o lihat nestapa dan bilurNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
5. Ya Yesus, ya Tuhan yang maharahmani, kasihMu tak dapat diimbangi!
Di sorga, di bumi, terima kiranya pujian dan hormat selamanya!Play Tatkala Hari pun Senja [KJ.148]
1. Tatkala hati pun senja, yang sakit datang kepadaMu,
dirundung duka dan keluh; pulang dengan sejahtera.
Mrk 1:32-34
2. Senja sekarang ini pun, terkumpul kami yang penat;
dalam iman Engkau dekat, walau tak nyata wujudMu.
3. O Tuhan Jesus, tolonglah yang sakit maupun yang sedih;
ada yang kandas dan sepi, ada yang hilang kasihnya.
4. Yang satu budak dunia, yang lain kurang beriman;
ada yang hampir tenggelam: hanya Engkau Penolongnya.
5. Yang anggap dunia semu, tetap mengharap yang fana;
yang ditinggalkan kawannnya, belum mencari kasihMu.
6. Berdosalah semuanya tiada yang tent'ram penuh,
bahkan yang paling saleh pun justru merasa bercela.
Rm 3:23
7. O Yesus, juga kau telah menanggung siksa dan keluh;
oleh tindakan kasihMu tubuh dan roh obatilah!Yes 53:3-7
Ibr 4:15
Play Yang Sengsara Itulah [KJ.181]
1. "Yang Sengsara" itulah Putra Allah mulia, Penebus manusia.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
Mrk 15:9
2. Ganti aku Dialah yang dihukum, disesah. Bebas aku olehNya.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
Yes 53:3-7
Mrk 15:15
3. Kita salah dan lemah; Ia tidak bercela. Damai pulih olehNya.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
1 Ptr 2:22-25
2 Kor 5:18-19
4. Di salib di Golgota "Selesailah!" sabdaNya. Kini sorga arasyNya.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
Yoh 19:30
Mrk 16:19
5. Bila Raja mulia menjemput jemaatNya, kidung kita bergema,
"Haleluya, puji Dia!Yoh 14:2-3
Why 19:6-7
Play Yesus, Kau Kehidupanku [KJ.179]
1. Yesus, Kau kehidupanku, Kau penumpas mautku;
pada salib Kau dipaku sampai mati gantiku;
agar aku mendapati hidup baru yang abadi.
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.
Yoh 11:25
Mrk 15:15
Yes 53:5-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
2. Yesus, Kau telah memikul fitnah, siksa terbesar;
Kau ditambat dan dipukul, walau hidupMu benar,
Agar aku tak binasa, s'lamat dari rantai dosa.
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.
Mrk 15:16-37
Luk 23:47
Rm 6:18
3. Tinggi hatiku t'lah pupus oleh kelembutanMu;
oleh matiMu Kauhapus rasa pahit matiku.
Oleh nista yang Kautanggung 'ku yang hina jadi agung.
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.Mat 11:29
1 Kor 15:56
4. T'rima kasih, Jurus'lamat, atas pengorbananMu:
atas sakitMu yang sangat, atas pahit matiMu.
Atas luka, atas bilur, atas salib yang Kaupikul
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.Yes 53:5
Play Yesus, Tuhanku, Apakah Dosaku [KJ.167]
1. Yesus, Tuhanku, apakah dosaMu, hingga hukuman bagiMu berlaku?
Durhaka apa sudah dituduhkan padaMu Tuhan?
Mi 6:3
Mat 27:4
Luk 23:22, 47
2 Kor 5:21
2. Kau didera, dihina kaum prajurit, Kau dicerca, dib'ri mahkota duri
dan minumMu pada kayu salib anggur yang pahit.
Mat 27:26-31
Mat 27:34
3. Apa sebabnya Kauterima siksa? Tak lain kar'na dosa manusia:
aku sendiri dan kesalahanku jadi bebanMu!
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
4. Siapa menduga jalan hukum ini: bahwa Gembala mengurbankan diri,
jadi tebusan domba yang bersalah terhadap Allah.
Yoh 10:11-18
Yoh 15:13
1 Yoh 3:16
5. Kau harus mati walau tak berdosa, orang bersalah hidup dan sentosa.
Bebaskanlah kami yang t'lah mengaminkan Kau disalibkan.
Rm 5:6-10
6. Kasih sempurna, rahmat tak terhingga, Kau menjalani siksa maut hina.
Aku terbawa dunia sukacita, kau menderita!
7. Raja abadi, apa kulakukan, agar kasihMu dapat kumasyhurkan?
Apa yang layak aku persembahkan jadi imbalan?
8. Tiada yang sanggup untuk mengimbangi rahmat kasihMu suci dan ilahi.
Baik berusaha maupun beribadah, takkan setara!
9. Namun yang tinggal berkenan padaMu hanyalah bila kusalibkan nafsu;
hati yang hancur yang hendak bertobat tidak Kautolak.
Mzm 51:19
10. Kar'na 'ku tahu aku tak berkuasa dan agar jangan aku putus asa,
b'ri Roh KudusMu memerintah aku ikut jejakMu!
1 Ptr 2:21
11. Jadikan daku taat dan setia demi namaMu yang mahamulia,
agar kupikul salibMu ke muka tanpa berduka.
Mrk 8:34
12. Walau karyaku tak bersifat jasa, namun, ya Tuhan, Kau senantiasa
mau menerima persembahan hati dan Kauberkati.
13. Ya Tuhan Yesus yang di takhta Allah, Kau yang terpuji untuk selamanya;
aku pun ikut memberi selalu syukur padaMu!Why 5:12-13
Psalms 14:3
[Psa 14:3] Mouth Of Fools Doth God Confess, The
The mouth of fools doth God confess,
But while their lips draw nigh Him,
Their heart is full of wickedness,
And all their deeds deny Him.
Corrupt are they, and every one
Abominable works hath done;
There is not one well-doer.The Lord looked from His heavenly throne
On all mankind below Him
To see if there were any one
Who truly sought to know Him,
And all his understanding bent
To search His holy Word, intent
To do His will in earnest.But none there was who walked with God,
For all aside had slidden,
Delusive paths of folly trod,
And followed lusts forbidden;
Not one there was who practiced good,
Though many deemed, in haughty mood,
Their deeds to God were pleasing.“How long, by folly blindly led,
Will they oppress the needy
And My own flock devour like bread?”
So fierce are they and greedy!
In God they put no trust at all,
Nor on His Name in trouble call,
But be their own providers.Therefore their heart is never still,
A constant fear dismays them,
God is with him who doth His will,
Who trusts Him and obeys Him;
Ye shame the counsel of the poor
And mock him when he doth assure
That God is e’er his Refuge.Who shall to Israel’s outcast race
From Zion bring salvation?
God will Himself at length show grace
And loose the captive nation;
That will He do by Christ, their King;
Let Jacob then be glad and sing
And Israel be joyful.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 53:6
[Isa 53:6] I Was A Wandering Sheep
I was a wandering sheep,
I did not love the fold;
I did not love my Shepherd’s voice,
I would not be controlled.
I was a wayward child,
I did not love my home;
I did not love my Father’s voice,
I loved afar to roam.The Shepherd sought His sheep,
The Father sought His child;
They followed me o’er vale and hill,
O’er deserts waste and wild;
They found me nigh to death,
Famished and faint and lone;
They bound me with the bands of love,
They saved the wand’ring one.They spoke in tender love,
They raised my drooping head,
They gently closed my bleeding wounds,
My fainting soul they fed;
They washed my filth away,
They made me clean and fair;
They brought me to my home in peace,
The long sought wanderer.Jesus my Shepherd is:
’Twas He that loved my soul;
’Twas He that washed me in His blood,
’Twas He that made me whole.
’Twas He that sought the lost,
That found the wand’ring sheep,
’Twas He that brought me to the fold,
’Tis He that still doth keep.No more a wandering sheep,
I love to be controlled;
I love my tender Shepherd’s voice,
I love the peaceful fold.
No more a wayward child,
I seek no more to roam;
I love my heavenly Father’s voice,
I love, I love His home!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 53:6] Like Sheep We Went Astray
Like sheep we went astray,
And broke the fold of God,
Each wandering in a different way,
But all the downward road.How dreadful was the hour
When God our wanderings laid
And did at once His vengeance pour,
Upon the Shepherd’s head!How glorious was the grace
When Christ sustained the stroke!
His life and blood the Shepherd pays
A ransom for the flock.His honor and His breath
Were taken both away,
Joined with the wicked in His death,
And made as vile as they.But God shall raise His head
O’er all the sons of men,
And make Him see a numerous seed,
To recompense His pain.“I’ll give Him,” saith the Lord,
“A portion with the strong;
He shall possess a large reward;
And hold His honors long.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 53:6] Our Sins, Our Sorrows, Lord
Our sins, our sorrows, Lord, were laid on Thee;
Thy stripes have healed, Thy bonds have set us free;
And now Thy toil is o’er, Thy grief and pain
Have passed away; the veil is rent in twain.Now hast Thou laid Thee down in perfect peace
Where all the wicked from their troubling cease,
And tranquil Sabbath in the grave to keep;
Thy Father giveth His Belovèd sleep.Yet in Thy glory, on the throne above,
Thou wast abiding ever, Love of Love,
Eternal, filling all created things
With Thine own presence, Jesus, King of kings!E’en now our place is with Thee on the throne,
For Thou abidest ever with Thine own;
Yet in the tomb with Thee, we watch for day;
O let Thine angel roll the stone away!O, by Thy life within us, set us free!
Reveal the glory that is hid with Thee!
Glory to God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Holy Spirit, ever One.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 53:6] Tell Out The Wonderful Story
Let all the lost hear of Jesus,
Out in the darkness astray,
Go tell the world of the Shepherd,
Carry the news today.Refrain
Tell out the wonderful story,
Tell of the love of the Savior,
Tell how He came from the glory,
Tell out the wonderful story.Tell them that death has been vanquished,
Life is the gift of His grace;
Tell them the supper is ready,
Bid them to take their place.Refrain
Let all your fears be forsaken;
Throw yourself into the fray;
Look, they are bound for perdition,
Show them the blood bought way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 64:6
[Isa 64:6] Not For Our Sins Alone
Not for our sins alone
Thy mercy, Lord, we sue;
Let fall Thy pitying glance
On our devotions, too,
What we have done for Thee,
And what we think to do.The holiest hours we spend
In prayer upon our knees,
The times when most we deem
The songs of praise will please,
Thou Searcher of all hearts,
Forgiveness pour on these.And all the gifts we bring,
And all the vows we make,
And all the acts of love
We plan for Thy dear sake,
Into Thy pardoning thought,
O God of mercy, take.And most, when we, Thy flock,
Before Thine altar bend,
And strange, bewildering thoughts
With those sweet moments blend,
By Him Whose death we plead,
Good Lord, Thy help extend.Bow down Thine ear and hear!
Open Thine eyes and see!
Our very love is shame,
And we must come to Thee
To make it of Thy grace
What Thou wouldst have it be.Play source: Cyberhymnal