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2 Samuel 24:25


built ... altar <01129 04196> [built there.]

Lord ............ Lord <03068> [So the Lord.]

Exodus 32:27-29


man ..................... each ... kill ..... friend <0376 02026> [slay every man.]


Levites <01121> [children.]

died <05307> [there fell.]


Or, another reading of this verse is: And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves to-day to the Lord; because every man hath been against his son and against his brother, etc.

Moses <04872> [Moses.]

consecrated <04390> [Consecrate. Heb. fill your hands.]

Numbers 25:13


descendants <02233> [his seed.]

permanent <05769> [an everlasting.]

zealous <07065> [zealous.]

atonement <03722> [atonement.]

Joshua 7:26


erected <06965> [raised.]

Lord's <03068> [So the Lord.]

Valley <06010> [The valley.]

Disaster <05911> [Achor. that is, Trouble.]

Joshua 7:1


disobeyed <04603> [committed.]

Achan <05912> [for Achan.]

[Achar, Zimri. took.]

furious <0639> [the anger.]

Joshua 18:1


Shiloh <07887> [Shiloh.]

Shiloh was situated on a hill in the tribe of Ephraim, though near the borders of Benjamin, about fifteen miles north of Jerusalem, and, according to Eusebius, twelve, or according to Jerome, ten miles (south) from Shechem or Nablous. It was but a little north from Bethel or Ai, and near the road from Shechem to Jerusalem. (Jud 21:19.) In Jerome's time, Shiloh was ruined; and nothing remarkable was extant, but the foundations of the altar of burnt offerings which had been erected when the tabernacle stood there.

<07931> [set up.]

Joshua 18:1


Shiloh <07887> [Shiloh.]

Shiloh was situated on a hill in the tribe of Ephraim, though near the borders of Benjamin, about fifteen miles north of Jerusalem, and, according to Eusebius, twelve, or according to Jerome, ten miles (south) from Shechem or Nablous. It was but a little north from Bethel or Ai, and near the road from Shechem to Jerusalem. (Jud 21:19.) In Jerome's time, Shiloh was ruined; and nothing remarkable was extant, but the foundations of the altar of burnt offerings which had been erected when the tabernacle stood there.

<07931> [set up.]

Jeremiah 14:1-7


spoke .... about <01697> [A.M. 3399. B.C. 605. The word.]

This discourse is supposed to have been delivered after the fourth year of Jehoiakim. The Hebrew {batzaroth,} rendered dearth, signifies restraint, that is, "when the heaven is shut up that there is no rain;" which Houbigant thinks happened early in the reign of Zedekiah.

drought <01226> [the dearth. Heb. the words of the dearths, or restraints.]


mourning <056> [mourneth.]

cities <08179> [the gates.]

sorrow <06937> [they.]

Cries of distress <06682> [the cry.]


leading men <0117> [their nobles.]

cisterns <01356> [pits.]

Disappointed <0954> [they were.]

bury <02645> [covered.]


ground <0127> [the ground.]

farmers <0406> [the plowmen.]



Wild donkeys <06501> [the wild.]

pant <07602> [they.]

They sucked in the air, for want of water, to cool their internal heat.

eyes <05869> [their.]


sins <05771> [though.]

intervene <06213> [do.]

turned away <04878> [for our.]

Joel 2:18-19


zealous <07065> [be.]

compassion <02550> [and pity.]


restore <07971> [I will send.]

satisfied <07646> [and ye.]

make <05414> [and I.]

Amos 7:1-6


showed <07200> [shewed.]

making <03335> [he.]

locusts <01462> [grasshoppers. or, green worms.]

{Govai,} in Arabic {gabee,} "locusts," probably in their caterpillar state, in which they are most destructive. This is supposed to have been an emblem of the first invasion of the Assyrians.

harvest <01488> [mowings.]

Or rather, feedings or grazings, as the people of the East make no hay. This was probably in the month of March, which is the only time of the year that the Arabs to this day feed their horses with grass.


completely <03615> [when.]

Sovereign <0136> [O Lord.]

Jacob survive <06965 03290> [by whom shall Jacob arise. or, who of (or for) Jacob shall stand?]

weak <06996> [for.]



saw <07200> [shewed.]

summoning <07121> [called.]

This is supposed to denote the invasion of Tiglathpileser, which threatened entire destruction.


stop <02308> [cease.]

weak <06996> [for.]


Jonah 1:15


picked <05375> [they.]

sea .... sea <03220> [and the.]

stopped <05975> [ceased. Heb. stood.]

Zechariah 6:8


peace <05117> [quieted.]

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