Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 55:4-5
Kiranya Langit Terbelah [KJ.80]
1. Kiranya langit terbelah; ya Jurus'lamat, datanglah,
bukalah sorga segera, buanglah palang pintunya.
Yes 64:1
Mrk 1:10
2. O, turun seperti embun, sirami ladang bumiMu;
curahkanlah anugerah, Raja yang adil, datanglah!
Yes 45:8
Hos 14:6
3. Hai bumi, kau terbukalah! Gunung, lembah, menghijaulah,
agar darimu bersemi Bunga selamat abadi.
Mzm 85:12
4. Engkau dinanti dunia. KedatanganMu kapankah?
Dari takhtaMu turunlah; hiburkan kami yang resah.
Yes 51:5
5. Ya Surya Pagi yang cerah, biar fajarMu merekah;
mari, terbitlah cemerlang, halaulah kabut yang kelam.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
6. Dirundung duka kemelut, kami menghadap pintu maut.
UmatMu, Tuhan, tuntunlah ke negeri sejahtera.
Mzm 55:5-6
Mzm 107:10, 18
7. Di sana kami bersyukur memuliakan namaMu,
ya Penebus manusia, sampai selama-lamanya!Play
Colossians 1:8-10
Majulah, Majulah [KJ.253]
1. Majulah, majulah, maju dalam t'rang permai dan nyalakanlah
pelita menantikan Mempelai; sumber Hidup hanya Dia.
Umat Tuhan, masuk pintuNya, majulah, majulah!
Yes 60:1
Mat 25:1-13
Mzm 118:20
Mat 7:13-14
Yoh 10:7-9
Why 3:8
2. Tabahlah, tabahlah, tabah tanpa mengeluh; tanggunglah cerca dan duka,
taat sampai ajalmu. Lihat tajuk kehidupan;
biar Iblis datang menerpa, tabahlah, tabahlah!
2 Kor 1:6
Ef 6:10-13
Ibr 12:1-3
1 Ptr 2:21-23
1 Ptr 5:4, 8
Why 2:10
3. Tolaklah, tolaklah tolak rayu dunia yang mencoba memegahkan
dikau oleh hartanya; jangan pandang kesenangan:
janji Iblis dan godaannya tolaklah, tolaklah!
1 Tim 6:9-10
2 Tim 3:2
Yak 1:2-4
Ef 4:27
Yak 4:7
4. Ujilah, ujilah, ujilah setiap roh yang memikat kiri kanan
untuk menyesatkanmu. Ikut Bintang Pengharapan,
tapi yang tersamar nampaknya ujilah, ujilah!
1 Yoh 4:1
5. Tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah, tumbu dalam Tuhanmu: Roh dan Hidup kauseraplah;
jangan maut kautempuh. Subur oleh kuasa Allah
bagai carang hijau s'lamanya tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah!Yoh 15:1-8
Ef 4:15
Kol 1:10-11
Kol 2:19
2 Ptr 3:18
Play Tuhan, Kau Gembala Kami [KJ.407]
1. Tuhan, Kau Gembala kami, tuntun kami dombaMu;
b'rilah kami menikmati hikmat pengorbananMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu,
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu.
Mzm 23:1
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Kau Pengawal yang setia, Kawan hidup terdekat.
Jauhkan kami dari dosa, panggil pulang yang sesat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon b'ri berkat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon, b'ri berkat.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
3. JanjiMu, Kaut'rima kami, walau hina bercela;
yang berdosa Kausucikan, Kaubebaskan yang lemah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
4. KehendakMu kami cari, ingin turut maksudMu.
Tuhan, isi hati kami dengan kasihMu penuh.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.Ef 5:17
Kol 1:9
Colossians 1:5-6
Mari, Bersukacita [KJ.200]
1. Mari bersukacita, terima kabar baik! Habislah dukacita;
terbitlah t'rang ajaib! Yesus yang tersekap di kubur yang gelap
disambut fajar t'rang sebagai Pemenang!
Mrk 15:46
Mrk 16:1-8
Kol 2:15
Why 1:18
2. Ia pun dimakamkan; puaslah seteru. Tiada mereka sangka
t'lah bangkit Penebus! Kumandang jayaNya mengisi dunia
dan panji Pemenang berkibar cemerlang!
Mat 28:18-20
Mrk 16:20
Kis 1:8
Kis 4:33
Kol 1:6, 23
1 Tim 3:16
3. Oleh adegan ini gembira hatiku; tak lagi kutakuti ancaman seteru.
'Ku beriman teguh: Yesus jaminanku.
SalibNya kupegang, niscaya 'ku menang.
Rm 8:37
1 Kor 15:57
1 Yoh 5:4-5
Why 17:14
4. Bagai anggota Kristus, terpaut padaNya, tanpa cemas kuikut
di jalan jayaNya. Di maut yang kelam, betapa pun seram,
Tuhanku beserta dengan kuasaNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Flp 3:10-11
Mzm 23:4
5. Rajaku sudah masuk kemuliaanNya: amanlah tujuanku di jalan dunia!
Jauhlah, hai lawanku! Tuhan di pihakku: Perisai dan Teman;
OlehNya 'ku tent'ram!
Mat 25:31
Mrk 16:19
Mzm 6:9
6. Sampai ke dalam sorga 'ku ikutlah terus; di pintuNya tersurat
amanat Penebus: "Yang tadi berlelah, dapat mahkotanya;
yang mati dalamKu, bahagia penuh!"1 Kor 9:25
2 Tim 4:8
Why 14:13
Psalms 34:4
[Psa 34:4] Give To The Winds Thy Fears
Give to the winds thy fears,
Hope and be undismayed.
God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears,
God shall lift up thy head.Through waves and clouds and storms,
He gently clears thy way;
Wait thou His time; so shall this night
Soon end in joyous day.Still heavy is thy heart?
Still sinks thy spirit down?
Cast off the world, let fear depart
Bid every care begone.What though Thou rulest not;
Yet heaven, and earth, and hell
Proclaim, God sitteth on the throne,
And ruleth all things well.And whatsoe’er Thou will’st,
Thou dost, O King of kings;
What Thine unerring wisdom chose,
Thy power to being brings.Leave to His sovereign sway
To choose and to command;
So shalt thou, wondering, own that way,
How wise, how strong this hand.Far, far above thy thought,
His counsel shall appear,
When fully He the work hath wrought,
That caused thy needless fear.Thou seest our weakness, Lord;
Our hearts are known to Thee;
O lift Thou up the sinking hand,
Confirm the feeble knee!Let us in life, in death,
Thy steadfast truth declare,
And publish with our latest breath
Thy love and guardian care.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 34:4] Thy Way And All Thy Sorrows
Thy way and all thy sorrows,
Give thou into His hand,
His gracious care unfailing,
Who doth the heav’ns command.
Their course and path He giveth
To clouds and air and wind;
A way thy feet may follow,
He too for thee will find.On Him be Thy reliance,
As thou wouldst prosper well;
To make thy work enduring
Thy mind on His must dwell.
God yieldeth naught to sorrow
And self tormenting care;
Naught, naught with him availeth;
No power save that of prayer.Leave all to His direction;
In wisdom He doth reign;
Thy wonder far exceeding,
His will His course maintain;
So He as Him beseemeth,
With wonderworking skill,
Shall put away the sorrows
That now thy spirit fill.Give, Lord, the consummation
To all our hearts’ distress;
Our hands, our feet, O strengthen;
In death our spirits bless.
Thy truth and Thy protection
For evermore we pray:
With these in heav’nly glory
Shall end our certain way.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 55:1
[Psa 55:1] Jehovah, To My Prayer Give Ear
Jehovah, to my prayer give ear,
Nor hide Thee from my cry;
Attend my sad complaint, and hear
My restless moan and sigh.
My enemies lift up their voice,
The violent oppress;
To do me wrong my foes rejoice,
And love my soul’s distress.Sore pained in heart I find no ease,
Death’s terrors fill my soul,
Great fear and trembling on me seize,
And horrors o’er me roll.
O had I wings, I sigh and say,
Like some swift dove to roam,
Then I would hasten far away
And a find a peaceful home.Lo, wandering far, my rest would be
In some lone desert waste;
I from the stormy wind would flee,
And to a shelter haste.
O Lord, their malice recompense
Their wicked tongues confound,
For in the city violence
And bitter strife abound.They walk her walls both night and day,
Within all vices meet;
Oppression, fraud and crime hold sway,
Nor leave the crowded street.
No foreign foe provokes alarm,
But enemies within;
May God destroy their power to harm
And recompense their sin.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 55:1] O God, Give Thou Ear To My Plea
O God, give Thou ear to my plea,
And hide not Thyself from my cry;
O hearken and answer Thou me,
As restless and weary I sigh.O that I had wings like a dove,
For then I would fly far away
And seek for the rest that I love,
Where trouble no more could dismay.Nay, soul, call on God all the day;
The Lord for thy help will appear;
At eve, morn, and noon humbly pray,
And He thy petition will hear.Thy burden now cast on the Lord,
And He shall thy weakness sustain;
The righteous who trust in His Word
Unmoved shall forever remain.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 30:6
[Psa 30:6] Firm Was My Health
Firm was my health, my day was bright,
And I presumed ’twould ne’er be night;
Fondly I said within my heart,
“Pleasure and peace shall ne’er depart.”But I forgot Thine arm was strong
Which made my mountain stand so long;
Soon as Thy face began to hide,
My health was gone, my comforts died.I cried aloud to Thee, my God,
“What canst Thou profit by my blood?
Deep in the dust can I declare
Thy truth, or sing Thy goodness there?“Hear me, O God of grace,” I said,
“And bring me from among the dead:”
Thy Word rebuked the pains I felt,
Thy pardoning love removed my guilt.My groans, and tears, and forms of woe
Are turned to joy and praises now;
I throw my sackcloth on the ground,
And ease and gladness gird me round.My tongue, the glory of my frame,
Shall ne’er be silent of Thy Name;
Thy praise shall sound through earth and Heav’n,
For sickness healed and sins forgiv’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal