Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 47:1-5
Arah ke Sorga Cemerlang [KJ.221] ( The Lord Ascendeth Up on High )
1. Arah ke sorga cemerlang terangkat Tuhan yang menang
penuh kemuliaan. Tawanan pun dibawaNya berarak
ke tempat baka, ke takhta Kerajaan.
Mzm 47:6
Mrk 16:19
Luk 24:51
Kis 1:9
Mzm 68:19
Ef 4:8
Ef 1:20-22
Ibr 1:3-4
1 Ptr 3:22
2. Sorga menyambut Rajanya, malaikat sujud menyembah
di hari sukacita, Hai bumi bergembiralah nyanyikan
KenaikanNya yang bangkit bagi kita.Ibr 1:6
3. Imam besar telah pergi dan dari atas memberi serba karuniaNya.
Ya Tuhan, hati kami pun hendak terarah padaMu
Yang hidup selamanya!Ibr 4:14
Play Masyhurkan RajaMu [KJ.224] ( Rejoice, the Lord Is King )
1. Masyhurkan Rajamu, Allah Maha besar;
ucapkan syukurmu, bernyanyi bergemar!
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mzm 47
2. Tuhanmu Penebus, yang melepaskan kau,
memb'rikan darahNya pembasuh dosamu.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 26:28
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Buana, langit pun di bawah kuasaNya.
Kunci neraka, maut, dib'rikan padaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Kol 1:16
Why 1:18
4. Di muka takhtaNya semua bertelut;
musuhNya menyembah tersungkur bersujud.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Rm 14:11
Flp 2:9-11
5. Nantikan bersyukur Sang Hakim semesta,
yang datang menjemput semua hambaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!Mat 25:31-33
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Maut Sudah Menyerah [KJ.202] ( Angels, Roll the Rock Away )
1. Maut sudah menyerah, kubur hilang kuasanya: Jurus'lamat
t'lah menang dalam sinar cemerlang, dalam sinar cemerlang.
Yes 25:8
1 Kor 15:54-56
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
2. Umat Tuhan, pandanglah ke angkasa mulia dan
saksikan Penebus masuk sorga yang kudus, masuk sorga yang kudus.
Mzm 47:6
Mrk 16:19
Luk 24:51
Kis 1:9
3. Sorga, bukalah gerbang, sambut Raja yang menang!
Antarkan ke takhtaNya Yang kekal kuasaNya, Yang kekal kuasaNya.
4. Nyanyilah, hai Serafim, mainkan harpa berdenting.
Ikutlah, manusia, mengagungkan namaNya, mengagungkan namaNya.Play Naik ke Sorga Cemerlang [KJ.218]
1. Naik ke sorga cemerlang, Haleluya,
Kristus, Rajamu yang menang, Haleluya!
Mzm 47:6
Mzm 68:19
Luk 24:51
Kis 1:9
1 Tim 3:16
2. Di kanan Allah, BapaNya, Haleluya,
Dialah Raja semesta, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:19
Ef 1:20-22
Ibr 1:3-4
3. Nubuat Mazmur t'lah genap, Haleluya;
Kristuslah maksud Alkitab, Haleluya!
Mzm 110:1
Ibr 1:13
4. Kepada Dia diberi, Haleluya,
kuasa dan hormat tak henti, Haleluya!
Mat 28:18
Why 5:12
5. Mari bersoraklah terus, Haleluya,
agungkan Kristus, Penebus, Haleluya!
6. Allah Tirtunggal, t'rimalah, Haleluya,
puji syukur selamanya, Haleluya!Play Nyanyian Malaikat Nyaring Bergema [KJ.223] ( Golden Harps Are Sounding )
1. Nyanyian malaikat nyaring bergema, sorga t'lah terbuka
bagi Rajanya. Kristus Raja mulia, jaya dan megah,
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Mat 16:27
1 Tim 3:16
2. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!
3. Dia yang tersalib bagi dunia pada sisi Bapa kini mulia
tak sengsara lagi, hidup s'lamanya.
Yesus, Raja mulia, naik takhtaNya!
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Why 5:6
Mat 25:31
Kis 7:55-56
Ef 1:20-22
Ibr 1:3-4, 13
Why 7:17
4. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!
5. Yesus dalam sorga, agung kasihNya: Ia mendoakan
kita umatNya; kasi dan anug'rah dicurahkanNya;
tempat bagi kita disiapkanNya.
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Rm 8:34
1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 13:13
Ef 4:7-8
Yoh 14:2
6. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!Play
Psalms 47:1-5
[Psa 47:1] All Nations, Clap Your Hands
All nations, clap your hands,
Let shouts of triumph ring,
For mighty over all the lands
The Lord Most High is King.Above our mighty foes
He gave us power to stand,
And as our heritage He chose
The goodly promised land.With shouts ascends our King,
With trumpet’s stirring call;
Praise God, praise God, His praises sing,
For God is Lord of all.O sing in joyful strains,
And make His glory known;
God over all the nations reigns,
And holy is His throne.Our fathers’ God to own
The kings of earth draw nigh,
For none can save but God alone,
He is the Lord Most High.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 47:1] Clap Your Hands, Ye People All
Clap your hands, ye people all,
Praise the God on Whom ye call;
Lift your voice, and shout His praise,
Triumph in His sovereign grace!Glorious is the Lord most High,
Terrible in majesty;
He His sovereign sway maintains,
King o’er all the earth He reigns.Jesus is gone up on high,
Takes His seat above the sky:
Shout the angel-choirs aloud,
Echoing to the trump of God.Sons of earth, the triumph join,
Praise Him with the host divine;
Emulate the heavenly powers,
Their victorious Lord is ours.Shout the God enthroned above,
Trumpet forth His conquering love;
Praises to our Jesus sing,
Praises to our glorious King!Power is all to Jesus given,
Power o’er hell, and earth, and Heav’n!
Power He now to us imparts;
Praise Him with believing hearts.Wonderful in saving power,
Him let all our hearts adore;
Earth and Heav’n repeat the cry,
“Glory be to God most High!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 47:1] Hark! The Sounds Of Singing
Hark! the sounds of singing
Coming on the breeze,
Notes of triumph winging
Over lands and seas.
Martial hosts assemble,
Flushed with victory,
Hell’s battalions tremble
And prepare to flee.Refrain
Army of salvation!
Army of the Lord!
Christ our Inspiration
Christ our great Reward.Whence have come these legions,
Valiant, free and strong?
Worldwide are the regions
Where they combat wrong.
Gathering ’neath our banner
While the trumpets blend,
Here in fervent manner
Let our praise ascend.Refrain
Plucked as brands from burning,
Saved by Jesus’ might,
Earth’s allurement spurning,
We for Christ will fight.
He Who found and freed us
From our captive chain,
Surely He will lead us
To eternal gain.Refrain
Wondrous, wondrous story
Of our God-made host,
Unto Jesus glory
’Tis in Him we boast.
Out of every nation,
By His might restored,
Army of salvation,
Army of the Lord.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 47:1] O For A Shout Of Sacred Joy
O for a shout of sacred joy
To God the sov’reign King!
Let ev’ry land their tongues employ,
And hymns of triumph sing.Jesus our God ascends on high,
His heav’nly guards around
Attend Him rising through the sky,
With trumpets’ joyful sound.While angels shout and praise their King,
Let mortals learn their strains;
Let all the earth His honors sing;
O’er all the earth He reigns.Rehearse His praise with awe profound,
Let knowledge lead the song,
Nor mock Him with a solemn sound
Upon a thoughtless tongue.In Isr’el stood His ancient throne,
He lov’d that chosen race;
But now He calls the world His own,
And heathens taste His grace.The British islands are the Lord’s,
There Abraham’s God is known;
While powers and princes, shields and swords,
Submit before His throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 47:1] Rejoice Ye People, Homage Give
Rejoice, ye people, homage give,
To God with voice of triumph sing;
He ruleth in dread majesty,
The great, the universal King.He putteth nations under us
And maketh us triumphant stand;
He giveth for our heritage
His promised rest, a goodly land.God hath ascended with a shout,
Jehovah with the trumpet’s sound;
Sing praise to God our King, sing praise,
Yes, let His glorious praise abound.Our God is King of all the earth,
With thoughtful heart His praise make known;
O’er all the nations God doth reign,
Exalted on His holy throne.To praise and serve our cov’nant God
The princes of the earth draw nigh;
All kingly pow’rs belong to Him,
He is exalted, God most high.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 47:1] Shout Of Mighty Triumph, A
A shout of mighty triumph
Through nature’s realm is heard,
A shout which calls creation
To hail th’Incarnate Word.
Away with clouds and darkness!
All hail, thrice blessèd morn;
Sing out with joy, ye mortals,
For Jesus Christ is born!Is this, ye holy shepherds,
The mighty newborn King?
This Child, so sweet and gentle,
Can He such rapture bring?
O yes! He comes, the Savior
Of sinful earth forlorn;
Then shout with joy, ye mortals,
For Jesus Christ is born!The cruel, cruel foeman
This Child shall overthrow;
Full soon, the fierce destroyer,
His Lord’s stern might shall know:
Of all his boasted power
Soon to be roughly shorn;
Then shout with joy, ye mortals,
For Jesus Christ is born!But say, sweet virgin mother,
The Child upon thy breast,
Will He receive young children,
And share with them His rest?
O yes! He will with glory
Both old and young adorn;
Then shout with joy, ye mortals,
For Jesus Christ is born!Rejoice then, youths and maidens,
Old men and children, too;
Lift up your cheerful voices,
With bliss and rapture true!
Ring out, ye towers and steeples!
Blow, trumpet, pipe and horn!
Then shout with joy, ye mortals,
For Jesus Christ is born!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 47:5] Lo, God To Heav’n Ascendeth
Lo, God to Heav’n ascendeth! Throughout its regions vast
With shouts triumphant blendeth the trumpet’s thrilling blast:
Sing praise to Christ the Lord; sing praise with exultation,
King of each heathen nation, the God of hosts adored!With joy is Heav’n resounding Christ’s glad return to see;
Behold the saints surrounding the Lord Who set them free.
Bright myriads, thronging, come; the cherub band rejoices,
And loud seraphic voices all welcome Jesus home.From cross to throne ascending, we follow Christ on high
And know the pathway wending to mansions in the sky.
Our Lord is gone before; yet here He will not leave us,
And soon in Heav’n receive us and open wide the door.Our place He is preparing; to Heav’n we, too, shall rise,
With Him His glory sharing, be where our Treasure lies.
Bestir thyself, my soul! Where Jesus Christ has entered,
There let Thy hope be centered; press onward toward the goal.Let all our thoughts be winging to where Thou didst ascend,
And let our hearts be singing: “We seek Thee, Christ, our Friend,
Thee, God’s exalted Son, our Life, and Way to heaven,
To Whom all power is given, our Joy and Hope and Crown.”Play source: Cyberhymnal