Romans 11:5-7
at ... present <1722 3568> [at this present.]
chosen ... grace <5485 1589> [election of grace.]
The election which proceeds from the mercy and goodness of God.
works otherwise <1893 2041> [otherwise work.]
That is, it loses its character, or nature,--that of claiming reward as a matter of right.
What then <5101 3767> [What then?]
Israel <2474> [Israel.]
but ... elect <1161 1589> [but the election.]
That is, the elect, the abstract being used for the concrete. So the Jews or the circumcised people, are called Israel, or the circumcision.
but ....... rest <1161 3062> [and the rest.]
were hardened <4456> [blinded. or, hardened.]
Romans 11:28
enemies <2190> [are enemies.]
but <1161> [but.]
7 Isa 41:8,9 [All]
dearly loved <27> [are beloved.]
Ge 26:4 28:14 Le 26:40-42 De 4:31 7:7,8 8:18 9:5 10:15
Ps 105:8-11 Jer 31:3 Mic 7:20 Lu 1:54,68-75 [All]