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2 Kings 18:17


king .................. King <04428> [A.M. 3294. B.C. 710. the king.]

general <08661> [Tartan.]

Calmet remarks, that these are not the names of persons, but of offices: {Tartan} signifies "he who presides over gifts or tribute;" {Rabsaris,} "the chief of the eunuchs;" and {Rabshakeh,} "the chief cup-bearer."

large <03515> [great. Heb. heavy. the conduit of the upper pool.]

If the Fuller's field were near En-Rogel, or the Fuller's fountain, east of Jerusalem, as is generally supposed, then the conduit of the upper pool may been an aqueduct that brought the water from the upper or eastern reservoir of that fountain, which had been seized in order to distress the city.

2 Kings 18:19


chief adviser <07262> [Rab-shakeh.]

He was the chief speaker, being a very eloquent man, and, according to the Hebrews, whom Procopius follows, an apostate Jew; which is not improbable, as he spoke Hebrew so fluently; and when he blasphemed the Divine Majesty, the king and nobles rent their clothes, which was usual unless the blasphemer were an Israelite.

said .... Tell <0559> [Thus saith.]

confidence <0986> [What confidence.]

2 Kings 18:27-35


eat <0398> [eat.]

<04325> [their own piss. Heb. the water of their feet.]


chief adviser <07262> [Rab-shakeh.]

king ... king ... Assyria <04428 0804> [the king of Assyria.]


says <0559> [saith.]

Hezekiah <02396> [Let not.]


trusting <0982> [make you.]

city <05892> [this city.]


Send .... token of your submission <06213 01293> [Make an agreement with me. or, Seek my favour. Heb. Make with me a blessing.]

each ..... eat .... own ........... own <0398 0376> [eat ye.]

cistern <0953> [cistern. or, pit.]


come <0935> [I come.]

land ....... land ........ land ....... land <0776> [like your own.]

misleading <05496> [persuadeth. or, deceiveth.]


actually <0376> [Hath any.]


gods ......... gods <0430> [the gods.]

Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]

Hamath, there is little doubt, was the Epiphania of the Greeks, as Josephus, Theodoret, and Jerome, expressly assert. It was a celebrated city of Syria, situated on the Orontes, and the present Hamah doubtless occupies its site; as Abulfeda, who was prince or emir of Hamah about A.D. 1345, expressly states, in his Description of Syria, that Hamah is an ancient city mentioned in the writings of the Israelites. It is still a considerable town, situated on both sides of the Orontes, about three days' journey and a half from Tripoli; and must contain, Burckhardt says, at least 30,000 inhabitants.

Arpad <0774> [Arpad.]

Arpad is probably the town of Arphas, mentioned by Josephus as limiting the province of Gamalitis, Gaulanitis, Batanea, and Trachonitis, to the N. E.; and the Raphan, or Raphanea, which Stephanus places near Epiphania.

gods ......... gods <0430> [the gods.]


rescue <05337> [have they delivered.]


gods <0430> [Who are.]

Lord <03068> [that the Lord.]

2 Kings 19:9


heard <08085> [when he heard.]

When Sennacherib had levied contributions on Hezekiah, he marched his army into Egypt; where, after several successes, he laid siege to Pelusium, and spent much time in it; but hearing that Tirhakah, king of Ethiopia, whom Strabo calls Therchon, was marching against him with a great army, to assist his kinsman Sevechus, or Sethon, the king of Egypt, he durst not abide his coming, but raised the siege; and returning to Judea, he encamped against Lachish, and afterwards against Libnah. But finding that Tirhakah pursued him as a fugitive, he marched back to encounter him; and having totally routed his army, he returned to wreak his vengeance on Hezekiah.

sent <07971> [sent.]

2 Kings 19:23


Through <03027> [By. Heb. By the hand of. messengers.]

<07230> [With the multitude.]

tall cedars <0730 06967> [tall cedar trees thereof. Heb. tallness of the cedar-trees thereof. the forest of his Carmel. or, the forest, and his fruitful field.]

2 Kings 19:2


sent Eliakim <0471 07971> [he sent Eliakim.]

Isaiah <03470> [to Isaiah.]

[Esaias. the son of Amoz.]

2 Kings 1:9-16


sent ... captain <07971 08269> [sent unto.]

sitting <03427> [he sat.]

Prophet <0376> [Thou man.]


prophet <0376> [If I be a man.]

fire .............. Fire <0784> [let fire.]

Or, rather, as the original literally imports, and the LXX. render, [katabesetai pyr,] fire shall come down; Elijah's words being simply declarative, and not imprecatory.

consume ............... consumed <0398> [consumed.]


king <07725> [Again.]

Prophet <0376> [O man.]



king sent <07725 07971> [he sent again.]

fell .... knees <03766 01290> [fell on. Heb. bowed.]

begged for mercy <02603> [besought.]

Prophet <0430 0376> [O man of God.]


came down <03381> [Behold.]

life <05315> [let my life.]


afraid <06440 03372> [be not afraid of him.]


sent <07971> [Forasmuch.]

Baal Zebub <01176> [Baal-zebub.]

Literally, "the lord of flies;" or, as the LXX. render, [Baal mwean theon,] Baal the fly god. See note on Ex 8:24.

[on which thou are gone up.]

In the East there is usually at the end of each chamber a little gallery, raised three or four feet above the floor, with a balustrade in front, to which they go up by a few steps: here they place their beds; an allusion to which situation is involved in this declaration of Elijah's, and frequently referred to in the Sacred Scriptures: see Ge 49:4.

2 Kings 1:1


Moab <04124> [Moab.]

After ... died <0310 04194> [after the.]

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