Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Jeremiah 48:29-47 (NET)

48:29 I have heard how proud the people of Moab are, I know how haughty they are. I have heard how arrogant , proud , and haughty they are, what a high opinion they have of themselves. 48:30 I , the Lord , affirm that I know how arrogant they are. But their pride is ill-founded . Their boastings will prove to be false . 48:31 So I will weep with sorrow for Moab . I will cry out in sadness for all of Moab . I will moan for the people of Kir Heres . 48:32 I will weep for the grapevines of Sibmah just like the town of Jazer weeps over them. Their branches once spread as far as the Dead Sea . They reached as far as the town of Jazer . The destroyer will ravage her fig, date , and grape crops . 48:33 Joy and gladness will disappear from the fruitful land of Moab . I will stop the flow of wine from the winepresses . No one will stomp on the grapes there and shout for joy. The shouts there will be shouts of soldiers, not the shouts of those making wine. 48:34 Cries of anguish raised from Heshbon and Elealeh will be sounded as far as Jahaz . They will be sounded from Zoar as far as Horonaim and Eglath Shelishiyah . For even the waters of Nimrim will be dried up. 48:35 I will put an end in Moab to those who make offerings at her places of worship . I will put an end to those who sacrifice to other gods . I, the Lord , affirm it! 48:36 So my heart moans for Moab like a flute playing a funeral song. Yes, like a flute playing a funeral song, my heart moans for the people of Kir Heres . For the wealth they have gained will perish . 48:37 For all of them will shave their heads in mourning. They will all cut off their beards to show their sorrow. They will all make gashes in their hands . They will all put on sackcloth . 48:38 On all the housetops in Moab and in all its public squares there will be nothing but mourning . For I will break Moab like an unwanted jar . I, the Lord , affirm it! 48:39 Oh, how shattered Moab will be! Oh, how her people will wail ! Oh, how she will turn away in shame ! Moab will become an object of ridicule , a terrifying sight to all the nations that surround her.” 48:40 For the Lord says , “Look! Like an eagle with outspread wings a nation will swoop down on Moab . 48:41 Her towns will be captured . Her fortresses will be taken . At that time the soldiers of Moab will be frightened like a woman in labor . 48:42 Moab will be destroyed and no longer be a nation , because she has vaunted herself against the Lord . 48:43 Terror , pits , and traps are in store for the people who live in Moab . I, the Lord , affirm it! 48:44 Anyone who flees at the sound of terror will fall into a pit . Anyone who climbs out of the pit will be caught in a trap . For the time is coming when I will punish the people of Moab . I, the Lord , affirm it! 48:45 In the shadows of the walls of Heshbon those trying to escape will stand helpless . For a fire will burst forth from Heshbon . Flames will shoot out from the former territory of Sihon . They will burn the foreheads of the people of Moab , the skulls of those war-loving people . 48:46 Moab , you are doomed ! You people who worship Chemosh will be destroyed . Your sons will be taken away captive . Your daughters will be carried away into exile . 48:47 Yet in days to come I will reverse Moab’s ill fortune .” says the Lord . The judgment against Moab ends here .



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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

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  • Baxter, J. Sidlow. Explore the Book. 6 vols. London: Marshall, Morgan, and Scott, 1965.Bromiley, Geoffrey W. God and Marriage. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1980.Bullock, C. Hassell. An Introduction to the Poe...
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  • This prophecy about Israel's neighbors anticipates chapters 46-51, which contain oracles against Gentile nations.12:14 The Lord promised to judge Judah's neighbor nations that had robbed His people of what the Lord had given ...
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  • This oracle is similar to the one in Isaiah 15 and 16.555Other oracles against Moab appear in Ezekiel 25:8-11, Amos 2:1-3, and Zephaniah 2:9, but this is the longest one. It is very difficult to say when Jeremiah gave this or...
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  • The Edomites lived to the southeast of Judah, south of Moab. The Zered River was their northern border, the Gulf of Aqabah (about 100 miles to the south) the southern, the Arabah the western, and the desert the eastern border...
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  • Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers; and New York: Macmillan Publishers Co., 1977.Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. Revis...
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  • 25:8 The residents of Moab and Seir (Edom) had regarded Judah as just one of the other nations even though the Judahites were blood relatives of theirs (cf. Jer. 48:27; Zeph. 2:8-9). This attitude reflected disrespect for Yah...
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  • This lamentation should help us realize that the judgment Jesus just announced in such strong language was not something that delighted Him. It broke His heart. This is also clear from His personalizing the people in Jerusale...
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