NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 52:1


Doeg <01673> [A.M. 2942. B.C. 1062. (Title.) Doeg.]

informed <05046> [told.]

boast <01984> [boastest.]

evil <07451> [mischief.]

powerful man <01368> [O mighty.]

loyal love <02617> [goodness.]

Psalms 82:1


psalm <04210> [A.M. 3108. B.C. 896. (Title.) A Psalm.]

Some refer this psalm to the time of David, and others to that of Hezekiah; but it is more probable that it was composed when Jehoshaphat reformed the courts throughout his kingdom.

Asaph <0623> [of Asaph. or, for Asaph.]

God ............. gods <0430> [God, etc.]

Or, "God standeth in the assembly of God, {ail,} he judgeth among the judges." {Elohim:} God is among His own people; and presides especially in those courts of justice which Himself has established.

God ............. gods <0430> [the gods.]

Psalms 82:1


psalm <04210> [A.M. 3108. B.C. 896. (Title.) A Psalm.]

Some refer this psalm to the time of David, and others to that of Hezekiah; but it is more probable that it was composed when Jehoshaphat reformed the courts throughout his kingdom.

Asaph <0623> [of Asaph. or, for Asaph.]

God ............. gods <0430> [God, etc.]

Or, "God standeth in the assembly of God, {ail,} he judgeth among the judges." {Elohim:} God is among His own people; and presides especially in those courts of justice which Himself has established.

God ............. gods <0430> [the gods.]

Psalms 22:12


Many <07227> [Many.]

bulls <047> [strong.]

Ecclesiastes 3:16


Ecclesiastes 5:8


see <07200> [thou seest.]

astonished <08539> [marvel.]

matter <02656> [matter. Heb. will, or purpose.]

high ....... higher ...... higher <01364> [for.]

watched <08104> [regardeth.]

by ...... high ..... by ... higher ...... higher ... over <05921 01364> [higher than they.]

Amos 6:3


refuse <05077> [put.]

establish a reign <07675> [and cause.]

establish a reign <07675> [seat. or, habitation.]

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