NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 30:10


hundred ........ hundred <03967> [for two hundred.]

exhausted <06296> [so faint.]

Wadi Besor <05158 01308> [the brook Besor.]

This brook or torrent, it is evident from the circumstances of the history, must be in the south-west part of Judea, and must empty itself into the Mediterranean Sea. In the more particular situation of it writers are not agreed. Some suppose it to be between Gaza and Rhinocorura; but Jerome places it between Rhinocorura and Egypt. It is supposed by some to be the same as the river of the wilderness, (Am 6:14,) and the river of Egypt, Jos 15:4.

1 Samuel 30:22-24


evil <07451> [wicked.]

<0582> [those. Heb. the men. Because.]


brothers <0251> [my brethren.]

Lord <03068> [which the Lord.]

protected <08104> [who hath.]


portion ................. portion <02506> [but as his part.]

This equitable edict was somewhat different from that which had so long obtained in Israel, and by which the spoil of the Midianites was divided: that related to the whole people: this only to the soldiers, some of whom went to battle, while others guarded the baggage.

remained <03427> [tarrieth.]

1 Samuel 30:2


kill anyone <04191 0376> [slew not.]

1 Samuel 7:8


Keep <02790> [Cease, etc. Heb. Be not silent from us from crying.]

Psalms 68:12


Kings <04428> [Kings.]

leading ... run away ... run away ... lovely lady <05074> [did flee apace. Heb. did flee, did flee. she.]

Psalms 68:1


[A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. (Title.)]

This magnificent and truly sublime ode is supposed, with much probability, to have been composed by David, and sung at the removal of the ark from Kirjath-jearim.

God .... action <06965 0430> [God arise.]

scatter <06327> [be scattered.]

adversaries .... him <08130> [that hate.]

<06440> [before him. Heb. from his face.]

Colossians 1:27


<3739> [whom.]

riches <4149> [the riches.]

Christ <5547> [Christ.]

among ....... in you <1722 5213> [in you. or, among you. the hope.]

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