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Text -- 1 Corinthians 16:1-13 (NET)

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A Collection to Aid Jewish Christians
16:1 With regard to the collection for the saints, please follow the directions that I gave to the churches of Galatia: 16:2 On the first day of the week, each of you should set aside some income and save it to the extent that God has blessed you, so that a collection will not have to be made when I come. 16:3 Then, when I arrive, I will send those whom you approve with letters of explanation to carry your gift to Jerusalem. 16:4 And if it seems advisable that I should go also, they will go with me.
Paul’s Plans to Visit
16:5 But I will come to you after I have gone through Macedonia– for I will be going through Macedonia16:6 and perhaps I will stay with you, or even spend the winter, so that you can send me on my journey, wherever I go. 16:7 For I do not want to see you now in passing, since I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord allows. 16:8 But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, 16:9 because a door of great opportunity stands wide open for me, but there are many opponents. 16:10 Now if Timothy comes, see that he has nothing to fear among you, for he is doing the Lord’s work, as I am too. 16:11 So then, let no one treat him with contempt. But send him on his way in peace so that he may come to me. For I am expecting him with the brothers. 16:12 With regard to our brother Apollos: I strongly encouraged him to visit you with the other brothers, but it was simply not his intention to come now. He will come when he has the opportunity.
Final Challenge and Blessing
16:13 Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, show courage, be strong.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Apollos a Jewish man from Alexandria who was taught by Aquila and Priscilla
 · Ephesus a town in western Asia Minor at the mouth of the Cayster River
 · Galatia a nation, and later a Roman province, in central Asia Minor
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Macedonia a Roman province north of Greece which included 10 Roman colonies (IBD),citizens of the province of Macedonia
 · Pentecost a sacred festival of the Jews observed 50 days after the Passover
 · Timothy a young man of Lystra who travelled with Paul and to whom two epistles were addressed

Dictionary Themes and Topics: ALMS | CORINTHIANS, FIRST EPISTLE TO THE | Timothy | Sabbath | COLLECTION | Giving | Romans, Epistle to the | Liberality | Beneficence | HEBREWS, EPISTLE TO THE | Corinth | Church | PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 5 | Apollos | WORSHIP | TITUS | GATHER | MACEDONIA | TROPHIMUS | God | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Co 16:1 Grk “as I directed the churches of Galatia, so also you yourselves do.”

NET Notes: 1Co 16:2 Grk “so that collections will not be taking place.”

NET Notes: 1Co 16:3 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

NET Notes: 1Co 16:8 For location see JP1 D2; JP2 D2; JP3 D2; JP4 D2.

NET Notes: 1Co 16:9 Grk “for a door has opened wide to me, great and effective.”

NET Notes: 1Co 16:11 Since Paul appears to expect specific delegates here and they were most likely men, the Greek word ἀδελφοί (adelfo...

NET Notes: 1Co 16:12 Grk “it was simply not the will that he come now.”

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