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Genesis 10:1-32

The Table of Nations

10:1 This is the account 1  of Noah’s sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons 2  were born 3  to them after the flood.

10:2 The sons of Japheth 4  were Gomer, 5  Magog, 6  Madai, 7  Javan, 8  Tubal, 9  Meshech, 10  and Tiras. 11  10:3 The sons of Gomer were 12  Askenaz, 13  Riphath, 14  and Togarmah. 15  10:4 The sons of Javan were Elishah, 16  Tarshish, 17  the Kittim, 18  and the Dodanim. 19  10:5 From these the coastlands of the nations were separated into their lands, every one according to its language, according to their families, by their nations.

10:6 The sons of Ham were Cush, 20  Mizraim, 21  Put, 22  and Canaan. 23  10:7 The sons of Cush were Seba, 24  Havilah, 25  Sabtah, 26  Raamah, 27  and Sabteca. 28  The sons of Raamah were Sheba 29  and Dedan. 30 

10:8 Cush was the father of 31  Nimrod; he began to be a valiant warrior on the earth. 10:9 He was a mighty hunter 32  before the Lord. 33  (That is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.”) 10:10 The primary regions 34  of his kingdom were Babel, 35  Erech, 36  Akkad, 37  and Calneh 38  in the land of Shinar. 39  10:11 From that land he went 40  to Assyria, 41  where he built Nineveh, 42  Rehoboth-Ir, 43  Calah, 44  10:12 and Resen, which is between Nineveh and the great city Calah. 45 

10:13 Mizraim 46  was the father of 47  the Ludites, 48  Anamites, 49  Lehabites, 50  Naphtuhites, 51  10:14 Pathrusites, 52  Casluhites 53  (from whom the Philistines came), 54  and Caphtorites. 55 

10:15 Canaan was the father of 56  Sidon his firstborn, 57  Heth, 58  10:16 the Jebusites, 59  Amorites, 60  Girgashites, 61  10:17 Hivites, 62  Arkites, 63  Sinites, 64  10:18 Arvadites, 65  Zemarites, 66  and Hamathites. 67  Eventually the families of the Canaanites were scattered 10:19 and the borders of Canaan extended 68  from Sidon 69  all the way to 70  Gerar as far as Gaza, and all the way to 71  Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha. 10:20 These are the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, and by their nations.

10:21 And sons were also born 72  to Shem (the older brother of Japheth), 73  the father of all the sons of Eber.

10:22 The sons of Shem were Elam, 74  Asshur, 75  Arphaxad, 76  Lud, 77  and Aram. 78  10:23 The sons of Aram were Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. 79  10:24 Arphaxad was the father of 80  Shelah, 81  and Shelah was the father of Eber. 82  10:25 Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg because in his days the earth was divided, 83  and his brother’s name was Joktan. 10:26 Joktan was the father of 84  Almodad, 85  Sheleph, 86  Hazarmaveth, 87  Jerah, 88  10:27 Hadoram, Uzal, 89  Diklah, 90  10:28 Obal, 91  Abimael, 92  Sheba, 93  10:29 Ophir, 94  Havilah, 95  and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan. 10:30 Their dwelling place was from Mesha all the way to 96  Sephar in the eastern hills. 10:31 These are the sons of Shem according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, and according to their nations.

10:32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, by their nations, and from these the nations spread 97  over the earth after the flood.

Genesis 2:14

2:14 The name of the third river is Tigris; it runs along the east side of Assyria. 98  The fourth river is the Euphrates.

Genesis 8:3

8:3 The waters kept receding steadily 99  from the earth, so that they 100  had gone down 101  by the end of the 150 days.

Genesis 3:15


3:15 And I will put hostility 102  between you and the woman

and between your offspring and her offspring; 103 

her offspring will attack 104  your head,

and 105  you 106  will attack her offspring’s heel.” 107 

Isaiah 7:14

7:14 For this reason the sovereign master himself will give you a confirming sign. 108  Look, this 109  young woman 110  is about to conceive 111  and will give birth to a son. You, young woman, will name him 112  Immanuel. 113 

Jeremiah 31:22


31:22 How long will you vacillate, 114 

you who were once like an unfaithful daughter? 115 

For I, the Lord, promise 116  to bring about something new 117  on the earth,

something as unique as a woman protecting a man!’” 118 

Matthew 1:20-23

1:20 When he had contemplated this, an 119  angel of the Lord 120  appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 1:21 She will give birth to a son and you will name him 121  Jesus, 122  because he will save his people from their sins.” 1:22 This all happened so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled: 1:23Look! The virgin will conceive and bear a son, and they will call him 123  Emmanuel,” 124  which means 125 God with us.” 126 

Luke 1:35

1:35 The angel replied, 127  “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow 128  you. Therefore the child 129  to be born 130  will be holy; 131  he will be called the Son of God.

John 1:14


1:14 Now 132  the Word became flesh 133  and took up residence 134  among us. We 135  saw his glory – the glory of the one and only, 136  full of grace and truth, who came from the Father.

Galatians 4:4

4:4 But when the appropriate time 137  had come, God sent out his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,

Galatians 4:1


4:1 Now I mean that the heir, as long as he is a minor, 138  is no different from a slave, though he is the owner 139  of everything.

Galatians 3:16

3:16 Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his descendant. 140  Scripture 141  does not say, “and to the descendants,” 142  referring to many, but “and to your descendant,” 143  referring to one, who is Christ.

Galatians 3:1

Justification by Law or by Faith?

3:1 You 144  foolish Galatians! Who has cast a spell 145  on you? Before your eyes Jesus Christ was vividly portrayed 146  as crucified!

Galatians 4:2-3

4:2 But he is under guardians 147  and managers until the date set by his 148  father. 4:3 So also we, when we were minors, 149  were enslaved under the basic forces 150  of the world.

Galatians 4:2

4:2 But he is under guardians 151  and managers until the date set by his 152  father.

Galatians 1:7

1:7 not that there really is another gospel, 153  but 154  there are some who are disturbing you and wanting 155  to distort the gospel of Christ.
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[10:1]  1 tn The title אֵלֶּה תּוֹלְדֹת (’elle tolÿdot, here translated as “This is the account”) here covers 10:111:9, which contains the so-called Table of Nations and the account of how the nations came to be dispersed.

[10:1]  2 sn Sons were born to them. A vertical genealogy such as this encompasses more than the names of sons. The list includes cities, tribes, and even nations. In a loose way, the names in the list have some derivation or connection to the three ancestors.

[10:1]  3 tn It appears that the Table of Nations is a composite of at least two ancient sources: Some sections begin with the phrase “the sons of” (בְּנֵי, bÿne) while other sections use “begot” (יָלָד, yalad). It may very well be that the “sons of” list was an old, “bare bones” list that was retained in the family records, while the “begot” sections were editorial inserts by the writer of Genesis, reflecting his special interests. See A. P. Ross, “The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 – Its Structure,” BSac 137 (1980): 340-53; idem, “The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 – Its Content,” BSac 138 (1981): 22-34.

[10:2]  4 sn The Greek form of the name Japheth, Iapetos, is used in Greek tradition for the ancestor of the Greeks.

[10:2]  5 sn Gomer was the ancestor of the Cimmerians. For a discussion of the Cimmerians see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 49-61.

[10:2]  6 sn For a discussion of various proposals concerning the descendants of Magog see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 22-24.

[10:2]  7 sn Madai was the ancestor of the Medes, who lived east of Assyria.

[10:2]  8 sn Javan was the father of the Hellenic race, the Ionians who lived in western Asia Minor.

[10:2]  9 sn Tubal was the ancestor of militaristic tribes that lived north of the Black Sea. For a discussion of ancient references to Tubal see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 24-26.

[10:2]  10 sn Meshech was the ancestor of the people known in Assyrian records as the Musku. For a discussion of ancient references to them see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 24-26.

[10:2]  11 sn Tiras was the ancestor of the Thracians, some of whom possibly became the Pelasgian pirates of the Aegean.

[10:3]  12 sn The descendants of Gomer were all northern tribes of the Upper Euphrates.

[10:3]  13 sn Askenaz was the ancestor of a northern branch of Indo-Germanic tribes, possibly Scythians. For discussion see E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 63.

[10:3]  14 sn The descendants of Riphath lived in a district north of the road from Haran to Carchemish.

[10:3]  15 sn Togarmah is also mentioned in Ezek 38:6, where it refers to Til-garimmu, the capital of Kammanu, which bordered Tabal in eastern Turkey. See E. M. Yamauchi, Foes from the Northern Frontier (SBA), 26, n. 28.

[10:4]  16 sn The descendants of Elishah populated Cyprus.

[10:4]  17 sn The descendants of Tarshish settled along the southern coast of what is modern Turkey. However, some identify the site Tarshish (see Jonah 1:3) with Sardinia or Spain.

[10:4]  18 sn The name Kittim is associated with Cyprus, as well as coastlands east of Rhodes. It is used in later texts to refer to the Romans.

[10:4]  19 tc Most of the MT mss read “Dodanim” here, but 1 Chr 1:7 has “Rodanim,” perhaps referring to the island of Rhodes. But the Qere reading in 1 Chr 1:7 suggests “Dodanim.” Dodona is one of the most ancient and revered spots in ancient Greece.

[10:6]  20 sn The descendants of Cush settled in Nubia (Ethiopia).

[10:6]  21 sn The descendants of Mizraim settled in Upper and Lower Egypt.

[10:6]  22 sn The descendants of Put settled in Libya.

[10:6]  23 sn The descendants of Canaan lived in the region of Phoenicia (Palestine).

[10:7]  24 sn The descendants of Seba settled in Upper Egypt along the Nile.

[10:7]  25 sn The Hebrew name Havilah apparently means “stretch of sand” (see HALOT 297 s.v. חֲוִילָה). Havilah’s descendants settled in eastern Arabia.

[10:7]  26 sn The descendants of Sabtah settled near the western shore of the Persian Gulf in ancient Hadhramaut.

[10:7]  27 sn The descendants of Raamah settled in southwest Arabia.

[10:7]  28 sn The descendants of Sabteca settled in Samudake, east toward the Persian Gulf.

[10:7]  29 sn Sheba became the name of a kingdom in southwest Arabia.

[10:7]  30 sn The name Dedan is associated with àUla in northern Arabia.

[10:8]  31 tn Heb “fathered.” Embedded within Cush’s genealogy is an account of Nimrod, a mighty warrior. There have been many attempts to identify him, but none are convincing.

[10:9]  32 tn The Hebrew word for “hunt” is צַיִד (tsayid), which is used on occasion for hunting men (1 Sam 24:12; Jer 16:16; Lam 3:15).

[10:9]  33 tn Another option is to take the divine name here, לִפְנֵי יִהוָה (lifne yÿhvah, “before the Lord [YHWH]”), as a means of expressing the superlative degree. In this case one may translate “Nimrod was the greatest hunter in the world.”

[10:10]  34 tn Heb “beginning.” E. A. Speiser, Genesis (AB), 67, suggests “mainstays,” citing Jer 49:35 as another text where the Hebrew noun is so used.

[10:10]  35 tn Or “Babylon.”

[10:10]  36 sn Erech (ancient Uruk, modern Warka), one of the most ancient civilizations, was located southeast of Babylon.

[10:10]  37 sn Akkad, or ancient Agade, was associated with Sargon and located north of Babylon.

[10:10]  38 tn No such place is known in Shinar (i.e., Babylonia). Therefore some have translated the Hebrew term כַלְנֵה (khalneh) as “all of them,” referring to the three previous names (cf. NRSV).

[10:10]  39 sn Shinar is another name for Babylonia.

[10:11]  40 tn The subject of the verb translated “went” is probably still Nimrod. However, it has also been interpreted that “Ashur went,” referring to a derivative power.

[10:11]  41 tn Heb “Asshur.”

[10:11]  42 sn Nineveh was an ancient Assyrian city situated on the Tigris River.

[10:11]  43 sn The name Rehoboth-Ir means “and broad streets of a city,” perhaps referring to a suburb of Nineveh.

[10:11]  44 sn Calah (modern Nimrud) was located twenty miles north of Nineveh.

[10:12]  45 tn Heb “and Resen between Nineveh and Calah; it [i.e., Calah] is the great city.”

[10:13]  46 sn Mizraim is the Hebrew name for Egypt (cf. NRSV).

[10:13]  47 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:13]  48 sn The Ludites were African tribes west of the Nile Delta.

[10:13]  49 sn The Anamites lived in North Africa, west of Egypt, near Cyrene.

[10:13]  50 sn The Lehabites are identified with the Libyans.

[10:13]  51 sn The Naphtuhites lived in Lower Egypt (the Nile Delta region).

[10:14]  52 sn The Pathrusites are known in Egyptian as P-to-reshi; they resided in Upper Egypt.

[10:14]  53 sn The Casluhites lived in Crete and eventually settled east of the Egyptian Delta, between Egypt and Canaan.

[10:14]  54 tn Several commentators prefer to reverse the order of the words to put this clause after the next word, since the Philistines came from Crete (where the Caphtorites lived). But the table may suggest migration rather than lineage, and the Philistines, like the Israelites, came through the Nile Delta region of Egypt. For further discussion of the origin and migration of the Philistines, see D. M. Howard, “Philistines,” Peoples of the Old Testament World, 232.

[10:14]  55 sn The Caphtorites resided in Crete, but in Egyptian literature Caphtor refers to “the region beyond” the Mediterranean.

[10:15]  56 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:15]  57 sn Sidon was the foremost city in Phoenicia; here Sidon may be the name of its founder.

[10:15]  58 tn Some see a reference to “Hittites” here (cf. NIV), but this seems unlikely. See the note on the phrase “sons of Heth” in Gen 23:3.

[10:16]  59 sn The Jebusites were the Canaanite inhabitants of ancient Jerusalem.

[10:16]  60 sn Here Amorites refers to smaller groups of Canaanite inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Palestine, rather than the large waves of Amurru, or western Semites, who migrated to the region.

[10:16]  61 sn The Girgashites are an otherwise unknown Canaanite tribe, though the name is possibly mentioned in Ugaritic texts (see G. J. Wenham, Genesis [WBC], 1:226).

[10:17]  62 sn The Hivites were Canaanite tribes of a Hurrian origin.

[10:17]  63 sn The Arkites lived in Arka, a city in Lebanon, north of Sidon.

[10:17]  64 sn The Sinites lived in Sin, another town in Lebanon.

[10:18]  65 sn The Arvadites lived in the city Arvad, located on an island near the mainland close to the river El Kebir.

[10:18]  66 sn The Zemarites lived in the town Sumur, north of Arka.

[10:18]  67 sn The Hamathites lived in Hamath on the Orontes River.

[10:19]  68 tn Heb “were.”

[10:19]  69 map For location see Map1 A1; JP3 F3; JP4 F3.

[10:19]  70 tn Heb “as you go.”

[10:19]  71 tn Heb “as you go.”

[10:21]  72 tn Heb “And to Shem was born.”

[10:21]  73 tn Or “whose older brother was Japheth.” Some translations render Japheth as the older brother, understanding the adjective הַגָּדוֹל (haggadol, “older”) as modifying Japheth. However, in Hebrew when a masculine singular definite attributive adjective follows the sequence masculine singular construct noun + proper name, the adjective invariably modifies the noun in construct, not the proper name. Such is the case here. See Deut 11:7; Judg 1:13; 2:7; 3:9; 9:5; 2 Kgs 15:35; 2 Chr 27:3; Neh 3:30; Jer 13:9; 36:10; Ezek 10:19; 11:1.

[10:22]  74 sn The Hebrew name Elam (עֵילָם, ’elam) means “highland.” The Elamites were a non-Semitic people who lived east of Babylon.

[10:22]  75 sn Asshur is the name for the Assyrians. Asshur was the region in which Nimrod expanded his power (see v. 11, where the name is also mentioned). When names appear in both sections of a genealogical list, it probably means that there were both Hamites and Shemites living in that region in antiquity, especially if the name is a place name.

[10:22]  76 sn The descendants of Arphaxad may have lived northeast of Nineveh.

[10:22]  77 sn Lud may have been the ancestor of the Ludbu, who lived near the Tigris River.

[10:22]  78 sn Aram became the collective name of the northern tribes living in the steppes of Mesopotamia and speaking Aramaic dialects.

[10:23]  79 tc The MT reads “Mash”; the LXX and 1 Chr 1:17 read “Meshech.”

[10:24]  80 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:24]  81 tc The MT reads “Arphaxad fathered Shelah”; the LXX reads “Arphaxad fathered Cainan, and Cainan fathered Sala [= Shelah].” The LXX reading also appears to lie behind Luke 3:35-36.

[10:24]  82 sn Genesis 11 traces the line of Shem through Eber (עֵבֶר, ’ever ) to Abraham the “Hebrew” (עִבְרִי, ’ivri).

[10:25]  83 tn The expression “the earth was divided” may refer to dividing the land with canals, but more likely it anticipates the division of languages at Babel (Gen 11). The verb פָּלָג (palag, “separate, divide”) is used in Ps 55:9 for a division of languages.

[10:26]  84 tn Heb “fathered.”

[10:26]  85 sn The name Almodad combines the Arabic article al with modad (“friend”). Almodad was the ancestor of a South Arabian people.

[10:26]  86 sn The name Sheleph may be related to Shilph, a district of Yemen; Shalph is a Yemenite tribe.

[10:26]  87 sn The name Hazarmaveth should be equated with Hadramawt, located in Southern Arabia.

[10:26]  88 sn The name Jerah means “moon.”

[10:27]  89 sn Uzal was the name of the old capital of Yemen.

[10:27]  90 sn The name Diklah means “date-palm.”

[10:28]  91 sn Obal was a name used for several localities in Yemen.

[10:28]  92 sn The name Abimael is a genuine Sabean form which means “my father, truly, he is God.”

[10:28]  93 sn The descendants of Sheba lived in South Arabia, where the Joktanites were more powerful than the Hamites.

[10:29]  94 sn Ophir became the name of a territory in South Arabia. Many of the references to Ophir are connected with gold (e.g., 1 Kgs 9:28, 10:11, 22:48; 1 Chr 29:4; 2 Chr 8:18, 9:10; Job 22:24, 28:16; Ps 45:9; Isa 13:12).

[10:29]  95 sn Havilah is listed with Ham in v. 7.

[10:30]  96 tn Heb “as you go.”

[10:32]  97 tn Or “separated.”

[2:14]  98 tn Heb “Asshur” (so NEB, NIV).

[8:3]  99 tn The construction combines a Qal preterite from שׁוּב (shuv) with its infinitive absolute to indicate continuous action. The infinitive absolute from הָלָךְ (halakh) is included for emphasis: “the waters returned…going and returning.”

[8:3]  100 tn Heb “the waters.” The pronoun (“they”) has been employed in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[8:3]  101 tn The vav (ו) consecutive with the preterite here describes the consequence of the preceding action.

[3:15]  102 tn The Hebrew word translated “hostility” is derived from the root אֵיב (’ev, “to be hostile, to be an adversary [or enemy]”). The curse announces that there will be continuing hostility between the serpent and the woman. The serpent will now live in a “battle zone,” as it were.

[3:15]  103 sn The Hebrew word translated “offspring” is a collective singular. The text anticipates the ongoing struggle between human beings (the woman’s offspring) and deadly poisonous snakes (the serpent’s offspring). An ancient Jewish interpretation of the passage states: “He made the serpent, cause of the deceit, press the earth with belly and flank, having bitterly driven him out. He aroused a dire enmity between them. The one guards his head to save it, the other his heel, for death is at hand in the proximity of men and malignant poisonous snakes.” See Sib. Or. 1:59-64. For a similar interpretation see Josephus, Ant. 1.1.4 (1.50-51).

[3:15]  104 tn Heb “he will attack [or “bruise”] you [on] the head.” The singular pronoun and verb agree grammatically with the collective singular noun “offspring.” For other examples of singular verb and pronominal forms being used with the collective singular “offspring,” see Gen 16:10; 22:17; 24:60. The word “head” is an adverbial accusative, locating the blow. A crushing blow to the head would be potentially fatal.

[3:15]  105 tn Or “but you will…”; or “as they attack your head, you will attack their heel.” The disjunctive clause (conjunction + subject + verb) is understood as contrastive. Both clauses place the subject before the verb, a construction that is sometimes used to indicate synchronic action (see Judg 15:14).

[3:15]  106 sn You will attack her offspring’s heel. Though the conflict will actually involve the serpent’s offspring (snakes) and the woman’s offspring (human beings), v. 15b for rhetorical effect depicts the conflict as being between the serpent and the woman’s offspring, as if the serpent will outlive the woman. The statement is personalized for the sake of the addressee (the serpent) and reflects the ancient Semitic concept of corporate solidarity, which emphasizes the close relationship between a progenitor and his offspring. Note Gen 28:14, where the Lord says to Jacob, “Your offspring will be like the dust of the earth, and you [second masculine singular] will spread out in all directions.” Jacob will “spread out” in all directions through his offspring, but the text states the matter as if this will happen to him personally.

[3:15]  107 tn Heb “you will attack him [on] the heel.” The verb (translated “attack”) is repeated here, a fact that is obscured by some translations (e.g., NIV “crush…strike”). The singular pronoun agrees grammatically with the collective singular noun “offspring.” For other examples of singular verb and pronominal forms being used with the collective singular “offspring,” see Gen 16:10; 22:17; 24:60. The word “heel” is an adverbial accusative, locating the blow. A bite on the heel from a poisonous serpent is potentially fatal.

[7:14]  108 tn The Hebrew term אוֹת (’ot, “sign”) can refer to a miraculous event (see v. 11), but it does not carry this sense inherently. Elsewhere in Isaiah the word usually refers to a natural occurrence or an object/person vested with special significance (see 8:18; 19:20; 20:3; 37:30; 55:13; 66:19). Only in 38:7-8, 22 does it refer to a miraculous deed that involves suspending or overriding natural laws. The sign outlined in vv. 14-17 involves God’s providential control over events and their timing, but not necessarily miraculous intervention.

[7:14]  109 tn Heb “the young woman.” The Hebrew article has been rendered as a demonstrative pronoun (“this”) in the translation to bring out its force. It is very likely that Isaiah pointed to a woman who was present at the scene of the prophet’s interview with Ahaz. Isaiah’s address to the “house of David” and his use of second plural forms suggests other people were present, and his use of the second feminine singular verb form (“you will name”) later in the verse is best explained if addressed to a woman who is present.

[7:14]  110 tn Traditionally, “virgin.” Because this verse from Isaiah is quoted in Matt 1:23 in connection with Jesus’ birth, the Isaiah passage has been regarded since the earliest Christian times as a prophecy of Christ’s virgin birth. Much debate has taken place over the best way to translate this Hebrew term, although ultimately one’s view of the doctrine of the virgin birth of Christ is unaffected. Though the Hebrew word used here (עַלְמָה, ’almah) can sometimes refer to a woman who is a virgin (Gen 24:43), it does not carry this meaning inherently. The word is simply the feminine form of the corresponding masculine noun עֶלֶם (’elem, “young man”; cf. 1 Sam 17:56; 20:22). The Aramaic and Ugaritic cognate terms are both used of women who are not virgins. The word seems to pertain to age, not sexual experience, and would normally be translated “young woman.” The LXX translator(s) who later translated the Book of Isaiah into Greek sometime between the second and first century b.c., however, rendered the Hebrew term by the more specific Greek word παρθένος (parqenos), which does mean “virgin” in a technical sense. This is the Greek term that also appears in the citation of Isa 7:14 in Matt 1:23. Therefore, regardless of the meaning of the term in the OT context, in the NT Matthew’s usage of the Greek term παρθένος clearly indicates that from his perspective a virgin birth has taken place.

[7:14]  111 tn Elsewhere the adjective הָרָה (harah), when used predicatively, refers to a past pregnancy (from the narrator’s perspective, 1 Sam 4:19), to a present condition (Gen 16:11; 38:24; 2 Sam 11:5), and to a conception that is about to occur in the near future (Judg 13:5, 7). (There is some uncertainty about the interpretation of Judg 13:5, 7, however. See the notes to those verses.) In Isa 7:14 one could translate, “the young woman is pregnant.” In this case the woman is probably a member of the royal family. Another option, the one followed in the present translation, takes the adjective in an imminent future sense, “the young woman is about to conceive.” In this case the woman could be a member of the royal family, or, more likely, the prophetess with whom Isaiah has sexual relations shortly after this (see 8:3).

[7:14]  112 tn Heb “and you will call his name.” The words “young lady” are supplied in the translation to clarify the identity of the addressee. The verb is normally taken as an archaic third feminine singular form here, and translated, “she will call.” However the form (קָרָאת, qarat) is more naturally understood as second feminine singular, in which case the words would be addressed to the young woman mentioned just before this. In the three other occurrences of the third feminine singular perfect of I קָרָא (qara’, “to call”), the form used is קָרְאָה (qarah; see Gen 29:35; 30:6; 1 Chr 4:9). A third feminine singular perfect קָרָאת does appear in Deut 31:29 and Jer 44:23, but the verb here is the homonym II קָרָא (“to meet, encounter”). The form קָרָאת (from I קָרָא, “to call”) appears in three other passages (Gen 16:11; Isa 60:18; Jer 3:4 [Qere]) and in each case is second feminine singular.

[7:14]  113 sn The name Immanuel means “God [is] with us.”

[31:22]  114 tn The translation “dilly-dally” is suggested by J. Bright, Jeremiah (AB), 276. The verb occurs only here in this stem (the Hitpael) and only one other time in any other stem (the Qal in Song 5:6). The dictionaries define it as “to turn this way and that” (cf., e.g., BDB 330 s.v. חָמַק Hithp.). In the context it refers to turning this way and that looking for the way back.

[31:22]  115 sn Israel’s backsliding is forgotten and forgiven. They had once been characterized as an apostate people (3:14, 22; the word “apostate” and “unfaithful” are the same in Hebrew) and figuratively depicted as an adulterous wife (3:20). Now they are viewed as having responded to his invitation (compare 31:18-19 with 3:22-25). Hence they are no longer depicted as an unfaithful daughter but as an unsullied virgin (see the literal translation of “my dear children” in vv. 4, 21 and the study note on v. 4.)

[31:22]  116 tn Heb “For the Lord will create.” The person has been shifted to avoid the possible confusion for some readers of a third person reference to the Lord in what has otherwise been a first person address. The verb “will create” is another one of the many examples of the prophetic perfect that have been seen in the book of Jeremiah. For the significance of the verb “create” here see the study note on “bring about something new.”

[31:22]  117 sn Heb “create.” This word is always used with God as the subject and refers to the production of something new or unique, like the creation of the world and the first man and woman (Gen 1:1; 2:3; 1:27; 5:1) or the creation of a new heavens and a new earth in a new age (Isa 65:17), or the bringing about of new and unique circumstances (Num 16:30). Here reference is made contextually to the new exodus, that marvelous deliverance which will be so great that the old will pale in comparison (see the first note on v. 9).

[31:22]  118 tn The meaning of this last line is uncertain. The translation has taken it as proverbial for something new and unique. For a fairly complete discussion of most of the options see C. Feinberg, “Jeremiah,” EBC 6:571. For the nuance of “protecting” for the verb here see BDB 686 s.v. סָבַב Po‘ 1 and compare the usage in Deut 32:10.

[1:20]  119 tn Grk “behold, an angel.” The Greek word ἰδού (idou) has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

[1:20]  120 tn Or “the angel of the Lord.” Linguistically, “angel of the Lord” is the same in both testaments (and thus, he is either “an angel of the Lord” or “the angel of the Lord” in both testaments). For arguments and implications, see ExSyn 252; M. J. Davidson, “Angels,” DJG, 9; W. G. MacDonald argues for “an angel” in both testaments: “Christology and ‘The Angel of the Lord’,” Current Issues in Biblical and Patristic Interpretation, 324-35.

[1:21]  121 tn Grk “you will call his name.”

[1:21]  122 sn The Greek form of the name Ihsous, which was translated into Latin as Jesus, is the same as the Hebrew Yeshua (Joshua), which means “Yahweh saves” (Yahweh is typically rendered as “Lord” in the OT). It was a fairly common name among Jews in 1st century Palestine, as references to a number of people by this name in the LXX and Josephus indicate.

[1:23]  123 tn Grk “they will call his name.”

[1:23]  124 sn A quotation from Isa 7:14.

[1:23]  125 tn Grk “is translated.”

[1:23]  126 sn An allusion to Isa 8:8, 10 (LXX).

[1:35]  127 tn Grk “And the angel said to her.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. The pronoun αὐτῇ (auth, “to her”) has not been included in the translation since it is redundant in contemporary English.

[1:35]  128 sn The phrase will overshadow is a reference to God’s glorious presence at work (Exod 40:34-35; Ps 91:4).

[1:35]  129 tn Or “the one born holy will be called the Son of God.” The wording of this phrase depends on whether the adjective is a predicate adjective, as in the text, or is an adjective modifying the participle serving as the subject. The absence of an article with the adjective speaks for a predicate position. Other less appealing options supply a verb for “holy”; thus “the one who is born will be holy”; or argue that both “holy” and “Son of God” are predicates, so “The one who is born will be called holy, the Son of God.”

[1:35]  130 tc A few mss (C* Θ Ë1 33 pc) add “by you” here. This looks like a scribal addition to bring symmetry to the first three clauses of the angel’s message (note the second person pronoun in the previous two clauses), and is too poorly supported to be seriously considered as authentic.

[1:35]  131 tn Or “Therefore the holy child to be born will be called the Son of God.” There are two ways to understand the Greek phrase τὸ γεννώμενον ἅγιον (to gennwmenon {agion) here. First, τὸ γεννώμενον could be considered a substantival participle with ἅγιον as an adjective in the second predicate position, thus making a complete sentence; this interpretation is reflected in the translation above. Second, τὸ ἅγιον could be considered a substantival adjective with γεννώμενον acting as an adjectival participle, thus making the phrase the subject of the verb κληθήσεται (klhqhsetai); this interpretation is reflected in the alternative reading. Treating the participle γεννώμενον as adjectival is a bit unnatural for the very reason that it forces one to understand ἅγιον as substantival; this introduces a new idea in the text with ἅγιον when an already new topic is being introduced with γεννώμενον. Semantically this would overload the new subject introduced at this point. For this reason the first interpretation is preferred.

[1:14]  132 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “now” to indicate the transition to a new topic, the incarnation of the Word. Greek style often begins sentences or clauses with “and,” but English style generally does not.

[1:14]  133 tn This looks at the Word incarnate in humility and weakness; the word σάρξ (sarx) does not carry overtones of sinfulness here as it frequently does in Pauline usage. See also John 3:6.

[1:14]  134 tn Grk “and tabernacled.”

[1:14]  135 tn Grk “and we saw.”

[1:14]  136 tn Or “of the unique one.” Although this word is often translated “only begotten,” such a translation is misleading, since in English it appears to express a metaphysical relationship. The word in Greek was used of an only child (a son [Luke 7:12, 9:38] or a daughter [Luke 8:42]). It was also used of something unique (only one of its kind) such as the mythological Phoenix (1 Clem. 25:2). From here it passes easily to a description of Isaac (Heb 11:17 and Josephus, Ant., 1.13.1 [1.222]) who was not Abraham’s only son, but was one-of-a-kind because he was the child of the promise. Thus the word means “one-of-a-kind” and is reserved for Jesus in the Johannine literature of the NT. While all Christians are children of God, Jesus is God’s Son in a unique, one-of-a-kind sense. The word is used in this way in all its uses in the Gospel of John (1:14, 1:18, 3:16, and 3:18).

[4:4]  137 tn Grk “the fullness of time” (an idiom for the totality of a period of time, with the implication of proper completion; see L&N 67.69).

[4:1]  138 tn Grk “a small child.” The Greek term νήπιος (nhpios) refers to a young child, no longer a helpless infant but probably not more than three or four years old (L&N 9.43). The point in context, though, is that this child is too young to take any responsibility for the management of his assets.

[4:1]  139 tn Grk “master” or “lord” (κύριος, kurios).

[3:16]  140 tn Grk “his seed,” a figurative extension of the meaning of σπέρμα (sperma) to refer to descendants (L&N 10.29).

[3:16]  141 tn Grk “It”; the referent (the scripture) has been specified in the translation for clarity. The understood subject of the verb λέγει (legei) could also be “He” (referring to God) as the one who spoke the promise to Abraham.

[3:16]  142 tn Grk “to seeds.” See the note on “descendant” earlier in this verse. Here the term is plural; the use of the singular in the OT text cited later in this verse is crucial to Paul’s argument.

[3:16]  143 tn See the note on “descendant” earlier in this verse.

[3:1]  144 tn Grk “O” (an interjection used both in address and emotion). In context the following section is highly charged emotionally.

[3:1]  145 tn Or “deceived”; the verb βασκαίνω (baskainw) can be understood literally here in the sense of bewitching by black magic, but could also be understood figuratively to refer to an act of deception (see L&N 53.98 and 88.159).

[3:1]  146 tn Or “publicly placarded,” “set forth in a public proclamation” (BDAG 867 s.v. προγράφω 2).

[4:2]  147 tn The Greek term translated “guardians” here is ἐπίτροπος (epitropo"), whose semantic domain overlaps with that of παιδαγωγός (paidagwgo") according to L&N 36.5.

[4:2]  148 tn Grk “the,” but the Greek article is used here as a possessive pronoun (ExSyn 215).

[4:3]  149 tn See the note on the word “minor” in 4:1.

[4:3]  150 tn Or “basic principles,” “elemental things,” or “elemental spirits.” Some interpreters take this as a reference to supernatural powers who controlled nature and/or human fate.

[4:2]  151 tn The Greek term translated “guardians” here is ἐπίτροπος (epitropo"), whose semantic domain overlaps with that of παιδαγωγός (paidagwgo") according to L&N 36.5.

[4:2]  152 tn Grk “the,” but the Greek article is used here as a possessive pronoun (ExSyn 215).

[1:7]  153 tn Grk “which is not another,” but this could be misunderstood to mean “which is not really different.” In fact, as Paul goes on to make clear, there is no other gospel than the one he preaches.

[1:7]  154 tn Grk “except.”

[1:7]  155 tn Or “trying.”

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