Psalms 81:3
<08628> [Blow.]
new moon <02320> [new.]
festival <02282> [solemn.]
Psalms 150:3
blast <08629> [with the sound.]
horn <07782> [trumpet. or, cornet. the psaltery.]
Numbers 10:1-10
two trumpets <02689 08147> [two trumpets.]
The necessity of such instruments will at once appear, when the amazing extent of this army is considered. There were various kinds of trumpets among the ancients, of different forms and materials, as Eustathius shews on Homer, where he mentions six; the second of which was [stroggule,] turned up round, like a ram's horn; which he says the Egyptians used (from being invented by Osiris) when they assembled the people to their sacrifices. But in opposition to that form, Moses commands these to be made long, in the shape of those used at present. So Josephus informs us, who says they were near a cubit long; the tube of the thickness of a common pipe or flute; the mouth no wider than just to admit blowing into them; and their ends wide like those of a modern trumpet.
hammered <04749> [of a whole piece.]
assembling <04744> [the calling.]
blow <08628> [blow.]
camps <04264> [camps.]
blow ......................... sounded <08628> [ye blow.]
A single alarm was a signal for the eastward division to march; two such alarms the signal for the south; and probably three for the west, and four for the North. There appears therefore, a deficiency in the Hebrew Text, which is thus supplied by the LXX.: [kai salpieite semasian triten, kai exarousin ai parembolai ai paremballousai para thalassan. kai salpieite semasian tetarten, kai exarousin ai parembolai ai paremballousai pros bomran.] "And when ye blow a third alarm, or signal, the camps on the west shall march; and when ye blow a fourth alarm, the camps on the north shall march." This addition, however, is not acknowledged by the Samaritan, nor any other version than the Coptic, nor any MS. yet collated.
camps <04264> [the camps.]
blow <08628> [ye shall blow.]
alarm <07321> [sound.]
go <0935> [if ye go.]
opposes <06887> [oppresseth.]
alarm <07321> [then ye shall.]
remembered <02142> [remembered.]
time <03117> [in the day.]
memorial <02146> [a memorial.]
Joshua 6:5
<04900> [make a long.]
army ............... warriors <05971> [the people.]
wall <02346> [and the wall.]
The words {wenaphelah chomath hair tachteyha,} are literally, "and the wall of the city shall fall down under itself;" which appears simply to mean, that the wall shall fall down from its very foundation; which was probably the case in every part, though large breaches in different places might have been amply sufficient first to admit the armed men, after whom the host might enter to destroy the city. There is no ground for the supposition that the walls sunk into the earth.
<08478> [flat. Heb. under it.]
Joshua 6:1
shut tightly <05462> [was straitly. Heb. did shut up, and was shut up.]
because <06440> [because.]
Joshua 15:24
Ziph <02128> [Ziph.]
Eusebius and Jerome say, that Ziph was a village in their time eight miles east from Hebron.
Telem <02928> [Telem.]
Joshua 16:1
extended <03318> [fell. Heb. went forth. the water.]
Joshua 16:1
extended <03318> [fell. Heb. went forth. the water.]
Colossians 1:1
an apostle <652> [an.]
Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]
Colossians 1:1
an apostle <652> [an.]
Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]
Colossians 4:16
Revelation 8:6-13
hail <5464> [hail.]
it was thrown <906> [cast.]
a third ........ a third <5154> [the third.]
Then ........ and something like <2532 5613> [and as.]
of burning <2545> [burning.]
A third <5154> [the third.]
a third .... creatures ........ a third <5154 2938> [the third part of the creatures.]
ships <4143> [the ships.]
a huge <3173> [a great.]
springs <4077> [the fountains.]
Wormwood ......... wormwood <894> [Wormwood.]
many <4183> [many.]
Then ........ and ... third .... sun .... and a third ..... and a third ....... a third ...... And ............... third <2532 5154 2246> [and the third part of the sun.]
Then ........ and ......... and ....... and ............... And ........... day <2532 2250> [and the day.]
flying <4072> [flying.]
Woe Woe Woe <3759> [Woe.]
Revelation 11:15
seventh <1442> [the seventh.]
Then ........ and there were ............ has become ....... and ..... and <2532 1096> [and there.]
kingdom .......... our <932 2257> [The kingdoms.]
Then ........ and ..................... and ..... and he will reign <2532 936> [and he.]