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2 Kings 5:25-26


stood .... master <05975 0113> [stood before.]

<0370> [Whence.]

servant <05650> [Thy servant.]

Where ............ anywhere <0575> [no whither. Heb. not hither or thither.]


replied <0559> [he said.]

<01980> [Went.]

time <06256> [Is it a time.]

2 Kings 5:2


Raiding parties <01416> [by companies.]

became a servant <06440> [waited on. Heb. was before.]

2 Kings 12:7-15


King Jehoash <03060 04428> [king Jehoash.]

Jehoiada <03077> [Jehoiada.]

repaired ... damage ...................... damage <02388 0919> [Why repair ye.]


took ... chest <03947 0259 0727> [took a chest.]

near <0681> [beside.]

priest .............................. priests <03548> [the priests.]

guarded <05592> [door. Heb. threshold.]

Ps 84:10 *marg:


royal <04428> [the king's.]

secretary <05608> [scribe. or, secretary. put up. Heb. bound up.]

bagged <06696> [in bags.]

Sir J. Chardin informs us, "it is a custom of Persia always to seal up bags of money; and the money of the king's treasure is not told, but is received by bags sealed up." These are what are called in the East purses; each of which, as Maillet informs us, contains money to the amount of 1,500 livres, or about 63Å“. of our money. The money thus collected for the reparation of the temple, seems, in like manner, to have been reckoned in bags of equal value to each other; as we can scarcely imagine the placing it in bags would otherwise have been mentioned. The value of a Jewish purse is unknown; but the bags mentioned in ch. 5:23, amounted to a talent.


hand over ... silver <03701 05414> [gave the money.]

hired <03318> [laid it out. Heb. brought it forth.]


masons <01443> [masons.]

paid <03318> [was laid out. Heb. went forth.]


used <06213> [there were not.]

That is, there were no vessels made for the service of the temple till all the outward repairs were completed; but, when this was done, "they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada, whereof were made vessels of gold and silver," (2 Ch 24:14,) to replace those which had been taken away by Athaliah and her sons.

bowls <05592> [bowls.]

trumpets <02689> [trumpets.]


audit <02803> [they reckoned.]

<06213> [for they dealt.]

2 Kings 12:2


2 Kings 16:7-10


Tiglath-pileser <08407> [Tiglath-pileser. Heb. Tilgath-pileser.]

[Tilgath-pilneser. I am thy servant.]

rescue <03467> [and save.]


silver <03701> [the silver.]

royal .......... king <04428> [to the king.]


attacked <05927> [A.M. 3264. B.C. 740. went up.]


Damascus <01834> [Damascus. Heb. Dammesek. Kir.]

Josephus informs us that this place was in Upper Media; and it is clear that it must be understood of some city or country in the dominions of the king of Assyria. It is highly probable that it was the country on the banks of the river [Kuros,] Cyrus, or Kyrus, now called Kur, or Kura; and we find cities called Cyropolis, Cyrena, and Carine, mentioned by writers as lying in these parts, and a part of Media, called Syromedia, as it is thought, from the Syrians who were carried captive thither.

executed Rezin <07526 04191> [slew Rezin.]


saw ... altar .............. altar <04196 07200> [saw an altar.]

blueprint <08403> [the pattern.]

2 Kings 25:7-9


executed <07819> [they slew.]

put out <05786> [and put out. Heb. and made blind.]

Thus were fulfilled the apparently contradictory prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel--that his eyes should see the king of Babylon, but Babylon he should not see, though he should die there.

bound .... bronze <0631 05178> [bound him.]


fifth month <02320 02549> [in the fifth month.]

This answered to Wednesday, August 24; and three days after he reduced the temple to ashes, and carried Judah captive; in the 11th year of Zedekiah; the 19th of Nebuchadnezzar; 424 years, 3 months, and 8 days from the foundation of the temple; 468 years from the beginning of the reign of David; 388 years from the division of the ten tribes; and 134 years from their captivity.

nineteenth <08672> [the nineteenth.]

Nebuzaradan <05018> [Nebuzar-adan.]

captain <07227> [captain. or, chief marshal.]


burned down .............. including <08313> [he burnt.]

royal <04428> [the king's.]

2 Kings 25:15-16


golden <02091> [and such things.]


[one sea. Heb. the one sea. the brass.]

Psalms 141:5


godly <06662> [the righteous.]

strike <01986> [smite, etc. or, smite me kindly and reprove me; let not their precious oil break my head, etc. for yet my.]

Proverbs 25:12


earring <05141> [an ear-ring.]

wise <02450> [a wise.]

Jeremiah 26:18-19


Micah <04320> [Micah.]

Zion <06726> [Zion.]

Josephus relates that Titus, after he had taken Jerusalem, ordered his soldiers to demolish it, except three of the largest and most beautiful towers, and the western wall of the city; all the rest was levelled, so that they who had never before seen it, could scarcely persuade themselves it had been inhabited. The Jewish writers also inform us, that Turnus Rufus, whom Titus had left in command, ploughed up the very foundations of the temple. When Dr. Richardson visited this sacred spot in 1818, he found one part of Mount Zion supporting a crop of barley, and another undergoing the labour of the plough: the soil turned up consisted of stone and lime mixed with earth, such as is usually met with in foundations of ruined cities. It is nearly a mile in circumference; is highest on the west side, and, towards the east, falls down in broad terraces on the upper part of the mountain as it slopes down toward the brook Kidron.

[See on]

Jerusalem <03389> [Jerusalem. See on ch.]

mount <02022> [the mountain.]


reverence <03373> [did he.]

Lord ... seek ... Lord's ...... Lord <03068 02470> [besought the Lord. Heb. besought the face of the Lord. and the Lord. See on ver.]

we <0587> [Thus.]

Amos 7:12-13


visionary <02374> [O thou.]

<03212> [go.]

Earn <0398> [eat.]


prophesy <05012> [prophesy.]

royal <04428> [for.]

temple <04720> [chapel. or, sanctuary. king's court. Heb. house of the kingdom.]

Mark 6:18-19


It is ... lawful <1832> [It is.]


Herodias <2266> [Herodias.]

nursed a grudge <1758> [a quarrel. or, an inward grudge.]

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