Revelation 2:13
I know <1492> [know.]
Satan's ..................................... Satan <4567> [Satan's.]
you continue to cling <2902> [thou holdest.]
to my name ......... in me ........ my <3450 3686> [my name.]
you have ... denied <720> [denied.]
to my .......... in me ........ my ..... was killed <3450 615> [was.]
Revelation 3:1
angel <32> [unto.]
holds ................ you have <2192> [he that.]
seven ..... and ... seven ................ but <2532 2033> [and the.]
I know <1492> [I know.]
and .................. but <2532 1488> [and art.]
Revelation 3:9
synagogue <4864> [the synagogue.]
I am going to make ..................... I will make them ............ I <1325 4160 846 2443 1473> [I will make them to.]
Revelation 4:1
After ......................................... after <3326> [After.]
door <2374> [a door.]
first <4413> [the first.]
Come up <305> [Come.]
and .......... And .................. so ... I can show <2532 1166> [and I.]
Revelation 8:3
Another <243> [another.]
was stationed <2476> [stood.]
holding <2192> [having.]
A large amount <4183> [much.]
was given ..... offer up .... prayers <4335 1325> [offer it with the prayers. or, add it to the prayers.]
a golden ............................... golden <5552> [the golden.]
Revelation 10:8
voice <5456> [the voice.]
Revelation 12:4
dragon's tail ............. them ....................... her <846 3769> [his tail.]
stars <792> [of the.]
dragon <1404> [the dragon.]
Revelation 14:18
came <1831> [came.]
was ..................... had <2192> [which.]
and called .................. and <2532 5455> [and cried.]
Use <3992> [Thrust.]
Revelation 16:19
great .................. great <3173> [the great.]
great .................. great <3173> [great.]
was remembered <3415> [in.]
Revelation 18:19
they threw <906> [they cast.]
with weeping <2799> [weeping.]
because <3754> [for.]
Revelation 18:23
light <5457> [the light.]
voices <5456> [the voice.]
your merchants ............... your <4675 1713> [thy merchants.]
For .......... because <3754> [for.]
Revelation 19:10
I threw ... down <4098> [I fell.]
Do ... do <3708> [See.]
I am ......................... is <1510> [I am.]
testimony ........ testimony <3141> [the testimony.]
to worship ............................ Worship <4352> [worship.]
testimony ...... for ... testimony <1063 3141> [for the.]
Revelation 19:15
From <1537> [out.]
his .......... it ....... He .... them ...... and he <2532 846> [and he shall.]
his .......... it ....... He .... them ...... and he stomps <2532 846 3961> [and he treadeth.]
Revelation 19:20
beast ................................ beast <2342> [the beast.]
false prophet <5578> [the false.]
Both <1417> [These.]
burning <2545> [burning.]
Revelation 20:6
Blessed <3107> [Blessed.]
second <1208> [the second.]
priests <2409> [priests.]
and ............................ and .... and they will reign <2532 936> [and shall.]