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1 Chronicles 18:4


1,000 ... 7,000 .... 20,000 <0505 07651> [seven thousand.]

[seven hundred. David.]

The words {wyakker Dawid eth col haraichev,} should be rendered, "and David disjointed all the chariots;" which is nearly the rendering of the LXX., [kai paraluse David panta ta armata.] To have houghed the horses would have been both unreasonable and inhuman; for, as he had gained so complete a victory, there was no danger of their falling into the hands of the enemy; and if he did not choose to keep them, which indeed the law would not permit, he ought to have killed them outright.

cut the hamstrings <06131> [houghed.]

chariots ............... hundred .... chariot horses <07393 03967> [an hundred chariots.]

Exodus 14:9


<04714> [the Egyptians.]

camping <02583> [encamping.]


Jude 1:3


have been <4160> [when.]

common <2839> [common.]

to contend earnestly <1864> [that ye.]

once for all <530> [which.]

saints <40> [the saints.]

Jude 1:1


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]

Jude 1:5


to remind <5279> [put.]

having saved <4982> [having.]

later <1208> [afterward.]

Jude 1:2


Jude 1:9


Michael <3413> [Michael.]

It is most probable, that the Apostle took this account concerning Michael, and that of the prophesying of Enoch, from an ancient tradition preserved and well known among the Jews.

archangel <743> [archangel.]

body <4983> [the body.]

he did ... dare <5111> [durst.]

Lord <2962> [The Lord.]

Psalms 20:7-9


chariots <07393> [Some trust.]

depend on <02142> [but we.]


<03766> [They.]

stand <06965> [but we.]


deliver <03467> [Save, etc. or, "O Jehovah, save the king; answer us when we call upon thee."]

king <04428> [let.]

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