Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 45:4
T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Mzm 45; Kdg. Agung
1. T'rang Bintang Fajar berseri, cerminan sorga memberi karunia, kebenaran.
Ya Anak Daud, Rajaku, Engkau Pengantin umatMu; hatiku Kau besarkan!
Mahamurah dan mulia, Kau sedia melimpahkan sukacita pengharapan.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16-17
Ef 5:25-27
2. Engkaulah mutiaraku, Putra mahkota BapaMu, Pangeran Mahamulia!
Kau bunga bakung hatiku; betapa harum InjilMu, lipuran yang sempurna!
Hosiana! Kau dandanan dan santapan yang sorgawi: Kau sertaku tiap hari!
Mat 13:44-46
Kid 2:1
Yoh 6:32-58
3. Pancarkanlah di batinku cahaya sinar kasihMu, Permata yang abadi!
Ya Pokok-anggur yang benar, buatlah rantingMu segar berbuah yang sejati!
Kaulah Nyala pengasihan, kebajikan dalam hati: rindu lama Kauobati!
Yoh 15:1-8
4. WajahMu mencerminkan t'rus pribadi Allah yang kudus penuh kemurahanNya.
Ya Yesus, b'rilah sabdaMu dan Roh KudusMu yang teguh sertaku selamanya!
Lihat, ingat akan daku dan Kauhapus air mataku: t'rima aku di mejaMu!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
5. Ya Bapa mahamulia, sebelum ada dunia telah Kaupilih aku.
Di dalam Putra TunggalMu Kau menerima diriku: padaNya 'ku terpadu.
Haleluya! Hidup sorga yang sempurna diberiNya: sukacita tak terhingga!
Ef 1:4
Gal 4:4-6
6. Pujianmu, hai dunia, dengan musik iringilah demi PerjamuanNya!
Muliakanlah Sang Mempelai di singgasana yang permai; bersuka, hai umatNya!
Nyanyi, tari bergiliran, bergembira puji Tuhan, Maharaja Keagungan!
Why 19:6-9
7. Alangkah riang hatiku, sebab 'ku jadi milikMu, ya Alfa dan Omega!
Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Kau dan Pohon Hidup di firdaus, Engkau harapan g'reja!
Amin, amin, Kurindukan Dikau, Tuhan; 'ku berkata: oleh Rohmu:"Maranata!"Why 1:8, 17
Why 22:13
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
1 Kor 16:22
Why 22:20
Psalms 66:5
Tabuh Gendang [KJ.292]
1. Tabuh gendang! Sambil menari nyanyikan lagu yang merdu!
Bunyikanlah gambus, kecapi: mari memuji Allahmu! Karya
Besar yang agung benar t'lah dilakukanNya terhadap umatNya!Kel 15:1-21
Mzm 66
Mzm 98
2. Israel pun atas berkatNya riang gembira bermazmur. Ikut serta
kita percaya dan kepadaNya bersyukur: "Tuhanlah baik, kasihNya
ajaib kekal selamanya; terpuji namaNya!"
Mzm 118:1-4, 29
Mzm 136
3. Dulu telah dari himpitan Ia bebaskan umatNya. Habis mendung
Ia berikan sinar mentari yang cerah! Puji terus yang Mahakudus:
Bebanmu yang berat digantiNya berkat!Mzm 77:17-21
Exodus 15:1
Tabuh Gendang [KJ.292]
1. Tabuh gendang! Sambil menari nyanyikan lagu yang merdu!
Bunyikanlah gambus, kecapi: mari memuji Allahmu! Karya
Besar yang agung benar t'lah dilakukanNya terhadap umatNya!Kel 15:1-21
Mzm 66
Mzm 98
2. Israel pun atas berkatNya riang gembira bermazmur. Ikut serta
kita percaya dan kepadaNya bersyukur: "Tuhanlah baik, kasihNya
ajaib kekal selamanya; terpuji namaNya!"
Mzm 118:1-4, 29
Mzm 136
3. Dulu telah dari himpitan Ia bebaskan umatNya. Habis mendung
Ia berikan sinar mentari yang cerah! Puji terus yang Mahakudus:
Bebanmu yang berat digantiNya berkat!Mzm 77:17-21
Play Ya Tuhan, pada Saat Dibaptiskan [KJ.307]
1. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan, kami terima tanda kasihMu;
air bah pernah membawa kematian, tetapi s'lamat isi baht'ra Nuh.
Kej 7-8
Ibr 11:7
2 Ptr 2:5
2. Firaun yang melawan tujuanMu di Laut Merah sudah tenggelam,
tapi umatMu dapat hidup baru dan bersyukur di pantai seberang.
Kel 14-15
Why 15:2-4
3. Dan Yunus yang menyangkal panggilannya Kau tenggelamkan di gelora laut,
namun firmanMu mengembalikannya menjadi tanda hidup dari maut.
Yun 1-2
Mat 12:40
4. Dan Yesus juga rela dibaptiskan, di sungai Yordan nyata artinya:
ketika itu Dia Kautahbiskan untuk menghapus dosa dunia.
Mat 3:13-17
Yoh 1:29-34
5. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan kami beroleh pengasihanMu:
Kristus t'lah bangkit dari kematian; dalamNya Kaubangkitkan kami pun.Rm 6:34Kol 2:12
Hebrews 12:24-29
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250a]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
Mzm 18
Mzm 46
Mzm 144:1-2
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Luk 10:18
Yoh 12:31
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Ptr 5:8
Why 13
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!Yoh 16:33
Mzm 24:10
Ef 1:20-22
Kol 2:15
Why 17:14
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Mzm 118:6
Rm 8:31
Mat 5:3, 10
Ibr 12:28
Yak 2:5
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250b]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Di Luar Tembok Negeri [KJ.176] ( There Is a Green Hill Far Away )
1. Di luar tembok negeri, di bukit Golgota,
tergantung Yesus disalib demi manusia.
Mrk 15:22-24
Ibr 13:12
2. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.
3. Betapa nista dan pedih sengsara Tuhanku,
Namun 'ku yakin, matiNya demi selamatku.
Ef 2:1-10
4. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.
5. Percikan darah mulia menghapus dosaku,
sehingga rumah BapaNya terbuka bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
Ibr 12:24
Luk 15:20
6. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.
7. Hanyalah Yesus Penebus, tiada gantiNya,
yang dapat menghantarkanku ke sorga yang baka.
8. Betapa agung kasihNya! 'Ku patut menyembah.
Dengan percaya dan teguh 'ku ikut jalanNya.Play Insan, Tangisi Dosamu [KJ.157]
1. Insan, tangisi dosamu! Ingatlah, Kristus menempuh jalan
penuh sengsara dan bagai hamba terendah Ia kosongkan diriNya
menjadi Perantara. Yang mati dihidupkanNya, yang sakit disembuhkanNya,
yang hilang Ia cari, berkurban diri akhirnya, memikul dosa dunia diatas kayu salib.
Rat 3:39
Yak 4:9
Flp 2:7
Ibr 12:24
Mat 11:5
Luk 15:3-10
Yoh 1:29
2. Syukur, pujian dan sembah kepada Dia angkatlah yang mati bagi kita.
Ikutlah Dia yang menang, pikullah salib dan beban dengan bersukacita!
KasihNya perkenankanlah dan dalam kuasa namaNya kalahkanlah yang jahat.
Ingat darahNya yang kudus, yang bagi Allah, Bapamu, berharga tinggi amat!Why 5:12
Mrk 8:34
Psalms 65:5
[Psa 65:5] Almighty Father, Hear Our Cry
Almighty Father, hear our cry,
As o’er the trackless deep we roam;
Be Thou our haven always nigh,
On homeless waters Thou our home.O Jesu, Savior, at Whose voice
The tempest sank to perfect rest,
Bid Thou the fearful heart rejoice,
And cleanse and calm the troubled breast.O Holy Ghost, beneath Whose power
The ocean woke to life and light,
Command Thy blessing in this hour,
Thy fostering warmth, Thy quickening might.Great God of our salvation, Thee
We love, we worship, we adore;
Our Refuge on time’s changeful sea,
Our Joy on Heav’n’s eternal shore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 65:5] Father, Who Art Alone
Father, who art alone
Our Helper and our Stay;
O hear us! as we plead
For loved ones far away;
And shield with Thine almighty hand
Our wanderers by sea and land.O compass with Thy love
The daily path they tread!
And may Thy light and truth
Upon their hearts be shed;
That, one in all things with Thy will,
Heav’n’s peace and joy their souls may fill.Guard them from every harm
When dangers shall assail,
And teach them that Thy power
Can never, never fail;
We cannot with our loved ones be,
But trust them, Father, unto Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 65:5] God Of Our Salvation Hears, The
The God of our salvation hears
The groans of Zion mixed with tears;
Yet when He comes with kind designs,
Through all the way His terror shines.On Him the race of man depends,
Far as the earth’s remotest ends,
Where the Creator’s Name is known
By nature’s feeble light alone.Sailors, that travel o’er the flood,
Address their frighted souls to God,
When tempests rage and billows roar
At dreadful distance from the shore.He bids the noisy tempests cease;
He calms the raging crowd to peace,
When a tumultuous nation raves
Wild as the winds, and loud as waves.Whole kingdoms, shaken by the storm,
He settles in a peaceful form;
Mountains, established by His hand,
Firm on their old foundations stand.Behold His ensigns sweep the sky,
New comets blaze, and lightnings fly;
The heathen lands, with swift surprise,
From the bright horrors turn their eyes.At His command the morning ray
Smiles in the east, and leads the day;
He guides the sun’s declining wheels
Over the tops of western hills.Seasons and times obey His voice;
The evening and the morn rejoice
To see the earth made soft with showers,
Laden with fruit, and dressed in flowers.’Tis from His watery stores on high
He gives the thirsty ground supply;
He walks upon the clouds, and thence
Doth His enriching drops dispense.The desert grows a fruitful field,
Abundant food the valleys yield;
The valleys shout with cheerful voice,
And neighboring hills repeat their joys.The pastures smile in green array;
There lambs and larger cattle play;
The larger cattle and the lamb
Each in His language speaks Thy Name.Thy works pronounce Thy power divine;
O’er every field Thy glories shine;
Through every month Thy gifts appear;
Great God, Thy goodness crowns the year!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 12:24-29
[Heb 12:24] Victim Divine, Thy Grace We Claim
Victim Divine, Thy grace we claim,
While thus Thy precious death we show:
Once offered up a spotless Lamb,
In Thy great temple here below,
Thou didst for all mankind atone,
And standest now before the throne.Thou standest in the holy place,
As now for guilty sinners slain;
The blood of sprinkling speaks, and prays,
All prevalent for helpless man;
Thy blood is still our ransom found,
And speaks salvation all around.The smoke of Thy atonement here
Darkened the sun, and rent the veil,
Made the new way to Heaven appear,
And showed the great Invisible;
Well pleased in Thee, our God looked down,
And calls His rebels to a crown.He still respects Thy sacrifice;
Its savor sweet doth always please:
The offering smokes through earth and skies,
Diffusing life, and joy, and peace;
To these, Thy lower courts, it comes,
And fills them with divine perfumes.We need not now go up to Heaven,
To bring the long sought Savior down;
Thou art to all already given,
Thou dost e’en now Thy banquet crown:
To every faithful soul appear,
And show Thy real presence here!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 6:16-17
[Rev 6:16] I Dreamed That The Great Judgment Morning
I dreamed that the great judgment morning
Had dawned, and the trumpet had blown;
I dreamed that the nations had gathered
To judgment before the white throne;
From the throne came a bright shining angel,
And he stood on the land and the sea,
And he swore with his hand raised to Heaven,
That time was no longer to be.Refrain
And O, what a weeping and wailing,
As the lost were told of their fate;
They cried for the rocks and the mountains,
They prayed, but their prayer was too late.The rich man was there, but his money
Had melted and vanished away;
A pauper he stood in the judgment,
His debts were too heavy to pay;
The great man was there, but his greatness,
When death came, was left far behind!
The angel that opened the records,
Not a trace of his greatness could find.Refrain
The widow was there with the orphans,
God heard and remembered their cries;
No sorrow in Heaven forever,
God wiped all the tears from their eyes;
The gambler was there and the drunkard,
And the man that had sold them the drink,
With the people who gave him the license,
Together in hell they did sink.Refrain
The moral man came to the judgment,
But self righteous rags would not do;
The men who had crucified Jesus
Had passed off as moral men, too;
The soul that had put off salvation,
“Not tonight; I’ll get saved by and by,
No time now to think of religion!”
At last they had found time to die.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 6:16] Lift Your Heads
Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus,
Partners in His sufferings here;
Christ, to all believers precious,
Lord of lords, shall soon appear:
Mark the tokens of His heavenly kingdom near!Close behind the tribulation
Of the last tremendous days,
See the flaming revelation,
See the universal blaze!
Earth and heaven melt before the Judge’s face!Sun and moon are both confounded,
Darkened into endless night,
When, with angel hosts surrounded,
In His Father’s glory bright,
Christ the Savior shines, the everlasting Light.See the stars from Heaven falling,
Hark on earth the doleful cry,
Men on rocks and mountains calling,
While the glorious Judge draws nigh,
“Hide us, hide us, rocks and mountains, from His eye!”With what different exclamation
Shall the saints His banner see!
By the tokens of His passion,
By the marks received for me,
All discern Him, all with shouts cry out, “’Tis He!”Lo! ’tis He! Our hearts’ Desire,
Come for His espoused below,
Come to join us to His choir,
Come to make our joys overflow,
Palms of victory, crowns of glory to bestow.Yes, the prize shall now be given,
We His open face shall see;
Love, the earnest of our heaven,
Love, our full reward shall be;
Love shall crown us kings through all eternity!Play source: Cyberhymnal