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2 Samuel 12:16-17


prayed <01245> [besought.]

fasted <06684> [fasted. Heb. fasted a fast.]

spend .... lying <03885 07901> [lay all night.]


elders <02205> [the elders.]

2 Samuel 19:24


Mephibosheth <04648> [Mephibosheth.]

feet ... trimmed <06213 07272> [dressed his feet.]

Literally, made his feet, which seems to mean washing the feet paring the nails, and perhaps anointing or otherwise perfuming them, if not tinging the nails with henna; see Note on De 21:12. Sir John Chardin, in his MS. note on this place, informs us, that it is customary in the East to have as much care of the feet as the hands; and that their barbers cut and adjust the nails with a proper instrument, because they often go barefoot. The nails of the toes of the mummies inspected in London in 1763, of which an account is given in the Philosophical Transactions for 1764, seem to have been tinged with some reddish colour.

trimmed <06213> [trimmed.]

Literally, made his beard, which may mean, combing, curling, and perfuming it. But Mr. Morier says that they almost universally dye the beard black, by successive layers of a paste made of henna, and another made of the leaf of the indigo: the first tinging with an orange colour, and the next with a dark bottle green, which becomes jet black when exposed to the air for twenty-four hours.

2 Samuel 19:1


2 Samuel 21:1


famine <07458> [A.M. 2986. B.C. 1018. An. Ex. Ex. Is. 473. a famine.]

inquired <01245> [enquired. Heb. sought the face, etc. of the Lord.]

Saul <07586> [It is.]

Saul <07586> [Saul.]

Job 21:12


Psalms 137:2


hang <08518> [we hanged.]

Willows were so plentiful at Babylon, on the banks of the Euphrates, that Isaiah calls it "the brook or river of willows."

Ecclesiastes 2:8


silver <03701> [silver.]

singers .... singers <07891> [men singers.]

harem .... concubines <07705> [musical instruments, etc. Heb. musical instrument and instruments.]

The difficult words {shiddah weshiddoth} are variously rendered. The LXX. have [oinocoon kai oinochoas,] "male and female cup-bearers," with which the Syriac and Arabic and Parkhurst agree; Aquila, [kulikon kai kulikia,] "a cup and smaller cups;" Jerome, {scyphos et urceolos, (Vulg. {urceos,}) "goblets and pots;" Targum, "warm and cold baths;" others, as M. Desvoeux, "male and female captives;" others, "cooks and confectioners;" others, "a species of musical compositions," derived from Sido, a celebrated Phoenician woman, to whom Sanchoniatho attributes the invention of music; but others, with more probability, "wives and concubines;" and {siddoth} may be in this sense synonymous with the Arabic {seedat, domina, conjux} from {sada,} in {Conj. V. conjugium inivit.} Of the former, Solomon had three hundred, and of the latter, seven hundred; and if they are not mentioned here they are not mentioned at all, which is wholly unaccountable.

Isaiah 24:8-9



Amos 6:4-6


lie <07901> [lie.]

beds <04296> [beds.]

Either sofas to recline on at table, or beds to sleep on; which among the ancients, were ornamented with ivory inlaid.

sprawl ..... couches <06210 05628> [stretch themselves upon their couches. or, abound with superfluities.]


sing <06527> [chant. or, quaver. to the.]

David <01732> [like.]


drink <08354> [drink.]

This probably refers to the costliness and magnificence of the drinking vessels, as well as to the quantity drank.

wine ... sacrificial bowls <03196 04219> [wine in bowls. or, in bowls of wine.]

best <07225> [chief.]

concerned <02470> [but.]

ruin <07667> [affliction. or, breach.]

Jonah 3:3-9


immediately <06965> [arose.]

enormous city <01419 05892 0430> [an exceeding great city. Heb. a city great of God. So.]

Ge 30:8 *marg: Ps 36:6 *marg: Ps 80:10 *marg: [All]


forty <0705> [Yet.]


believed <0539> [believed.]

declared <07121> [and proclaimed.]

greatest <01419> [from.]


reached <01697> [word.]

got <06965> [and he arose.]

<03680> [and covered.]


proclamation <02199> [caused.]

<0559> [published. Heb. said. nobles. Heb. great men. herd.]


cry <07121> [cry.]

person ................. turn <0120 07725> [let.]

violence <02555> [the violence.]


Revelation 18:22


sound ............................... noise <5456> [the voice.]

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