Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 23:6
- 'Ku Diberi Belas Kasihan [KJ.39]
1. 'Ku diberi belas kasihan, walau tak layak hatiku;
tadi 'ku angkuh, kini heran: Tuhan, besarlah rahmatMu!
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia,
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia!
Mzm 32:1
Mzm 130:3-4
Ef 2:4-9
2. Walau 'ku patut dihukumkan, Kaulah penuh anugerah:
darah PutraMu dicurahkan membasuh dosa dan cela.
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu,
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Ini tetap pengakuanku, jikalau orang ingin tahu:
hanya berkat pengasihanMu rukunlah aku dan Engkau.
'Ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu,
'ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu.
4. Jangan seseorang pun di dunia merampas harta hatiku:
dasar percaya yang 'ku punya dan alas doa yang teguh;
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam,
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam!
Rm 14:8
5. Ya Tuhan, jangan ambil rahmat yang Kauberi kepadaku,
kar'na dengannya aku s'lamat sampai ke dalam rumahMu:
di sana kumuliakanlah rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya,
di sana kumuliakan rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya!Mzm 23:6
Play - Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
1. Batu penjuru G'reja dan Dasar yang esa, yaitu
Yesus Kristus, Pendiri umatNya. Dengan kurban darahNya
Gereja ditebus; baptisan dan firmanNya membuatNya kudus.Mzm 118:22
Yes 28:16
1 Kor 3:10-11
Ef 2:20
1 Ptr 2:6-7
Ibr 9:14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Why 5:9
Ef 5:25-27
2. Terpanggil dari bangsa seluruh dunia, manunggallah Gereja
ber-Tuhan Yang Esa. Aneka kurnianya, esa baptisannya,
esa perjamuannya, esa harapannya.
Rm 12:4-5
1 Kor 12:4
Ef 4:3-7
1 Kor 10:16-17
3. Dilanda perpecahan dan faham yang sesat. Jemaat diresahkan
tekanan yang berat. Kaum kudus menyerukan, "Berapa lamakah?"
Akhirnya malam duka diganti t'rang cerah.
1 Kor 11:18-19
Ef 4:14
Why 6:9-10
4. Gereja takkan punah selama-lamanya, dibimbing tangan Tuhan,
dibela kasihNya. Ditantang pengkhianat dan banyak musuhnya,
dan bertahanlah jemaat dan jaya mulia.
Mzm 46
Mat 16:18
5. Di dalam pencobaan dan perjuangannya dinantikan zaman
sejahtera baka. Di mata tercerminkan Gereja yang menang
mencapai perhentian sentosa cemerlang.
Tit 2:13
Yak 5:7-8
2 Ptr 3:10-13
Why 12:11
Ibr 4:9-10
6. Gereja yang di sorga dan yang di dunia bersatu dalam Tuhan,
Ketiga Yang Esa Ya Tuhan, b'ri anug'rah supaya kami pun
Engkau tempatkan juga kekal dirumahMu.Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play - Di Jalanku 'Ku Diiring [KJ.408]
1. Di jalanku 'ku diiring oleh Yesus Tuhanku.
Apakah yang kurang lagi, jika Dia Panduku?
Diberi damai sorgawi, asal imanku teguh.
Suka-duka dipakaiNya untuk kebaikanku;
Suka-duka dipakaiNya untuk kebaikanku.
Ul 31:6, 8
Yos 1:5, 9
Mzm 23:1-4
Mzm 73:23
Rm 8:28
2. Di jalanku yang berliku dihiburNya hatiku;
bila tiba pencobaan dikuatkan imanku.
Jika aku kehausan dan langkahku tak tetap,
dari cadas didepanku datang air yang sedap;
dari cadas didepanku datang air yang sedap.
Kel 17:6
3. Di jalanku nyata sangat kasih Tuhan yang mesra.
Dijanjikan perhentian di rumahNya yang baka.
Jika jiwaku membubung meninggalkan dunia,
Kunyanyikan tak hentinya kasih dan pimpinanNya;
Kunyanyikan tak hentinya kasih dan pimpinanNya.Ibr 4:9-10
Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play - Gembalaku Tuhan [KJ.283]
1. Gembalaku Tuhan! DombaNya senang: di rumput yang subur
kenyang 'ku tertidur; dibimbingNya aku ke air tenang.
Mzm 23
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
2. Gembalaku Tuhan! Jiwaku segar: demi harga tinggi namaNya
sendiri dituntunNya aku di jalan yang benar.
3. Gembalaku Tuhan! Gentarku lenyap: kendati ancaman lembah
kekelaman, petunjuk Tuhanku menghibur tetap.
4. Gembalaku Tuhan! Di gurun sepi diriku dijamu dimuka lawanku:
baik roti, baik anggur padaku dib'ri.
5. Gembalaku Tuhan! Kudapat tempat di dalam rumahNya selama-lamanya;
di sana selalu kut'rima berkat.Play - Sang Rajalah Gembalaku [KJ.377]
1. Sang Rajalah gembalaku yang baik dan Penyayang.
Tak kurang aku apapun selama 'ku milikNya.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11, 14
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
2. Ke sumber air yang tenang, ke padang rumput subur
selalu 'ku dibimbingNya dan jiwaku terhibur.
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
3. Di kala aku tersesat, olehNya 'ku dicari;
di dalam kasih dan rahmat dibawa 'ku kembali.
Mzm 119:176
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Di bayang maut yang gelap tiada aku takut.
Engkau bersamaku tetap; salibMu yang memandu.
5. Engkau hidangkan bagiku karunia Roh berlimpah;
kudapat dalam kasihMu segala sukacita.
6. Sepanjang jalan hidupku kebaikanMu sertaku;
kekal 'ku mau memujiMu di rumahMu, Tuhanku.Play - Siang, Malam, Musim, Tahun [KJ.331]
1. Siang, malam, musim, tahun gilir ganti melenyap; bayang-
bayangnya berlalu, tiada satu yang tetap. Hidup kita menjalani
jangka waktu dunia; tak terulang yang terjadi, tinggal tanggung jawabnya.
2. Orang hidup ditinggalkan oleh pendahulunya, kita pun menuju
makam yang fana. Dari bumi kita lahir dan kembali padaNya;
tanpa rahmat yang ilahi, apakah manusia?
Pkh 1:4
Mzm 89:48-49
Kej 3:19
Mzm 103:14
Mzm 144:3-4
3. Sungguh, Allah mengasihi dunia ciptaanNya: dalam PutraNya
sendiri Ia tinggal beserta. Yang percaya kepadaNya, tak binasa
tenggelam, tapi hidup selamanya dalam Dia yang menang.
Yoh 3:16
Mat 1:23
4. Walau zaman menghanyutkan tiap hal di dunia, pengasihanMu,
ya Tuhan, untuk s'lama-lamanya! Di segala perubahan, dalam
duka apapun, dalam Kristus aku aman: kau menjadi Bapaku!
Mzm 90:5-10
Mzm 103:15-18
Yes 40:6-8
5. Bapa, Sumber pengasihan, Bapa dalam t'rang dan g'lap. Bapa
dalam kematian, pun di kubur yang senyap, setiaMu tak berubah,
kasihMu tetap teguh: Bapa, kepadaMu jua kuserahkan diriku.
6. Siang, malam, musim, tahun, biar kamu melenyap; dalam suka
dan dukaku rahmat Allahku tetap! TanganNya menuntun daku
lewat zaman dunia dan akhirnya 'ku selalu tinggal dalam rumahNya.Mzm 31:16
Mzm 23:6
Play - Sukacita Hatiku [KJ.398]
1. Sukacita hatiku: aku domba Tuhanku dan selalu
'ku diasuh oleh Yesus, Gembalaku. Ia sayang padaku,
dikenalNya namaku.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Luk 15:3-7
Yoh 10:11
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Gembalaku, tongkatMu yang menjaga jalanku,
dan terus kuikut Dikau ke tegalan rumput hijau;
di telaga yang tenang aku puas dan tent'ram.
3. Sungguh, aku dombaNya yang kekal bahagia:
nanti 'ku dipanggul pulang arah ke pangkuan Tuhan.
Dalam rumah Bapaku sukacitaku penuh.Play - Tuhankulah Gembalaku [KJ.285]
1. Tuhankulah Gembalaku; oleh Nya 'ku tent'ram di padang
hijau yang segar, di pinggir air tenang.
Mzm 23
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
2. Jiwaku disegarkanNya dan kar'na namaNya ditunjukkanNya
jalanku yang lurus dan baka.
3. Tak usah takut hatiku di jurang maut gelap; Engkau sertaku,
tongkatMu menghiburku tetap.
4. Engkau beri hidanganku di muka lawanku; Engkau urapi
diriku dan cawanku penuh!
5. KebajikanMu Kauberi seumur hidupku; kelak 'ku tinggal
s'lamanya di rumah Allahku.Play - Yesus, Pimpinlah [KJ.419]
1. Yesus, pimpinlah kami s'lamanya:
hanya Dikau kami ikut di sepanjang jalan hidup.
Tuntun umatMu masuk rumahMu.
Mzm 23
Ibr 12:3
Yoh 21:19, 22
2. B'rilah kami pun iman yang teguh,
agar jangan ditaklukkan oleh susah dan
keluhan, tapi bertekun ikut jalanMu.
3. Bila ditekan duka dan beban,
bagi kami dan sesama, o, berilah ketabahan
dan tunjukkanlah akhir yang cerah.
Rm 5:3-4
Yak 1:3
4. Aturlah terus langkah umatMu
dan berilah pertolongan di setiap pencobaan,
hingga kami pun masuk rumahMu.Play
Psalms 24:7
- Gapuramu Lapangkanlah [KJ.87]
1. Gapuramu lapangkanlah menyambut Raja mulia,
Sang Maharaja semesta dan Jurus'lamat dunia;
Sejahtera dibawahNya. Dengan meriah nyanyilah,
"Terpuji Penebus, Gembala yang kudus."
Mzm 24:7-10
2. Benar dan adil hukumNya, dan rahmat lambang kuasaNya!
MahkotaNya kekal kudus, keretaNya lemah lembut.
Berakhirlah keluh kesah. Dengan meriah soraklah,
"Terpuji Penebus, Penolong yang kudus."
Zkh 9:9
Mat 21:5
3. Selamat berbahagia neg'ri yang memilikiNya.
Selamat hati yang rendah yang sudah dimasukiNya.
Selaku Surya yang benar dib'riNya nikmat yang besar.
Terpuji Penebus, Pelipur yang kudus.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
4. Gapuramu lapangkanlah, hatimu jadi rumahNya;
lambaikan daun di tanganmu menyongsong Raja Agungmu.
Sang Jurus'lamat t'lah dekat membawa hidup dan berkat.
Terpuji Penebus, Pendamai yang kudus.
Ef 3:17
Yoh 12:13
Why 7:9
5. Ya Kristus, Jurus'lamatku, kubuka hati bagiMu.
Ya Tuhan, masuk dan beri pengasihanMu tak henti
Dan Roh Kudus jadikanlah Penunjuk jalan yang baka.
NamaMu, Penebus terpujilah terus!Play - Yang Dipuji Kaum Gembala [KJ.116]
1. Yang dipuji kaum gembala dan disambut malak Allah.
Yakni Raja Kemuliaan juga lahir bagimu.
Luk 2:20
Luk 2:14
2. Orang Majus juga datang dan membawa persembahan
bagi Raja Kemuliaan: mur, mas dan kemenyan.
3. Marilah bersukaria ikut malak dan Maria;
bagi Raja yang mulia angkat lagu yang merdu.
4. Kristus Raja, Allah kita yang menjadi manusia,
puji, hormat dan syukur.Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Why 5:12
Revelation 3:12
- Kota Sion, Kota Allah [KJ.262]
Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
1. Kota Sion, kota Allah, puri agung dan tenar,
kau dipilih tempat tinggal oleh Yang Maha Besar.
Kau berdiri atas Cadas yang abadi dan teguh,
Tiada tertembus musuhmu tembok kes'lamatanmu.
Mzm 48
Mzm 78:13
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Mzm 132:13
Yes 25:6-8
Yes 33:20-21
Yes 60:14
Yl 3:17
Why 3:12
Yes 28:16
Mat 16:18
2. Putera serta putrimu cukup akan air sejuk.
Yang bersumber pada kasih, pantang takut dan keluh.
Siapa akan haus lagi, bila ada air sedap?
Rahmat, seperti Sumbernya tak henti, akan tetap.
Yeh 47:1-12
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:1-2
Why 22:17
3. Tiap rumah terselubung oleh awan yang pekat.
Ada api menerangi Allah pun tetap dekat.
B'ri naungan pada siang, b'ri terang dalam gelap;
Manna pun dib'ri makanan atas doa yang tetap.
Bil 14:14
Kel 13:21-22
Kel 16:15
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 2:17
4. Yesus, bila k'lak pun aku jadi warga kotaMu,
walau dunia menekanku, 'ku kupuji namaMu.
Kebesaran anak dunia akan hilang dan lenyap.
Hanya harta warga Sion dan sukanya yang tetap.Mzm 87:6
Flp 3:20
Ibr 12:23
1 Yoh 2:16-17
Play - Yang T'lah Menang [KJ.263]
1. Yang t'lah menang disambut di Firdaus dan makan
buah pohon Alhayat, tak lagi ingat duka atau maut:
Kristus yang hidup Tuhannya tetap. Ia alami nikmat
Sorgawi dan merasai kasih kekal, dan merasai kasih kekal.
Why 2:7
2. Yang t'lah menang kelak mendapat juga roti sorgawi,
jadi pangannya; kesaksiannya tak pernah terlupa dan nama
baru diterimanya, yang diukirkan di atas intan
tanda jaminan Sang Penebus, tanda jaminan Sang Penebus.
Why 2:17
Why 3:12
3. Yang t'lah menang tak akan mengalami maut kedua
di gelap ngeri, tapi melihat Bapa Mahakasih, ikut
ber-Haleluya tak henti. Habis bertahan di perjuangan
ia bawakan kurban syukur, ia bawakan kurban syukur.
Why 2:11
4. Yang t'lah menang, namanya 'kan tertulis di kitab
kehidupan yang baka; ia pun tampil dalam jubah putih,
mengaku: "Kau Tuhanku s'lamanya!" Dan dari ia terima
tajuk mulia s'lamat kudus, tajuk mulia s'lamat kudus.
Why 3:5
Why 2:10
5. Yang t'ah menang menjadi sokoguru di rumah Allah
s'lama-lamanya. Padanya dituliskan nama baru,
nama Yerusalem dan Allahnya: yang ia raih,
tanda abadi di dahinya, tanda abadi di dahinya.
Why 3:12
Why 14:1
Why 22:4
6. Yang t'lah menang dib'ri tempat di sorga,
takhta yang pantas jadi miliknya, habis berjuang
di gelanggang dunia, di sisi Allah ia jayalah!
Yang t'lah berlaga dalam percaya
Dib'ri sejaht'ra habis perang, dib'ri sejaht'ra habis perang.
Why 3:21
Why 20:4
1 Tim 6:12
2 Tim 4:6-8
Ibr 12:1-3
7. Ya Yesus, tolong! B'rilah kemenangan! Lihat betapa banyak
musuhku: Iblis dan dosaku terus mengancam; aku perlukan
pertolonganMu! Nanti, ya Tuhan, di dalam sorga
aku serukan puji syukur, aku serukan puji syukur!1 Ptr 5:8
Play - Yerusalem, Mulia dan Kudus [KJ.261]
1. Yerusalem, mulia dan kudus, rinduan hatiku!
'Ku tergerak hendak terbang terus ke puncak bukitmu,
diatas hutan rimba dan gunung dan lembah,
supaya aku tiba di negeri baka.
Mzm 48
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Ibr 11:10
Why 3:12
Why 21:2, 9-11
2. Bila kelak bersinar cahyamu, o hari cemerlang,
waktunyalah kus'rahkan nyawaku gembira dan senang
ke dalam tangan Bapa yang t'lah memilihnya dan
kuperoleh s'lamat di Sion s'lamanya.
Mzm 31:6
3. Kota emas, gerbangmu bukalah, terima salamku!
Di dunia alangkah lamanya 'ku rindu padamu,
Tatkala aku susah di alam yang fana dan
kudambakan sorga pusaka yang baka.
Mat 5:3, 10
4. O lihatlah kumpulan yang kudus, berlaksa banyaknya!
Jumlah besar yang sudah ditebus, pilihan mulia,
Telah diutus Tuhan menyambut diriku
Di saat 'ku berjuang di kancah kemelut.
Why 5:11
Why 7:9
1 Tes 3:13
5. Nabi besar, leluhur mulia, jemaat beriman, yang t'lah
pernah memikul salibnya, disiksa, ditekan, sekarang
aku lihat berwajah yang cerah di cahya yang gemilang
yang tiada habisnya.
Why 18:20
1 Ptr 2:21
Ibr 11:35-40
Why 7:9-12
6. Wahai Firdaus, nyanyianmu merdu dan warnamu segar,
udaramu dan tamanmu penuh bahagia benar.
Kemuliaan sorga t'lah masuk hatiku dan 'ku menyanyi
Juga menurut lagumu.
Why 21:1-2
7. Madah besar gempita cemerlang di sana menggegap;
gambus, gendang, kecapi dan serdam membuatnya lengkap:
berlaksa-laksa lidah bersuara bergema di dalam gita indah
di sorga s'lamanya.Why 4:8-11
Why 5:9-14
Why 7:9-12
Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 19:1-8
Psalms 15:1
[Psa 15:1] Lord, Who Shall Come To Thee
Lord, who shall come to Thee,
And stand before Thy face?
Who shall abide, a welcome guest,
Within Thy holy place?The man of upright life,
Sincere in word and deed,
Who slanders neither friend nor foe,
Nor idle tales will heed.Who honors godly men,
But scorns the false and vile,
Who keeps his promised word to all,
Though loss be his the while.Who loves not usury,
Nor takes a base reward;
Unmoved forever he shall be,
And stand before the Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Who, O Lord, With Thee Abiding
Who, O Lord, with Thee abiding,
In Thy House shall be Thy guest?
Who, his feet to Zion turning,
In Thy holy hill shall rest?
He that ever walks uprightly,
Does the right without a fear,
When he speaks, he speaks not lightly,
But with truth and love sincere.He that slanders not his brother,
Does not evil to a friend;
To reproaches of another
He refuses to attend.
Wicked men win not his favor,
But the good who fear the Lord;
From his vow he will not waver,
Though it bring him sad reward.Freely to the needy lending,
No excess he asks again;
And the innocent befriending,
He desires not praise of men.
Doing this, and evil spurning,
He shall nevermore be moved;
This the man with Thee sojourning,
This the man by Thee approved.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Who Shall Ascend Thy Heav’nly Place?
Who shall ascend Thy heav’nly place,
Great God, and dwell before Thy face?
The man that minds religion now,
And humbly walks with God below.Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean,
Whose lips still speak the thing they mean;
No slanders dwell upon his tongue;
He hates to do his neighbor wrong.Scarce will he trust an ill report,
Nor vents it to his neighbor’s hurt:
Sinners of state he can despise,
But saints are honored in his eyes.Firm to his word he ever stood,
And always makes his promise good;
Nor dares to change the thing he swears,
Whatever pain or loss he bears.He never deals in bribing gold,
And mourns that justice should be sold;
While others gripe and grind the poor,
Sweet charity attends his door.He loves his enemies, and prays
For those that curse him to his face
And doth to all men still the same
That he would hope or wish from them.Yet, when his holiest works are done,
His soul depends on grace alone:
This is the man Thy face shall see,
And dwell for ever, Lord, with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Who Shall Inhabit In Thy Hill?
Who shall inhabit in Thy hill,
O God of holiness?
Whom will the Lord admit to dwell
So near His throne of grace?The man that walks in pious ways,
And works with righteous hands;
That trusts his Maker’s promises,
And follows His commands.He speaks the meaning of his heart,
Nor slanders with his tongue;
Will scarce believe an ill report,
Nor do his neighbor wrong.The wealthy sinner he contemns,
Loves all that fear the Lord;
And though to his own hurt he swears,
Still he performs his word.His hands disdain a golden bribe,
And never gripe the poor:
This man shall dwell with God on earth,
And find his Heav’n secure.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Why Doth The Lord Stand Off So Far?
Why doth the Lord stand off so far?
And why conceal His face,
When great calamities appear,
And times of deep distress?Lord, shall the wicked still deride
Thy justice and Thy power?
Shall they advance their heads in pride,
And still Thy saints devour?They put Thy judgments from their sight,
And then insult the poor;
They boast in their exalted height,
That they shall fall no more.Arise, O God, lift up Thine hand,
Attend our humble cry;
No enemy shall dare to stand
When God ascends on high.Why do the men of malice rage,
And say, with foolish pride,
“The God of Heav’n will ne’er engage
To fight on Zion’s side?”But Thou forever art our Lord;
And powerful is Thine hand,
As when the heathens felt Thy sword,
And perished from Thy land.Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray,
And cause Thine ear to hear;
He hearkens what His children say,
And puts the world in fear.Proud tyrants shall no more oppress,
No more despise the just;
And mighty sinners shall confess
They are but earth and dust.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 23:6
[Psa 23:6] I Shall Dwell Forever There
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark satanic mills?Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 24:7
[Psa 24:7] Day, A Day Of Glory, A
A day, a day of glory!
A day that ends our woe!
A day that tells of triumph
Against our vanquished foe!
Yield, summer’s brightest sunrise,
To this December morn:
Lift up your gates, ye princes,
And let the Child be born!With Gloria in excelsis
Archangels tell their mirth:
With Kyrie elëyson
Men answer upon earth:
And angels swell the triumph,
And mortals raise the horn,
Lift up your gates, ye princes,
And let the Child be born.He comes, His throne the manger;
He comes, His shrine the stall;
The ox and ass His courtiers,
Who made and governs all:
The “House of Bread” His birth-place,
The Prince of wine and corn:
Lift up your gates, ye princes,
And let the Child be born.Then bar the gates, that henceforth
None thus may passage win,
Because the Prince of Israel
Alone hath entered in:
The earth, the sky, the ocean
His glorious way adorn:
Lift up your gates, ye princes,
And let the Child be born.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 24:7] Fling Wide The Door
Fling wide the door, unbar the gate;
The King of glory comes in state;
The Lord of lords and King of kings,
The Savior of the world who brings
His great salvation to the earth.
So raise a shout of holy mirth
And praise our God and Lord,
Creator, Spirit Word.He is the rock of our belief,
The heart of mercy’s gentle self.
His kingly crown is holiness;
His scepter is his loveliness;
He brings our sorrows to an end.
Now gladly praise our king and friend,
And worship him with song,
For saving us from wrong.O, happy towns and blessed lands
That live by their true king’s commands,
And blessed be the hearts he rules,
The humble places where he dwells.
He is the rightful Son of bliss
Who fills our lives and makes us his,
Creator of the world,
Our only strength for good.Come, Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ;
Our hearts are open wide in trust.
Oh, show us now your lovely grace,
Upon our sorrows shine your face,
And let your Holy Spirit guide
Our journey in your grace so wide.
We praise your holy name,
From age to age the same.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 24:7] Lift Up Your Heads, Eternal Gates!
Lift up your heads, eternal gates!
Unfold, to entertain
The King of glory; see!
He comes, with His celestial train.Who is this King of glory—who?
The Lord, for strength renowned;
In battle mighty; o’er His foes
Eternal Victor crowned.Lift up your heads, ye gates! unfold
In state to entertain
The King of glory; see! He comes
With all His shining train.Who is this King of glory—who?
The Lord of hosts renowned:
Of glory He alone is King,
Who is with glory crowned.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 24:7] Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates,
Behold the King of glory waits;
The King of kings is drawing near,
The Savior of the world is here;
Life and salvation doth He bring,
Wherefore rejoice and gladly sing:
We praise Thee, Father, now!
Creator, wise art Thou!The Lord is just, a Helper tried,
Mercy is ever at His side,
His kingly crown is holiness,
His scepter, pity in distress,
The end of all our woe He brings;
Wherefore the earth is glad and sings:
We praise Thee, Savior, now,
Mighty in deed art Thou!Oh blest the land, the city blest,
Where Christ the Ruler is confessed!
Oh happy hearts and happy homes
To whom this King in triumph comes!
The cloudless Sun of joy He is,
Who bringeth pure delight and bliss:
O Comforter divine,
What boundless grace is Thine!Fling wide the portals of your heart,
Make it a temple set apart
From earthly use for Heaven’s employ,
Adorned with prayer and love and joy;
So shall your Sovereign enter in,
And new and nobler life begin:
To Thee, O God, be praise,
For word and deed and grace!Redeemer, come! I open wide
My heart to Thee—here, Lord, abide!
Let me Thy inner presence feel,
Thy grace and love in me reveal,
Thy Holy Spirit guide us on
Until our glorious goal is won!
Eternal praise and fame
We offer to Thy Name.Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates;
Behold, the King of glory waits;
The King of kings is drawing near;
The Savior of the world is here!A Helper just He comes to thee,
His chariot is humility,
His kingly crown is holiness,
His scepter, pity in distress.O blest the land, the city blest,
Where Christ the Ruler is confessed!
O happy hearts and happy homes
To whom this King in triumph comes!Fling wide the portals of your heart;
Make it a temple, set apart
From earthly use for heaven’s employ,
Adorned with prayer and love and joy.Redeemer, come, with us abide;
Our hearts to Thee we open wide;
Let us Thy inner presence feel;
Thy grace and love in us reveal.Thy Holy Spirit lead us on
Until our glorious goal is won;
Eternal praise, eternal fame
Be offered, Savior, to Thy Name!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 24:7] Ye Gates, Lift Your Heads
Ye gates, lift your heads, the glad summons obey,
Ye doors everlasting, wide open the way.
The King of all glory high honors await,
The King of all glory shall enter in state.What King of all glory is this that ye sing?
The Lord, strong and mighty, the conquering King.
Ye gates, lift your heads, and His summons obey,
Ye doors everlasting, wide open the way.The King of all glory high honors await,
The King of all glory shall enter in state.
What King of all glory is this that ye sing?
Jehovah of Hosts, He of glory is King.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 3:12
[Rev 3:12] King Of The City Splendid
King of the City Splendid,
Eternal in the height,
May all our country’s cities
Grow holy in Thy sight;
Cleansed from the deeds of darkness—
Cities of light.Teach love to gladden children
That know not childhood’s mirth,
Wronged of their rights—no beauty
In their scant reach of earth;
To hope’s large sunshine give them
A second birth.Give joy to all the joyless,
Song’s voice to sorrows dumb,
May light invade with blessing
Each dark and deathly slum;
Into earth’s realms of horror
Thy Kingdom come!Soon may our country’s cities
Thy robe of glory wear;
Each place of toil a temple,
Each house a home of prayer;
Each city’s name of beauty—
The Lord is there!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 3:12] O What Their Joy And Their Glory Must Be
O what their joy and their glory must be,
Those endless Sabbaths the blessèd ones see;
Crown for the valiant, to weary ones, rest;
God shall be all, and in all ever blessed.What are the Monarch, His court, and His throne?
What are the peace and the joy that they own?
O that the blessed ones, who in it have share,
All that they feel could as fully declare!Truly, “Jerusalem” name we that shore,
City of peace that brings joy evermore;
Wish and fulfillment are not severed there,
Nor do things prayed for come short of the prayer.There, where no troubles distraction can bring,
We the sweet anthems of Zion shall sing;
While for Thy grace, Lord, their voices of praise
Thy blessèd people eternally raise.There dawns no Sabbath, no Sabbath is o’er,
Those Sabbath keepers have one evermore;
One and unending is that triumph song
Which to the angels and us shall belong.Now, in the meanwhile, with hearts raised on high,
We for that country must yearn and must sigh;
Seeking Jerusalem, dear native land,
Through our long exile on Babylon’s strand.Low before Him with our praises we fall,
Of Whom, and in Whom, and through Whom are all;
Of Whom, the Father; and in Whom, the Son,
Through Whom, the Spirit, with Them ever One.Play source: Cyberhymnal