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1 Chronicles 17:11-14


time <03117> [when thy.]

die <03212 01> [go to be.]

raise up <06965> [I will raise.]


build <01129> [He shall.]

I <03559> [I will.]


father <01> [I will be.]

son <01121> [my son.]

withhold ......... withheld ... from ... one ... ruled <05493> [I will not.]

withhold ......... withheld ... from ... one ... ruled <05493> [as I took.]


house <01004> [in mine.]

In the parallel passage, it is "thine house, and thy kingdom." Jehovah was Israel's king; and David and Solomon were merely his viceregents, as well as types of the Messiah.

1 Chronicles 22:9-10


son <01121> [a son.]

rest ................. give <05117 05414> [I will give.]

Solomon <08010> [Solomon. that is, Peaceable.]

give ... peace <07965 05414> [I will give peace.]


build <01129> [He shall build.]

son <01121> [he shall be.]

I ... grant <03559> [I will establish.]

1 Chronicles 22:2


resident foreigners <01616> [the strangers.]

stonecutters <02672> [masons.]

1 Chronicles 7:13-14


Jahziel <03185> [Jahziel.]

[Jahzeel. Shallum.]

[Shillem. the sons of Bilhah.]


sons <01121> [The sons.]

The text in these two verses seems to be strangely corrupted; and, as it stands, is scarcely intelligible. Probably it should be rendered, "The sons of Manasseh were Ashriel, whom his Syrian concubine bore to him; and Machir the father of Gilead, whom (his wife) bore to him. Machir took for a wife Maachah, sister to Huppim and Shuppim." This is nearly the version of Dr. Geddes.

Makir <04353> [Machir.]

1 Chronicles 7:2


listed <04557> [whose number.]

This was probably the number returned by Joab and his assistants, when they made that census of the people with which God was so much displeased. We find that the effective men of Issachar amounted to 87,000 (ver. 5;) 22,600 of whom descended from Tola his eldest son; but whether the 36,000 (ver. 4) were descendants of Tola by Uzzi, and the 22,600 his descendants by Tola's other sons; or whether another of Issachar's sons be intended, does not clearly appear; though the former seems the more obvious meaning.

1 Chronicles 1:9

Zechariah 6:12-13


man <0376> [behold.]

name <08034> [whose.]

sprout ....... build <06779 01129> [grow up out of his place. or, branch up from under him. he shall build.]


clothed <05375> [bear.]

priest <03548> [a priest.]

see eye to eye <06098> [and the.]

Hebrews 3:3


he <3778> [this.]

builder of a house <2680> [who.]

Hebrews 3:6


as <5613> [as.]

<3739> [whose.]

if <1437> [if.]

pride <2745> [rejoicing.]

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