1 Corinthians 5:1
It is ... reported <191> [reported.]
sexual immorality ....... of immorality <4202> [fornication.]
<2532> [and.]
so that someone <5620 5100> [that one.]
1 Corinthians 5:10-11
mean <3843> [altogether.]
this <5127> [of this.]
since <1893> [for.]
calls <3687> [called.]
sexually immoral <4205> [fornicator.]
or greedy or .... or .... or .... or <2228 4123> [or covetous.]
or ... or an idolater or .... or .... or <2228 1496> [or an idolater.]
or ... or .... or verbally abusive or .... or <2228 3060> [or a railer.]
or ... or .... or .... or ... drunkard or <2228 3183> [or a drunkard.]
or ... or .... or .... or .... or ... swindler <2228 727> [or an extortioner.]
such a person <5108> [with.]