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1 Samuel 20:30


Saul <07586> [Saul's.]

chosen ... son <01121 0977> [Thou, etc. or, Thou perverse rebel. Heb. Son of perverse rebellion.]

disgrace ..... disgrace <01322> [and unto the.]

This reflection on the mother of Jonathan, by the passionate monarch, reflects more dishonour on himself than on his brave and noble minded son. Mungo Park gives an instance of the prevalence of the same principles in Africa; for he says, "Maternal affection is every where conspicuous among the Africans, and creates a correspondent return of tenderness in the child. 'Strike me,' said my attendant, 'but do not curse my mother.' I found the same sentiment to prevail universally in all parts of Africa." King Saul, unable to villify Jonathan to his own satisfaction by personal reproaches, outstepped the ordinary abuse of his day, and proceeded to that which was designed to produce unusual vexation, and vented the bitterness of his mind by maligning the character of his own wife and Jonathan's mother.

1 Samuel 22:7-8


Benjaminites ... Jesse's son <03448 01121> [the son of Jesse.]

giving <05414> [give.]

commanders ... officers <08269> [captains.]


informs ...... son ....... son ............. informs ...... son <01540 01121> [sheweth me. Heb. uncovereth mine ear.]

20:2 Job 33:16 *marg: [All]

son ....... son .................. son <01121> [that my son.]

Exodus 5:2


Lord ............... Lord <03068> [Who.]

Lord ............. know ... Lord <03045 03068> [I know not.]

Israel ............. Israel <03478> [neither.]

Jude 1:1-2


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]


Jude 1:1


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]

Jude 1:1


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]

Jude 1:16


grumblers <1113> [murmurers.]

go <4198> [walking.]

their <846 4750> [their mouth.]

folks <4383> [having.]

Psalms 73:7-8


<05869> [eyes.]

<05674> [have, etc. Heb. pass the thoughts of the heart.]


mock <04167> [corrupt.]

say evil things .... threaten <07451 01696> [speak wickedly.]

say ..... proudly threaten <04791 01696> [speak loftily.]

Psalms 123:3-4


favor ...... favor <02603> [Have mercy.]

some <07227> [for we are.]


taunts <03933> [with the scorning.]

Isaiah 32:5


fool <05036> [vile.]

deceiver <03596> [nor.]

Isaiah 32:7


methods <03627> [instruments.]

<03289> [deviseth.]

lies <08267> [lying.]

needy ..... right <01696 04941 034> [the needy speaketh right. or, he speaketh against the poor in judgment.]

TIP #15: Use the Strong Number links to learn about the original Hebrew and Greek text. [ALL]
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