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1 Samuel 14:6-16


<03212> [Come.]

This action of Jonathan's was totally contrary to the laws of war; no military operation should be undertaken without the knowledge and command of the general. But it is highly probable, that this gallant man was led to undertake the hazardous enterprise by an immediate divine impulse; and by the same influence was kept from informing the soldiers, and even from consulting his father, who might have opposed his design.

uncircumcised men <06189> [uncircumcised.]

Lord .......... Lord <03068> [it may be.]

prevent <04622> [for there is no restraint.]

Where there is a promise of defense and support, the weakest, in the face of the strongest enemy, may rely upon it with the utmost confidence.


Do ....... mind ........... way <06213 03824> [Do all.]


go over <05674> [we will pass.]


say <0559> [they.]

Stay put <01826> [Tarry. Heb. Be still.]


sign <0226> [this shall be a sign.]


holes <02356> [out of the holes.]


up ....... teach ............... up <05927 03045> [Come up to us.]

Meaning, that they would cause them to repent of their audacity. This was the favourable sign which Jonathan had requested.

up ..................... up behind <05927 0310> [Come up after me.]


up <05927> [climbed up.]

down <05307> [fell.]


area .... half ... acre <04618 07704 02677> [an half acre of land. or, half a furrow of an acre of land.]

The original is obscure and variously understood; but it is probably a proverbial expression for a small space.


fear overwhelmed ............................... fear <02731> [there was trembling.]

bands <07843> [the spoilers.]

trembled .... ground <07264 0776> [the earth quaked.]

fear overwhelmed ............................... fear ..... God <02731 0430> [very great trembling. Heb. trembling of God.]

God will in some way or other direct the steps of those who acknowledge him in all their ways, and seek unto him for direction with full purpose of heart. Sometimes we find most comfort in that which is least our own doing, and into which we have been led by the unexpected, but well observed, turns of Providence.


melt <04127> [melted away.]

<01986> [beating down.]

1 Samuel 14:20-23


marched <02199 0935> [assembled themselves. Heb. were cried together. every man's.]


Hebrews <05680> [the Hebrews.]

Probably such as they held in bondage, or who were their servants. Instead of (h„ivrim,} "the Hebrews," the LXX. evidently read {haƒvdim,} for they have [Loi douloi,] "the slaves;" but this reading is not countenanced by any other version, nor by any MS.


hidden ..... hill country <02244 02022> [hid themselves.]

battle <04421> [the battle.]

The LXX. and Vulgate add here, [kai pas ho laos en meta Saoul hos deka chiliades andron,] {Et erant cum Saul, quasi decem millia virorum.} "And [all the people who were, LXX.] there were with Saul about ten thousand men;" but this is supported by no other authority.


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Beth Aven <01007> [Beth-aven.]

1 Samuel 17:49-53


striking <05221> [smote.]


David prevailed .................... David <01732 02388> [So David prevailed.]

The tradition of the combat between David and Goliath, in which the latter was killed, is preserved among the Arabs; for he is mentioned in the Koran, where he is called Galut or Jalut. The Arabs also call the dynasty of the Philistine kings, who reigned in Palestine when the Hebrews came there, Galutiah, or Jalutiah. Achmed Al Fassi says, "Those kings were as well known by the name of Jalaut, as the ancient kings of Egypt by that of Pharaoh. David killed the Jalaut who reigned in his time, and entirely rooted out the Philistines, the rest of whom fled into Africa, and from them descended the Brebers or Berbers, who inhabit the coast of Barbary." It is remarkable that the Berbers themselves should acknowledge their descent from the Philistines. "The name Goliath, which they pronounce Sghi…lud, is very common among the Brebers, and the history of the champion of the Philistines is very well known to the Moors. When children quarrel, and the bigger one challenges the smaller to fight the latter answers, 'Who will fight with you? {Enta men ulid Sgi…lud.} You are of the race of Golaith.' The Jews who dwell among them, on the mountains, all call them Philistines."

sword <02719> [but there was.]


sword <02719> [his sword.]

cut off <03772> [cut off.]

ran away <05127> [fled.]


Israel <03478 0582> [the men of Israel.]

valley <01516> [valley.]


looted <08155> [they spoiled.]

1 Samuel 28:3-5


Samuel <08050> [Samuel.]

removed <05493> [put away.]


Shunem <07766> [Shunem.]

Gilboa <01533> [Gilboa.]


was absolutely <03372> [he was afraid.]

1 Samuel 31:1-7


Philistines ............. Philistines <06430> [the Philistines.]

fell <05307> [fell down.]

dead <02491> [slain. Heb. wounded. Gilboa.]

Eusebius and Jerome place this mountain six miles west from Bethshan, where was a large place called Gelbus. The natives still call it Djebel Gilbo.


heels <01692> [followed.]

Jonathan <03083> [Jonathan.]

Saul ........ Saul's sons <07586 01121> [Saul's sons.]


thick <03513> [went sore.]

archers spotted <04672 03384> [archers hit him. Heb. shooters, men with bows, found him.]


Draw <08025> [Draw.]

uncircumcised people <06189> [uncircumcised.]

bearer ................... torture ...... bearer <05953 05375> [abuse me. or, mock me. he was sore.]

Saul ........................................ Saul <07586> [Saul.]

sword ................................... sword <02719> [a sword.]

{Eth hacherve,} rather, "the sword," i.e., his armour- bearer's, who, according to the Jews, was Doeg; and if so, then Saul and his executioner fell by the same sword with which they massacred the priests of God.




abandoned ... cities <05800 05892> [they forsook the cities.]

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