Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 18:6-50
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250a]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
Mzm 18
Mzm 46
Mzm 144:1-2
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Luk 10:18
Yoh 12:31
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Ptr 5:8
Why 13
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!Yoh 16:33
Mzm 24:10
Ef 1:20-22
Kol 2:15
Why 17:14
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Mzm 118:6
Rm 8:31
Mat 5:3, 10
Ibr 12:28
Yak 2:5
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250b]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Dikau Yang Bangkit, Mahamulia [KJ.194]
1. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
Turun malak sorga putih cemerlang; kubur ia buka, tanda Kau menang.
Mat 28:2
Kol 2:15
2. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
3. Lihatlah Dia, Yesus, Tuhanmu! Dialah Mesias; yakinlah teguh!
Mari, umat Tuhan, bergembiralah! Bertekun maklumkan kemenanganNya!
Mat 28:9
Luk 24:30-31
Yoh 20:16, 19-20
Yoh 20:26-29
Mat 28:18-20
4. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
5. Tuhanku hidup takut pun lenyap. Dia Junjunganku, Damaiku tetap.
Yesuslah Kuatku, Kemenanganku, Yesus Hidupku, Kemuliaanku!
Mzm 18:47
Ef 2:14
Yoh 11:25
6. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah! Play Suci, Suci, Suci [KJ.2] ( Holy, Holy, Holy )
1. Suci, suci, suci Tuhan Maha kuasa! Dikau kami puji di pagi yang teduh.
Suci, suci, suci, murah dan perkasa,
Allah Tritunggal, agung namaMu!
Yes 6:2-3
Mzm 5:4
2. Suci, suci, suci! Kaum kudus tersungkur di depan takhtaMu memb'ri mahkotanya
Segenap malaikat sujud menyembahMu, Tuhan, Yang Ada s'lama-lamanya.
Why 4:6-11
3. Suci, suci, suci! Walau tersembunyi, walau yang berdosa tak nampak wajahMu,
Kau tetap Yang Suci, tiada terimbangi, Kau Mahakuasa, murni kasihMu
Ul 5:23-24
Mzm 18:12
1 Tim 6:16
4. Suci, suci, suci! Tuhan Mahakuasa! Patut Kau dipuji seluruh karyaMu.
Suci, suci, suci, murah dan perkasa, Allah Tritunggal, agung namaMu!Mzm 69:35
Mzm 103:22
Mzm 145:10
Matthew 28:2-6
Dikau Yang Bangkit, Mahamulia [KJ.194]
1. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
Turun malak sorga putih cemerlang; kubur ia buka, tanda Kau menang.
Mat 28:2
Kol 2:15
2. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
3. Lihatlah Dia, Yesus, Tuhanmu! Dialah Mesias; yakinlah teguh!
Mari, umat Tuhan, bergembiralah! Bertekun maklumkan kemenanganNya!
Mat 28:9
Luk 24:30-31
Yoh 20:16, 19-20
Yoh 20:26-29
Mat 28:18-20
4. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
5. Tuhanku hidup takut pun lenyap. Dia Junjunganku, Damaiku tetap.
Yesuslah Kuatku, Kemenanganku, Yesus Hidupku, Kemuliaanku!
Mzm 18:47
Ef 2:14
Yoh 11:25
6. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah! Play Hai Anak-Anak, Muda dan Belia [KJ.67]
1. Hai anak-anak muda dan belia yang diberkati,
dijaga Allah Bapa, patut bersyukur, berdoa dan berkarya;
kar'na demikian maksud Sang Pencipta.
2. Gunung menjulang, laut berkilauan,
tanaman hijau dan alam yang menawan
patut dijaga, dirawat, dikelola;
kar'na demikian maksud Sang Pencipta.
Mzm 8:7-9
3. Hewan di bumi, unggas di udara,
ikan di laut serta binatang langka
patut disayang, dibela, dip'lihara;
kar'na demikian maksud Sang Pencipta.
4. Hai manusia, muda dan dewasa,
hewan dan pohon serta seisi dunia,
pujilah Tuhan seluruh alam raya;
kar'na demikian maksud Sang Pencipta.Mzm 148
Play Meski Dijaga KuburNya [KJ.192]
1. Meski dijaga kuburNya, tak usah kau sendu:
di Hari Minggu yang cerah t'lah bangkit Tuhanmu!
Mat 27:62-66
Mat 28:1-10
2. Bernyanyi, bergembiralah, bersyukur tak jemu!
Tiap Hari Minggu ingatlah: t'lah bangkit Tuhanmu!
3. Sedih dan suram rasanya di pagi yang gelap;
mulia Hari BangkitNya kuasa maut lenyap.
2 Tim 1:10
4. Bernyanyi, bergembiralah, bersyukur tak jemu!
Tiap Hari Minggu ingatlah: t'lah bangkit Tuhanmu!Play Sang Kristus Bangkit, Nyanyilah [KJ.204]
1. Sang Kristus bangkit, nyanyilah Haleluya, Haleluya, Penghibur
isi dunia. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Andaikan Ia tak menang, Haleluya, Haleluya, harapan dunia
terbenam. Haleluya, Haleluya!
3. Menanglah Ia yang kudus; Haleluya, Haleluya, terpuji
Kristus Penebus. Haleluya, Haleluya!
4. Ketiga ibu bersedih, Haleluya, Haleluya,
menengok kubur yang sepi. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-2
5. Di kubur itu tampaklah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
telah terguling batunya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:3-4
6. Hai jangan takut dan sedih, Haleluya, Haleluya,
yang kamu cari t'lah pergi. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:5-6
7. Katakanlah kepadaku, Haleluya, Haleluya,
dimana kini Tuhanku? Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yoh 20:13-15
8. Tuhanmu bangkit mulia, Haleluya, Haleluya,
berita Paskah t'rimalah. Haleluya, Haleluya!
9. Tunjukkanlah di manakah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
yang bangkit dari kuburNya? Haleluya, Haleluya!
10. Lebih dahulu lihatlah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
yang bangkit dari kuburNya? Haleluya, Haleluya,
Mat 28:6
11. Jikalau kosong kuburNya, Haleluya, Haleluya,
ke mana kepergianNya? Haleluya, Haleluya!
12. Ke Galilea pulanglah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
temui Dia segera! Haleluya, Haleluya,
bersukacita tak henti. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mat 28:7
13. Tak lagi kami bersedih, Haleluya, Haleluya,
bersukacita tak henti. Haleluya, Haleluya!
14. Berita Paskah bergema, Haleluya, Haleluya,
Penghibur isi dunia, Haleluya, Haleluya!Play Tuhanku Bangkit! Nyanyilah [KJ.211]
1. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah: Haleluya!
Kubur ditinggalkanNya, maut dikalahkanNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah: Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-82
2 Tim 1:10
2. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Tiga ibu datanglah, tidak menemukanNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-4
3. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Sang malaikat mulia membukakan kuburNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mat 28:2
4. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Jangan takut dan sedih: Yang kaucari t'lah pergi!"
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:6
5. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Ingat akan sabdaNya yang pernah diucapNya."
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:7
6. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Setelah sengsaraNya Allah memuliakanNya."
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Flp 2:9-11
7. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Yang tersalib hiduplah! Kita hidup olehNya!
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
Psalms 18:6-50
[Psa 18:9] Christ Is Born! Tell Forth His Fame!
Christ is born! Tell forth His fame!
Christ from Heaven! His love proclaim!
Christ on earth! Exalt His Name!
Sing to the Lord, O world, with exultation!
Break forth in glad thanksgiving, every nation!
For He hath triumphed gloriously!Man, in God’s own image made,
Man, by Satan’s wiles betrayed,
Man, on whom corruption preyed,
Shut out from hope of life and of salvation,
Today Christ maketh him a new creation,
For He hath triumphed gloriously!For the Maker, when His foe
Wrought the creature death and woe,
Bowed the heav’ns, and came below,
And in the virgin’s womb His dwelling making,
Became true Man, man’s very nature taking;
For He hath triumphed gloriously!He, the Wisdom, Word, and Might,
God, and Son, and Light of light,
Undiscovered by the sight
Of earthly monarch, or infernal spirit,
Incarnate was, that we might Heav’n inherit:
For He hath triumphed gloriously!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:9] Lord Descended From Above, The
The Lord descended from above,
And bowed the heavens high;
And underneath His feet He cast
The darkness of the sky.
On cherub and on cherubim
Full royally He rode;
And on the wings of all the winds
Came flying all abroad;
And on the wings of all the winds
Came flying all abroad.And from above the Lord sent down
To fetch me from below,
And plucked me out of waters great
That would me overflow.
(And me delivered from my foes)
That would have made me thrall;
Yea, from such foes as were too strong
For me to deal withal;
Yea, from such foes as were too strong
For me to deal withal.And as I was an innocent,
So did He me regard,
And to the cleanness of my hands
He gave me my reward.
For that I walked in His ways,
And in His paths have trod,
And have not wavered wickedly
Against my Lord and God;
And have not wavered wickedly
Against my Lord and God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:18] From Homes Of Quiet Peace
From homes of quiet peace
We lift up hands of prayer,
And those Thou gavest us to love
Commend, Lord, to Thy care.In perils of the sea
Watch o’er them day by day;
In perils of the common life
Be Thou their Strength and Stay.Let Thine almighty arm
Be their defense and shield;
And whosoever’s cause is Thine
To them the victory yield.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:18] In Life’s Earnest Morning
In life’s earnest morning, when our hope was high,
Came Thy voice to summons, not to be put by;
Nor in toil nor sorrow, weakness or dismay,
Need we ever falter—art not Thou our stay?Teach us, Lord, Thy wisdom, while we seek men’s lore;
May the mind be humbled as we know Thee more;
Let the larger vision bring the childlike heart,
And our deeper knowledge holier zeal impart.Should Thy face be clouded to our spirits’ sight,
Speak thro’ human kindness, shine thro’ nature’s light,
In the face of loved ones, or the ties of home—
Only, gracious Father, to Thy children come.Save us, Lord, from seeking earth’s unhallowed goals;
May our lifelong passion be the love of souls;
Let us live and labor, Father, in Thy sight,
Thro’ the grace of Jesus, by the Spirit’s might.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:18] O Strength And Stay
O Strength and Stay upholding all creation,
Who ever dost Thyself unmoved abide;
Yet day by day the light in due gradation
From hour to hour through all its changes guide.Grant to life’s day a calm unclouded ending,
An eve untouched by shadows of decay,
The brightness of a holy deathbed blending
With dawning glories of the eternal day.Hear us, O Father, gracious and forgiving,
Through Jesus Christ Thy co-eternal Word,
Who, with the Holy Ghost, by all things living
Now and to endless ages art adored.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:21] Lord, Thou Hast Seen My Soul Sincere
Lord, Thou hast seen my soul sincere,
Hast made Thy truth and love appear;
Before mine eyes I set Thy laws,
And Thou hast owned my righteous cause.Since I have learned Thy holy ways,
I’ve walked upright before Thy face;
Or if my feet did e’er depart,
’Twas never with a wicked heart.What sore temptations broke my rest!
What wars and strugglings in my breast!
But through Thy grace, that reigns within,
I guard against my darling sin:That sin which close besets me still,
That works and strives against my will:
When shall Thy Spirit’s sovereign power
Destroy it, that it rise no more?With an impartial hand, the Lord
Deals out to mortals their reward;
The kind and faithful souls shall find
A God as faithful and as kind.The just and pure shall ever say
Thou art more pure, more just than they;
And men that love revenge shall know
God hath an arm of vengeance, too.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:27] Thou That Dost Save Through Pain
Thou that dost save through pain,
And dost, afflicting, bless,
We offer Thee from prostrate hearts
The greater thankfulness.Lord, Thou hast humbled pride—
Hast shown the world at length
What ruthlessness may dwell with power,
What bankruptcy with strength.And teaching us the scorn
Of trifles that beguile
Hast given us, dear God, to live
When life is most worthwhile.We thank Thee for the dream
That heroes dreamed of yore,
Their vision of the good, the will
Earth’s freedom to restore.Spoiled children of the past,
Today, more nobly blest,
We thank Thee Who hast wakened us,
And asked of us our best.God of the young and brave,
Who nothing know of fear,
Who hold the things that life outlast
Than life itself more dear.We thank Thee that our souls
Are strong as theirs to give
All, all we cherish most on earth,
That liberty may live:That we, O Good Supreme,
Still through our tears can see
On death’s pale brow an aureole
Of immortality!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:28] O God, Before Thy Sun’s Bright Beams
O God, before Thy sun’s bright beams
All night’s dark shadows fly;
So on the soul Thy mercy gleams,
And doubts and terrors die.So freshly falls Thy heaven sent grace
As morning’s gladdening breath;
Gives light to all to seek Thy face,
And guides in life and death.O holy light! O light of God!
O light unseen below,
Which fills the courts of Thine abode,
Which there the blest shall know!Swift comes the hour when none can toil,
Short is the rugged way:
Teach us our lamps to fill with oil,
Whilst it is called today.Then we shall see that glorious light
Which to the saints is given,
So sweet, so fair, so passing bright,
The eternal morn of heaven.O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
O holy One in Three,
Grant us, with all Thy glorious host,
To share that morn with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:28] Softly Now The Light Of Day
Softly now the light of day
Fades upon my sight away;
Free from care, from labor free,
Lord, I would commune with Thee.Thou, whose all pervading eye
Naught escapes, without, within,
Pardon each infirmity,
Open fault, and secret sin.Soon for me the light of day
Shall forever pass away;
Then, from sin and sorrow free,
Take me, Lord, to dwell with Thee.Thou Who, sinless, yet hast known
All of man’s infirmity;
Then, from Thine eternal throne,
Jesus, look with pitying eye.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:30] Just Are Thy Ways
Just are Thy ways, and true Thy Word,
Great Rock of my secure abode:
Who is a god beside the Lord?
Or where’s a refuge like our God?’Tis He that girds me with His might,
Gives me His holy sword to wield;
And while with sin and hell I fight
Spreads His salvation for my shield.He lives, and blessèd be my Rock!
The God of my salvation lives:
The dark designs of hell are broke;
Sweet is the peace my Father gives.Before the scoffers of the age
I will exalt my Father’s Name,
Nor tremble at their mighty rage,
But meet reproach and bear the shame.To David and his royal seed
Thy grace for ever shall extend;
Thy love to saints in Christ their Head
Knows not a limit, nor an end.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:30] Since With My God With Perfect Heart
Since with my God with perfect heart
I walk and make His Word my guide,
And from iniquity depart,
The Lord His blessing will provide.The merciful shall know Thy grace,
The perfect Thy perfection see,
The pure shall see Thine own pure face,
The froward find a foe in Thee.To smite the proud and bring them low,
To save the poor is Thy delight,
The Lord will cause my lamp to glow,
My God will make my darkness light.From God the victory I receive;
Most perfect is His holy way;
His Word is tried, they who believe
Will find the Lord their shield and stay.For who is God, and strong to save,
Beside the Lord, our God of might?
’Tis He that makes me strong and brave,
The Lord Who guides my steps aright.Thy free salvation is my shield,
My sure defense in every strait;
Thy hand upholds me, lest I yield;
Thy gentleness has made me great.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:39] To Thine Almighty Arm We Owe
To Thine almighty arm we owe
The triumphs of the day;
Thy terrors, Lord, confound the foe,
And melt their strength away.’Tis by Thine aid our troops prevail,
And break united powers,
Or burn their boasted fleets, or scale
The proudest of their towers.How we have chased them through the field,
And trod them to the ground,
While Thy salvation was our shield,
But they no shelter found!In vain to idol saints they cry,
And perish in their blood;
When is a rock so great, so high
So powerful as our God?The Rock of Israel ever lives,
His Name be ever blessed;
’Tis His own arm the victory gives,
And gives His people rest.On kings that reign as David did,
He pours His blessings down;
Secures their honors to their seed,
And well supports the crown.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:49] I Will Ever Sing Thy Praises
I will ever sing Thy praises,
Mighty God and gracious King;
Loud my heart its tribute raises,
And to Thee my psalms I sing;
Thou art King of all creation,
Every land and every nation;
“Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Mighty God,” my song shall be!All the people shall proclaim Thee,
Sing Thy praise from shore to shore;
Every human heart shall name Thee,
God and King forevermore;
On Thy throne in heaven vaulted,
In Thy majesty exalted,
“Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Mighty God,” my song shall be!When at last my feet have found Thee,
When at last I am Thy own;
When the ransomed hosts surround Thee,
On Thy great eternal throne;
When in yonder land of glory
Angels tell redemption’s story,
“Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,
Mighty God,” my song shall be!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 28:2-6
[Mat 28:2] God Hath Sent His Angels
God hath sent His angels to the earth again,
Bringing joyful tidings to the sons of men;
They who first at Christmas thronged the heavenly way,
Now beside the tomb door sit on Easter day.Refrain
Angels, sing His triumph as you sang His birth,
“Christ the Lord is risen, peace, goodwill on earth!”In the dreadful desert, where the Lord was tried,
There the faithful angels gathered at His side;
And when, in the garden, grief and pain and care
Bowed Him down with anguish, they were with Him there.Refrain
Yet the Christ they honor is the same Christ still
Who, in light and darkness, did His Father’s will;
And the tomb, deserted, shineth like the sky,
Since He passed from out it, into victory.Refrain
God has still His angels, helping at His word,
All His faithful children, like their faithful Lord;
Soothing them in sorrow, arming them in strife,
Opening wide the tomb doors, leading into life.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:5] The Bells Of Easter
The bells of Easter sweetly peal:
“Christ is risen! Christ is risen!”
They chime the hope He doth reveal,
This joyful Easter day.
The Lord of Life hath gone on high;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
“Rejoice,” with swelling notes they cry!
“Rejoice, rejoice!” they say.Refrain
Shines the glorious heav’nly portal!
Angel songs we almost hear!
O the joy of life immortal.
When in glory we appear.
O the joy of life immortal.
When in glory we appear.The shining Easter angels say:
“Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Come, see the place where Jesus lay,
He’s ris’n: He is not here.
No longer held in death’s embrace;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Ye shall behold Him face to face,
In glory to appear.”Refrain
Repeat the tidings far and wide!
“Christ is risen! Christ is risen!”
No longer Christ the crucified,
But Christ the mighty King.
For us exalted evermore;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
While the heav’nly hosts our Lord adore,
Let all creation sing!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:5] Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (lyra)
Christ, the Lord, is risen today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth, reply, Alleluia!Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!
Lo! the Sun’s eclipse is over, Alleluia!
Lo! He sets in blood no more, Alleluia!Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Alleluia!
Christ hath burst the gates of hell, Alleluia!
Death in vain forbids His rise, Alleluia!
Christ hath opened paradise, Alleluia!Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!
Once He died our souls to save, Alleluia!
Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!Soar we now where Christ hath led, Alleluia!
Following our exalted Head, Alleluia!
Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!Hail, the Lord of earth and Heaven, Alleluia!
Praise to Thee by both be given, Alleluia!
Thee we greet triumphant now, Alleluia!
Hail, the resurrection, thou, Alleluia!King of glory, Soul of bliss, Alleluia!
Everlasting life is this, Alleluia!
Thee to know, Thy power to prove, Alleluia!
Thus to sing and thus to love, Alleluia!Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia!
Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia!
Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia!
Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia!But the pains that He endured, Alleluia!
Our salvation have procured, Alleluia!
Now above the sky He’s King, Alleluia!
Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia!Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia!
Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:5] He Is Risen
Said the angel, “He is risen!”
Tell it out with joyful voice:
He has burst His three days’ prison;
Let the whole wide earth rejoice:
Death is conquered, we are free,
Christ has won the victory.Come, ye sad and fearful hearted,
With glad smile and radiant brow!
Death’s long shadows have departed;
All our woes are over now,
Due to passion that He bore—
Sin and pain can vex no more.Come, with high and holy hymning,
Chant our Lord’s triumphant day;
Not one darksome cloud is dimming
Yonder glorious morning ray,
Breaking over the purple east:
Brighter far our Easter feast.He is risen, He is risen!
He has opened Heaven’s gate:
We are free from sin’s dark prison,
Risen to a holier state;
And a brighter Easter beam
On our longing eyes shall stream.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:5] We Welcome Glad Easter
We welcome glad Easter when Jesus arose,
And won a great victory over His foes.Refrain
Then raise your glad voices, all Christians and sing,
Bring glad Easter tidings to Jesus, your King.We tell how the women came early that day,
And there at the tomb found the stone rolled away.Refrain
We sing of the angel who said: “Do not fear!
Your Savior is risen, and He is not here.”Refrain
We think of the promise which Jesus did give:
“That he who believes in Me also shall live!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Christ Is Risen!
Christ hath risen! Hallelujah!
Blessèd morn of life and light!
Lo, the grave is rent asunder,
Death is conquered through His might.Refrain
Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
Gladness fills the world today;
From the tomb that could not hold Him,
See, the stone is rolled away!Christ hath risen! Hallelujah!
Friends of Jesus, dry your tears;
Through the veil of gloom and darkness,
Lo, the Son of God appears!Refrain
Christ hath risen! Hallelujah!
He hath risen, as He said;
He is now the King of glory,
And our great exalted Head.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Christ Is Risen! Christ Is Risen!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
He hath burst His bonds in twain;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Alleluia! swell the strain!
For our gain He suffered loss
By divine decree;
He hath died upon the cross,
But our God is He.Refrain
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
He hath burst His bonds in twain;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Alleluia! swell the strain!See the chains of death are broken;
Earth below and Heav’n above
Joy in each amazing token
Of His rising, Lord of love;
He forevermore shall reign
By the Father’s side,
Till He comes to earth again,
Comes to claim His Bride.Refrain
Glorious angels downward thronging
Hail the Lord of all the skies;
Heav’n, with joy and holy longing
For the Word Incarnate cries,
“Christ is risen! Earth, rejoice!
Gleam, ye starry train!
All creation, find a voice;
He o’er all shall reign.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Christ Is Risen From The Dead
Christ is risen from the dead!
Darkness now no more shall reign;
Thorns no more shall crown the head
That was bowed with grief and pain:
Christ the Lord, the mighty King,
From our sin hath made us free.
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Where, O grave, thy victory?Scoffers now no more will say:
If Thou be the Christ, come down
From the cross, and prove today
That to Thee belongs the crown!
For our risen Lord and King
From our sin hath made us free,
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Where, O grave, thy victory?Faith now knows He is the Lord,
Gives assent to His decree,
Trusts the promise in His Word,
And is crowned with victory,
Shouting praises to the King,
Who from sin hath made us free.
Where, O death, is now thy sting?
Where, O grave, thy victory?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Christ Is Risen! Hallelujah!
Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
Risen our victorious Head!
Sing His praises! Hallelujah!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Gratefully our hearts adore Him,
As His light once more appears,
Bowing down in joy before Him,
Rising up from grief and tears,
Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
Risen our victorious Head!
Sing His praises! Hallelujah!
Christ is risen from the dead!Christ is risen! all the sadness
Of His earthly life is o’er,
Through the open gates of gladness
He returns to life once more;
Death and hell before Him bending,
He doth rise, the Victor now,
Angels on His steps attending,
Glory round His wounded brow.
Christ is risen! all the sadness
Of His earthly life is o’er,
Through the open gates of gladness
He returns to life once more.Christ is risen! henceforth never
Death or hell shall us enthrall;
We are Christ’s, in Him forever
We have triumphed over all;
All the doubting and dejection
Of our trembling hearts have ceased,
’Tis His day of resurrection!
Let us rise and keep the feast.
Christ is risen! henceforth never
Death or hell shall us enthrall;
We are Christ’s, in Him forever
We have triumphed over all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Christ The Lord Is Risen Again
Christ the Lord is risen again;
Christ hath broken every chain;
Hark! Angelic voices cry,
Singing evermore on high,
Alleluia!He, who gave for us His life,
Who for us endured the strife,
Is our Paschal Lamb today;
We, too, sing for joy, and say
Alleluia!He, who bore all pain and loss
Comfortless upon the cross,
Lives in glory now on high,
Pleads for us, and hears our cry;
Alleluia!He Who slumbered in the grave,
Is exalted now to save;
Now through Christendom it rings
That the Lamb is King of kings.
Alleluia!He Whose path no records tell,
Who descended into hell;
Who the strong man armed hath bound,
Now in highest heaven is crowned.
Alleluia!Now He bids tell abroad
How the lost may be restored,
How the penitent forgiven,
How we, too, may enter Heav’n.
Alleluia!Thou, our Paschal Lamb indeed,
Christ, Thy ransomed people feed:
Take our sins and guilt away,
Let us sing by night and day
Alleluia!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Christ, The Lord, Is Risen Today (crosby)
Christ, the Lord, is risen today,
He is risen indeed;
Christ, the Lord, is risen today,
He is risen indeed.“He captive led captivity,
He robbed the grave of victory,”
He broke the bars of death,
He broke the bars of death.Refrain
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Amen.
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Amen.Let every mourning soul rejoice,
And sing with one united voice;
The Savior rose today,
The Savior rose today.Refrain
The great and glorious work is done,
Free grace to all thro’ Christ, the Son;
Hosanna to His Name,
Hosanna to His Name.Refrain
Let all that fill the earth and sea
Break forth in tuneful melody,
And swell the mighty song,
And swell the mighty song.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Come, See The Place Where Jesus Lay
Come, see the place where Jesus lay,
And hear angelic watchers say,
“He lives, who once was slain:
Why seek the Living midst the dead?
Remember how the Savior said
That He would rise again.”O joyful sound! O glorious hour,
When by His own almighty power
He rose and left the grave!
Now let our songs His triumph tell,
Who burst the bands of death and hell,
And ever lives to save.The first begotten of the dead,
For us He rose, our glorious Head,
Immortal life to bring;
What though the saints like Him shall die,
They share their Leader’s victory,
And triumph with their King.Why should His people now be sad?
None have such reason to be glad,
Ad reconciled to God.
Jesus, the mighty Savior, lives,
To them eternal life He gives,
The purchase of His blood.No more they tremble at the grave,
For Jesus will their spirits save,
And raise their slumbering dust
O risen Lord, in Thee we live,
To Thee our ransomed souls we give,
To Thee our bodies trust.Ye ransomed, let your praise resound,
And in your Master’s work abound,
Steadfast, immovable;
Be sure your labor’s not in vain;
Your bodies shall be raised again,
No more corruptible.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Come, See The Place Where Jesus Lies
Come, see the place where Jesus lies:
The last sad rite is done;
With aching hearts, and weeping eyes,
The faithful few are gone.
They washed with tears each bloody trace,
On those dear limbs that lay;
Then spread the napkin o’er His face,
And turned and went away.By the sealed stone with grounded spears,
The guards their vigil keep:
They wist not other eyes than theirs
Watch o’er the Savior’s sleep.
All Heaven above, all hell beneath—
Bright hope, and blank dismay—
Look on, to see if grisly death
Can hold his mighty Prey.Now grisly death, thy powers combine!
Now gird thee to the strife!
Yet needs there stronger arm than thine
To keep the Lord of life.
’Tis done! O death, thy Victor-guest
Hath smoothed thy visage grim!
O grave! thou place of blessèd rest
To all who sleep in Him!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Easter Bells
O the Easter bells are gladly ringing,
Let the whole world join the happy lay,
Let the hills and vales break forth in singing,
Christ, the Lord of Life, is ris’n today.Refrain
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Let the whole world join the happy lay,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Christ, the Lord of Life, is ris’n today.O the Easter bells are gladly ringing,
Hear the shouts along the King’s highway;
Songs of praise the children, too, are singing,
Christ, the Lord of Life, is ris’n today.Refrain
O the Easter bells are gladly ringing,
For the night of death has passed away,
Lo! the gates of morn are open swinging,
Christ, the Lord of Life, is ris’n today.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Easter Carol
Lift up, O little children,
Your voices clear and sweet,
And sing the blessèd story
Of Christ, the Lord of glory,
And worship at His feet,
And worship at His feet.Refrain
Oh, sing the blessèd story!
The Lord of life and glory
Is risen, as He said,
Is risen from the dead!Lift up, O tender lilies,
Your whiteness to the sun;
The earth is not our prison,
Since Christ Himself hath risen,
The life of ev’ry one,
The life of ev’ry one.Refrain
Ring, all ye bells of Easter,
Your chimes of joy again,
Ring out the night of sadness
Ring in the morn of gladness,
For death no more shall reign,
For death no more shall reign.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Easter Flowers Are Blooming Bright
Easter flowers are blooming bright,
Easter skies pour radiant light,
Christ our Lord is risen in might,
Glory in the highest!Refrain
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Christ our Lord is risen in might,
Alleluia! Alleluia!Angels caroled this sweet lay,
When in manger rude He lay,
Now once more cast grief away,
Glory in the highest!Refrain
He, then born to grief and pain,
Now to glory born again,
Calleth forth our gladdest strain,
Glory in the highest!Refrain
As He riseth, rise we too,
Tune we heart and voice anew,
Offering homage glad and true,
Glory in the highest!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen (hall)
Day of wonder, day of gladness,
Hail thy ever glorious light!
Gone is sorrow, gone is sadness,
Ended is the gloomy night!
Listen to the angel’s story—
Cast away all dark and dread;
Give to God, the Father, glory!
“Christ is risen from the dead!”Refrain
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Christ is risen, as He said;
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Christ is risen from the dead!In the triumph of this hour,
Jubilant shall swell the song;
Unto Jesus, honor, power,
Blessing, victory belong.
Scattered are the clouds of error,
Sin and hell are captive led;
E’en the grave is free from terror,
“Christ is risen from the dead!”Refrain
Every people, every nation,
Soon shall hear the gladsome sound;
Joyous tidings of salvation,
Borne to earth’s remotest bound.
Then shall rise in tones excelling,
Praise for grace so freely shed;
And the Easter hymn be swelling,
“Christ is risen from the dead!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen (wordsworth)
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Heart and voice to Heaven raise,
Sing to God a hymn of gladness,
Sing to God a hymn of praise;
He Who on the cross a ransom
For the world’s salvation bled,
Jesus Christ the King of glory
Now is risen from the dead.Now the iron bars are broken,
Christ from death to life is born,
Glorious life, and life immortal
On this holy Easter morn:
Christ has triumphed, and we conquer
By His mighty enterprise,
We with Him to life eternal
By His resurrection rise.Christ is risen, Christ the firstfruits
Of the holy harvest field,
Which will all its full abundance,
At His glorious advent, yield;
Then the golden ears of harvest
Will before His presence wave,
Rising in His sunshine joyous,
From the furrow of the grave.Christ is risen; we are risen!
Shed upon us heavenly grace,
Rain and dew and gleams of glory
From the brightness of Thy face,
That we, Lord, with hearts in Heaven
Here on earth may fruitful be,
And by angel hands be gathered,
And be ever safe with Thee.Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Glory be to God above!
Hallelujah, to the Savior,
Fount of life and source of love;
Hallelujah, to the Spirit
Let our high ascriptions be;
Hallelujah, now and ever,
To the blessèd Trinity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Hallelujah, He Is Risen!
Hallelujah, He is risen!
Jesus is gone up on high!
Burst the bars of death asunder,
Angels shout and men reply:
He is risen, He is risen,
Living now no more to die.
He is risen, He is risen,
Living now no more to die.Hallelujah, He is risen!
Our exalted Head to be;
Sends the witness of the Spirit
That our advocate is He:
He is risen, He is risen,
Justified in Him are we.
He is risen, He is risen,
Justified in Him are we.Hallelujah, He is risen!
Death for aye hath lost his sting,
Christ, Himself the Resurrection,
From the grave His own will bring:
He is risen, He is risen,
Living Lord and coming King.
He is risen, He is risen,
Living Lord and coming King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Hark! The Springtide Breezes
Hark! the springtide breezes pass the news along,
Jesus Christ has risen, fill the world with song;
Earth and all her voices sing glad hosannas to the King,
Praises to our Lord we bring, Hallelujah!Refrain
Glory, hallelujah! Praise the victor King,
Who to all His people life and light doth bring,
Glory, hallelujah! Praise the victor King,
Who to all His people life and light doth bring.Finished is the conflict, all the battles o’er,
Peace that passeth knowledge comes to us once more,
Raise your notes of triumph high, Jesus lives no more to die,
Earth and Heav’n with joy reply, Hallelujah!Refrain
Golden gates are lifted, doors stand open wide,
Lo! the King is standing at His Father’s side,
In the land of endless light angels praise Him, day and night,
Crown Him ever Lord of might, Hallelujah!Refrain
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] He Is Risen!
O trumpet sound a vict’ry call!
And tongues proclaim good news for all:
He is risen! He is risen!
O! Let a thousand hymns break forth,
Proclaiming our Redeemer’s worth!Refrain
Give Him glory! Give Him glory!
He is risen! He is risen!
Hallelujah!He who was slain on our behalf,
Suff’ring beneath His Father’s wrath:
He is risen! He is risen!
He who was hung upon the tree,
Rose from the tomb in victory!Refrain
O Christian, are you filled with gloom?
Then look inside the empty tomb!
He is risen! He is risen!
Here there is hope for ev’ry fear!
Here there is joy for ev’ry tear!Refrain
O! Let the nations sing the fame
Of Christ the Lamb who once was slain!
He is risen! He is risen!
Now we await the coming day,
When all those raised in Christ will say:Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] He Rose From The Dead
They crucified my Savior, and nailed Him to the cross;
They crucified my Savior, and nailed Him to the cross;
They crucified my Savior, and nailed Him to the cross;
And the Lord shall bear my spirit home.Refrain
He rose, He rose, He rose from the dead;
He rose, He rose, He rose from the dead;
He rose, He rose, He rose from the dead,
And the Lord shall bear my spirit home.But Joseph begged His body, and laid it in a tomb;
But Joseph begged His body, and laid it in a tomb;
But Joseph begged His body, and laid it in a tomb;
And the Lord shall bear my spirit home.Refrain
An angel came from glory, and rolled away the stone;
An angel came from glory, and rolled away the stone;
An angel came from glory, and rolled away the stone;
And the Lord shall bear my spirit home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] He Rose! O Morn Of Wonder!
He rose! O morn of wonder!
They saw His light go down
Whose hate had crushed Him under,
A King without a crown.
No plume, no garland wore He,
Despised death’s Victor lay,
And wrapped in night His glory,
That claimed a grander day.He rose! He burst immortal
From death’s dark realm alone,
And left its heavenward portal
Swung wide for all His own.
Nor need one terror seize us
To face earth’s final pain,
For they who follow Jesus,
But die to live again.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Holy Anthem, The
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Let the holy anthem rise,
And the choirs of heaven chant it
In the temple of the skies;
Let the mountains skip with gladness
And the joyful valleys ring,
With Hosannas in the highest
To our Savior and our King.Alleluia! Alleluia!
Like the sun from out the wave,
He has risen up in triumph
From the darkness of the grave,
He’s the splendor of the nations,
He’s the lamp of endless day;
He’s the very Lord of glory
Who is risen up today.Alleluia! Alleluia!
Blessèd Jesus make us rise,
From the life of this corruption
To the life that never dies.
May Your glory be our portion,
When the days of time are past,
And the dead shall be awakened
By the trumpet’s mighty blast.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] How Calm And Beautiful The Morn
How calm and beautiful the morn
That gilds the sacred tomb,
Where Christ the Crucified was borne,
And veiled in midnight gloom!
O weep no more the Savior slain;
The Lord is risen; He lives again.Ye mourning saints, dry every tear
For your departed Lord;
Behold the place, He is not here,
The tomb is all unbarred;
The gates of death were closed in vain:
The Lord is risen; He lives again.Now cheerful to the house of prayer
Your early footsteps bend;
The Savior will Himself be there,
Your Advocate and Friend:
Once by the law your hopes were slain,
But now in Christ ye live again.How tranquil now the rising day!
’Tis Jesus still appears,
A risen Lord to chase away
Your unbelieving fears:
O weep no more your comforts slain;
The Lord is risen; He lives again.And when the shades of evening fall,
When life’s last hour draws nigh,
If Jesus shine upon the soul,
How blissful then to die!
Since He has risen that once was slain,
Ye die in Christ to live again.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] I Say To All Men Far And Near
I say to all men far and near
That He is risen again;
That He is with us now and here,
And ever shall remain.And what I say, let each this morn,
Go tell it to his friend,
That soon in every place shall dawn
His kingdom without end.The fears of death and of the grave
Are whelmed beneath the sea;
And every heart now light and brave
May face the things to be.The way of darkness that He trod
To heaven at last shall come,
And he who hearkens to His Word
Shall reach His Father’s home.Now let the mourner grieve no more
Though his belovèd sleep:
A happier meeting shall restore
Their light to eyes that weep.He lives! His presence hath not ceased,
Though foes and fears be rife;
And thus we hail in Easter’s feast
A world renewed to life!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once, upon the cross, Alleluia!
Suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia!Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia!
Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia!
Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia!
Sinners to redeem and save, Alleluia!But the pains which He endured, Alleluia!
Our salvation hath procured, Alleluia!
Now above the sky He’s king, Alleluia!
Where the angels ever sing, Alleluia!Sing we to our God above, Alleluia!
Praise eternal as His love, Alleluia!
Praise Him, all you heavenly host, Alleluia!
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Alleluia!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Let Us Sing For Joy
Day when Heav’n and earth unite in songs of gladness,
Triumph telling, o’er the tomb;
Day when mourning ones can banish all their sadness,
Songs upswelling, where was gloom.Refrain
Let us sing for joy, sing for joy,
On this happy day;
Christ is risen from the dead,
He is risen as He said;
Let us sing for joy, sing for joy,
And His voice obey,
Who the hosts of light to victory has led.Day when from the tomb the Christ arose in glory,
As was breaking morning light,
Day when angels tell to men the wondrous story,
Hope awaking by His might.Refrain
Day when earth may banish all its cares and sadness,
And upraising songs of joy,
Send abroad to all the world the Easter gladness,
Ever praising—best employ.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Lord Of Life Is Risen, The
The Lord of life is risen;
Sing, Easter heralds, sing!
He bursts His rocky prison;
Wide let the triumph ring!
In death no longer lying,
He rose, the Prince, today;
Life of the dead and dying,
He triumphed o’er decay.The Lord of life is risen,
And love no longer grieves;
In ruin lies death’s prison,
Sing, heralds, Jesus lives!
We hear the blessèd greeting;
Salvation’s work is done!
We worship Thee, repeating,
“Life for the dead is won!”Around Thy tomb, O Jesus,
How sweet the Easter breath;
Hear we not in the breezes,
“Where is thy sting, O death?”
Dark hell flies in commotion,
The heavens their anthems sing;
While far o’er earth and ocean
Glad hallelujahs ring!O publish this salvation,
Ye heralds, through the earth,
To every buried nation
Proclaim the day of birth!
Till, rising from their slumbers,
In long and ancient night
The countless heathen numbers
Shall hail the Easter light.Hail, hail, our Jesus risen!
Sing, ransomed brethren, sing!
Through death’s dark, gloomy prison
Let Easter chorals ring!
Haste, haste, ye captive legions,
Accept your glad reprieve;
Come forth from sin’s dark regions;
In Jesus’ kingdom live!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Morn Of Joy
Morn of joy and morn of praise!
Brightest day of all the days,
For the Lord is risen, is risen!
Lo! they come at break of day,
Find the great stone rolled away;
Hark! and hear the angel say,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.Refrain
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!Morn of gladness, morn of light!
Fear and gloom are put to flight,
For the Lord is risen, is risen!
Now no more the grave we fear,
For we know “He is not here”;
But the angel speaks good cheer,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.Refrain
O, what brightness from the Lord,
Shines within His blessèd Word,
For the Lord is risen, is risen!
Telling of the world of light,
Where there is no death nor night,
Where, on Easter morning bright,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.Refrain
Thither, too, O may we rise,
When this earthly body dies,
Where our Lord is risen, is risen!
Strive we, then, in each new day,
All that’s wrong to put away;
So shall we rejoicing say,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Morning Breaks Upon The Tomb
Morning breaks upon the tomb;
Jesus scatters all its gloom.
Day of triumph through the skies;
See the glorious Savior rise.Ye who are of death afraid
Triumph in the scattered shade.
Drive your anxious cares away;
See the place where Jesus lay.Christians, dry your flowing tears
Chase your unbelieving fears;
Look on His deserted grave,
Doubt no more His power to save.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Our Lord Christ Hath Risen
Our Lord Christ hath risen! the tempter is foiled;
His legions are scattered, his strongholds are spoiled.
O sing, alleluia! O sing, alleluia!
O sing, alleluia! be joyful and sing,
Our great foe is baffled, Christ Jesus is King!O Death, we defy thee! a stronger than thou
Hath entered thy palace; we fear thee not now!
O sing, alleluia! O sing, alleluia!
O sing, alleluia! be joyful and sing,
Death cannot affright us, Christ Jesus is King!O Sin, thou art vanquished, thy long reign is o’er;
Though still thou dost vex us, we dread thee no more.
O sing, alleluia! O sing, alleluia!
O sing, alleluia! be joyful and sing,
Who now can condemn us, Christ Jesus is King!Our Lord Christ hath risen! day breaketh at last;
The long night of weeping is now well nigh past.
O sing, alleluia! O sing, alleluia!
O sing, alleluia! be joyful and sing,
Our foes are all conquered, Christ Jesus is King!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Sing The Joy Of Easter Day
Sing the joy of Easter Day,
The Easter triumph tell,
Jesus rose on Easter Day,
The Lord Who loves us well.Good Joseph had a garden;
Close by that sad green hill
Where Jesus died a bitter death
To save mankind from ill.Refrain
One evening in that garden
Their faces dark with gloom,
They laid the Savior’s body
Within good Joseph’s tomb.Refrain
There came the holy women
With spices and with tears;
The angels tried to comfort them,
But could not calm their fears.Refrain
Came Mary to that garden
And sobbed with heart forlorn;
She thought she heard the gardener ask
“Whom seekest thou this morn?”Refrain
She heard her own name spoken,
And then she lost her care;
All in His strength and beauty
The risen Lord stood fair!Refrain
Good Joseph had a garden;
Amid its trees so tall
The Lord Christ stood in Easter Day;
He lives to save us all.Refrain
And as He rose at Easter
He is alive for ay,
The very same Lord Jesus Christ
Who hears us sing today.Refrain
Go tell the Lord Christ’s message,
The Easter triumph sing,
Till all His waiting children know
That Jesus is their King.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Sinners, Dismiss Your Fear
Sinners, dismiss your fear,
The joyful tidings hear!
This the word that Jesus said,
O believe, and feel it true;
Christ is risen from the dead,
Lives the Lord Who died for you!Haste, to His tomb repair,
And see the tokens there;
See the place where Jesus lay,
Mark the burial cloths He wore;
Angels near His relics stay,
Guards of Him Who dies no more.Why then art thou cast down,
Thou poor afflicted one?
Full of doubts, and griefs, and fears,
Look into that open grave!
Died He not to dry thy tears?
Rose He not thy soul to save?Know’st thou not where to find
The Savior of mankind?
He hath borne Himself away,
He from death Himself hath freed,
He on the third glorious day,
Rose triumphant from the dead.To purge thy guilty stain
He died, and rose again;
Wherefore dost thou weep and mourn?
Sinner, lift thine heart and eye,
Turn thee, to thy Jesus turn,
See thy loving Savior nigh.He comes His own to claim,
He calls thee by thy name:
Drooping soul, rejoice, rejoice,
See Him there to life restored!
Mary—know thy Savior’s voice,
Hear it, and reply, “My Lord.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Sweet And Clear The Birds Are Singing
Sweet and clear the birds are singing,
At Easter dawn.
Hark, O hear, the bells are ringing,
On Easter morn!
And the song that they sing,
That good news we hear them ring,
Is “Christ the Lord is risen, is risen.”Birds, your hearts give to your singing,
And feel no fear.
Bells, fill all the air with ringing,
Let all men hear!
For the whole world is glad,
And with beauty new is clad;
Now Christ the Lord is risen, is risen.Leaf and bud, as now, were growing
In Galilee;
Lilies Jesus loved were blowing
As fair to see;
When the first Easter morn
Woke the world to joy new born,
For Christ the Lord is risen, was risen.Easter buds will soon be flowers,
Fragrant and gay;
Winter’s snows give place to showers,
And night to day;
Hope and joy come again,
Life and light forever reign;
Yea! Christ the Lord is risen, is risen!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] This Joyful Easter-tide
This joyful Easter-tide,
Away with care and sorrow!
My Love, the Crucified,
Hath sprung to life this morrow.Refrain
Had Christ, that once was slain,
Ne’er burst His three day prison,
Our faith had been in vain;
But now hath Christ arisen,
Arisen, arisen, arisen!My flesh in hope shall rest,
And for a season slumber;
Till trump from east to west,
Shall wake the dead in number.Refrain
Death’s flood hath lost his chill,
Since Jesus crossed the river:
Lover of souls, from ill
My passing soul deliver.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 28:6] Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord
Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord,
Chase all your fears away;
And bow with rapture down to see
The place where Jesus lay.Thus low the Lord of life was brought;
Such wonders love can do:
Thus cold in death that bosom lay,
Which throbbed and bled for you.A moment give a loose to grief,
Let grateful sorrows rise,
And wash the bloody stains away,
With torrents from your eyes.Then raise your eyes, and tune your songs,
The Savior lives again:
Not all the bolts and bars of death
The Conqueror could detain.High o’er the angelic bands He rears
His once dishonored head;
And through unnumbered years He reigns,
Who dwelt among the dead.With joy like His shall every saint
His vacant tomb survey;
Then rise with His ascending Lord
To realms of endless day.Play source: Cyberhymnal