NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

2 Samuel 13:20-28


Amnon <0550> [Amnon. Heb. Aminon. but hold.]

seriously <07896 01697> [regard not. Heb. set not thine heart on. desolate. Heb. and desolate.]


very angry <03966 02734> [he was very wroth.]

The Septuagint and Vulgate add, [Kai ouk elupese to pneuma Amnon tou huiou autou, hoti egapa auton, hoti prototokos autou en;] et noluit contristare spiritum Amnon filii sui, quoniam diligebat eum, quia primogenitus erat ei: "But he would not grieve the soul of Amnon his son, for he loved him because he was his first-born." The same addition is found in Josephus; and it is probable that it once formed a part of the Hebrew text.


said <01696> [spake.]

good <02896> [neither good.]

hated <08130> [hated.]


sheepshearers <01494> [A.M. 2974. B.C. 1030. An. Ex. Is 461. sheep-shearers.]

invited <07121> [invited.]


king ............ king <03212 04428> [let the king.]


pressed <06555> [pressed.]

blessed <01288> [blessed.]

14:22 *marg: Ru 2:4 [All]


brother <0251> [let my brother.]

He urged this with the more plausibility because Amnon was the first-born, and presumptive heir to the crown; and he had dissembled his resentment so long and so well that he was not suspected.


Absalom <053> [Absalom.]


instructed ................................. instructions <06680> [commanded.]

<03820 02896> [heart is merry.]

instructed ....................... fear ........... instructions <03372 06680> [fear not.]

instructed ................................. instructions <06680> [have not I. or, Will you not, since I have, etc.]

<01121> [valiant. Heb. sons of valour.]

2 Samuel 14:24--15:18


see ............... see <07200> [let him not.]


Israel <03478> [But in all Israel, etc. Heb. And as Absalom there was not a beautiful man in all Israel to praise greatly.]

sole <03709> [from the sole.]


shave ............. shave ............ shave <01548> [when he polled.]

three pounds <08255 03967> [two hundred shekels.]

If the shekel be allowed to mean the common shekel, the amount will be utterly incredible; for Josephus says that "two hundred shekels make five {min‘:}" and the {mina,} he says, "weighs two pounds and a half;" which calculation makes Absalom's hair weigh twelve pounds and a half! But it is probable that the king's shekel was that which Epiphanius and Hesychius say was the fourth part of an ounce, half a {stater,} or two drachms: the whole amount, therefore, of the 200 shekels is about 50 ounces, which make 4 lb. 2 oz. troy weight, or 3 lb. 2 oz. avoirdupois. This need not be accounted incredible, especially as abundance of oil and ointment was used by the ancients in dressing their heads. Josephus informs us, that the Jews also put gold dust in their hair.


had <03205> [born.]

Tamar <08559> [Tamar.]


seeing ... king's <07200 04428> [A.M. 2977-2979. B.C. 1027-1025. An. Ex. Is. 464-466. and saw not.]


willing ................... willing <014> [but he would.]


to ........... adjacent <03027 0413> [near mine. Heb. near my place. go and set.]

Absalom's <053> [And Absalom's.]


better <02896> [it had been.]

am ... fault <03426> [if there.]


Absalom ........ Absalom ................ kissed <05401 053> [A.M. 2979. B.C. 1025. An. Ex. Is. 466. kissed Absalom.]


Absalom <053> [A.M. 2980. B.C. 1024. Absalom.]


get up <07925> [rose up.]

bring <0935> [came. Heb. to come.]


claims <01697> [thy matters.]

king <04428> [there is, etc. or, none will hear thee from the king downward.]


make <07760> [Oh that I.]

just settlement <06663> [I would do.]


embrace .... kiss <02388 05401> [took him.]

kiss <05401> [and kissed.]


way ... won <01589> [stole.]


four years <0705 08141> [A.M. 2983. B.C. 1021. An. Ex. Is. 470. forty years.]

As David reigned in the whole only forty years, this reading is evidently corrupt, though supported by the commonly printed Vulgate, LXX., and Chaldee. But the Syriac, Arabic, Josephus, Theodoret, the Sixtine edition of the Vulgate, and several MSS. of the same version, read four years; and it is highly probable that {arbÆ’im,} forty, is an error for {arbÆ’,} four, though not supported by any Hebrew MS. yet discovered. Two of those collated by Dr. Kennicott, however, have {yom,} "day," instead of {shanah,} "year," i.e., forty days instead of forty years; but this is not sufficient to outweigh the other authorities.

<03212> [let me go.]

repay <07999> [pay.]


I <05650> [thy servant.]

Geshur <01650> [Geshur.]

serve <05647> [I will serve.]


spies <07270> [spies.]

rules <04427> [reigneth.]

Hebron <02275> [Hebron.]


invited <07121> [called.]

naively <08537> [their simplicity.]


Ahithophel <0302> [Ahithophel.]

David's <01732> [David's.]

Giloh <01542> [Giloh.]

offering <02076> [while he offered.]

people <05971> [the people.]


<03820> [The hearts.]


Come on <06965> [Arise.]

19:9 Ps 3:1 *title [All]

bring <05080> [bring. Heb. thrust.]

kill <05221> [and smite.]


servants <05650> [Behold.]

decides <0977> [appoint. Heb. choose.]


king ................ king <04428> [the king.]

Ps 3:1 *title

king ............. foot .... king <07272 04428> [after him. Heb. at his feet.]

ten <06235 0802> [ten women.]


set out <03318> [went forth.]


Kerethites <03774> [Cherethites.]

Gittites <01663> [Gittites.]

2 Samuel 17:1-14


Then .... go <06965> [I will arise.]

night <03915> [this night.]


exhausted <03023> [weary.]

kill <05221> [I will smite.]


bring ..... back <07725> [I will bring.]

unharmed <07965> [shall be.]


idea <01697> [the saying.]

seemed ..... idea ... Absalom <03474 053 05869> [pleased Absalom well. Heb. was right in the eyes of Absalom.]


Hushai <02365> [Hushai.]

say <06310> [he saith. Heb. is in his mouth.]


said ...... what ......... advice <0559 01697> [saying. Heb. word.]



<03289> [given. Heb. counselled. not good.]


soldiers <01368> [mighty men.]

dangerous <05315 04751> [chafed in their minds. Heb. bitter of soul.]

bear <01677> [as a bear.]

father .... men ........................ father .... experienced <01 0376> [thy father is.]


hiding <02244> [he is hid.]

one ........ other similar <0259 05307> [some.]

similar <05307> [over thrown. Heb. fallen.]


lion-hearted <03820> [heart.]

virtually melt away <04549> [utterly melt.]

father <01> [thy father.]

bravest soldier ............................ brave <02428> [and they which.]


Israel <03478> [all Israel.]

sand <02344> [as the sand.]

lead <01980> [thou go. Heb. they face, or presence, go, etc. in thine.]


wherever ................................... one <04725 0259> [in some place.]

<05168> [we will light.]

This is a very beautiful and expressive figure. The dew in Palestine, and other warm climates, falls fast, sudden, and heavy; and it falls upon every spot of earth, so that not a blade of grass escapes it. It is therefore no inapt emblem of a numerous and active army; and it was, perhaps, for this reason that the Romans called their light armed forces {rorarii.}


take up ropes <05375 02256> [bring ropes.]

In the same manner the king of Maturan, in Java, proposed pulling down a tower which the Dutch had built, by making his people and elephants pull at a number of chains, and ropes of cocoa-nut bark, thrown around it.

pebble <01571 06872> [one small.]


Lord .............. Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

had <06680> [appointed. Heb. commanded.]

frustrate <06565> [to defeat.]

advice ....... better .... advice ............. advice <06098 02896> [good counsel.]

2 Samuel 18:9-18


head <07218> [his head.]

Riding furiously under the thick boughs of a great oak, which hung low and had never been cropped, either the twisted branches, or some low forked bough of the tree, caught him by the neck, or, as some think, by the loops into which his long hair had been pinned, which had been so much his pride, and was now justly made a halter for him. He may have hung so low from the bough, in consequence of the length of his hair, that he could not use his hands to help himself, or so entangled that his hands were bound, so that the more he struggled the more he was embarrassed. This set him up as a fair mark to the servants of David; and although David would have spared his rebellious son, if his orders had been executed, yet he could not turn the sword of Divine justice, in executing the just, righteous sentence of death on this traitorous son.

suspended <05414> [taken up.]


receiving <08254> [receive, etc. Heb. weigh upon mine hand. in our hearing.]


Protect <08104> [Beware, etc. Heb. Beware, whosoever ye be, of the, etc.]


acted <06213> [wrought.]

nothing <01697> [for there is no.]


<06440> [with thee. Heb. before thee. thrust them.]

oak tree <0424> [midst. Heb. heart.]


Then ... blew ... trumpet <08628 07782> [blew the trumpet.]


<05324> [laid.]

This was the ancient method of burying, whether heroes or traitors; the heap of stones being designed to perpetuate the memory of the event, whether good or bad. The Arabs in general make use of no other monument than a heap of stones over a grave. Thus, in an Arabic poem, it is related, that Hatim the father, and Adi the grandfather of Kais, having been murdered, at a time before Kais was capable of reflection, his mother kept it a profound secret; and in order to guard him against having any suspicion, she collected a parcel of stone on two hillocks in the neighbourhood, and told her son that the one was the grave of his father, and the other of his grandfather. The ancient cairns in Ireland and Scotland, and the tumuli in England, are of this kind.


set up <05324> [reared up.]

King's <04428> [the king's.]

son <01121> [I have no son.]

He ............. known <07121> [he called.]

Absalom ......................................... Absalom's Memorial <053 03027> [Absalom's place.]

Josephus says there was in his time, about two furlongs from Jerusalem, a marble pillar called Absalom's hand, as it is in the Hebrew, (See note on 1 Sa 15:12;) and there is one shown to the present day, in the valley of Jehoshaphat, which, though comparatively a modern structure, probably occupies the site of the original one set up by Absalom.

2 Samuel 18:33


son .... son ... son .............. son ... son <01121> [O my son.]

died <04191> [would God.]

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